New York Comic Con is often home to some of the most imaginative cosplays around. While we've seen some pretty incredible cosplay, there was also one woman's take on X-Men's Mystique that dominated the conversation on Friday, October 7. Rebecca Lindsey crafted what many are calling the most incredible cosplay they've ever seen.
The costume - a hybrid of a green army uniform and a bedazzled blue bodysuit - was photographed by Jody Houser and posted to Instagram around noon on the second day of NYCC. Within hours the image had made its way to Reddit, Imgur, Twitter, and beyond.
Behold the piece of cosplay art for yourself:
Lindsey's Mystique cosplay has now been viewed over 5 million times on Imgur, and received thousands of upvotes on various Reddit threads. Everyone agrees - the outfit is impressively creative and stunning.
A blog called "Cosplay in America" spotted Lindsey on the floor of NYCC, and interviewed her to learn more about the costume's creation.
"Making it was tough and I totally had my mom sew me in to the thing and help glue on the sequins," Lindsey told Cosplay in America. "I used an army costume from Ebay and a cheapo body suit from Amazon. We just cut off the extra and sewed the uniform on top of the blue. The sequins helped cover up all the seems. I also used two wigs and sewed those things together (so tough!!!) and sprayed the mystique hair bright red."
Surprisingly, Lindsey says she's only been cosplaying for two years, despite attending NYCC for the last seven. You can find her on Facebook at "Rebecca Lindsey - Lots of Art." In addition to her Mystique costume, she has photos of a Catwoman outfit she made for the first day of this year's NYCC.
Fellow congoers will have to try and spot Lindsey again during the subsequent days to see what else she comes up with, but in the meantime we shall all bask in the glory of her brilliant Mystique.