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This chart shows the gender pay gap isn't as bad as you think

Mar 23, 2016, 16:30 IST

View Apart/Shutterstockhttp://www.shutterstock.com/gallery-1428518p1.html

Men generally get paid more than women.


That's what a number of governmental organisations, such as the EU Commission, research centres and analysts have claimed.

So while we do know there is a gender pay gap, Glassdoor, the jobs review and recruitment marketplace, released a report to determine exactly why that is.

The report, entitled "Demystifying the Gender Pay Gap," looked at a data set of more than 534,000 salary reports shared on Glassdoor by employees and provided like-for-like comparisons.

Due to the sheer amount and specificity of the data, Glassdoor was able to then provide an adjusted gender gap percentage.


Glassdoor said it made sure the pay data is compared and crunched on a more like-for-like basis to give a more accurate reading.

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