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This airport worker is being hailed a hero after pulling 7 people to safety during the Brussels attacks

Mar 22, 2016, 23:26 IST

Getty Images/Sylvain Lefevre

As the city of Brussels reels from a series of terrorist attacks on Tuesday that killed at least 28 people and injured dozens more, stories of heroism in the face of tragedy are beginning to emerge. 

An airport worked named Alphonse Youla is being called a hero after helped seven people following the explosions that rocked the Brussels airport on Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reports

"I saw people lying on the ground with a lot of blood who weren't moving any more," he said. From there, Youla says he helped several injured people get to the elevator, and ultimately to safety. 

Gavin Lee from the BBC tweeted these pictures of Youla. 


Many people are responding to Lee's tweet, thanking Youla for his bravery. 

On a much smaller scale, people around the world are also offering their support to the people affected by Tuesday's attacks. On Twitter, thousands are sharing emotional cartoons, and the city of Paris has even updated its Twitter account in solidarity

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