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This 2-Minute Video Will Remind You That Aviation Is Beautiful And Awesome

Aug 28, 2013, 03:26 IST

Considering how unpleasant commercial air travel tends to be these days, it's easy to forget how amazing modern jets really are.


In case you forgot that a metal tube hurtling through the air at hundreds of miles an hour, tens of thousands of feet above the ground, is impressive, just watch this two-minute video.

Produced by Wolfe Air Aviation, which offers aircraft equipped with aerial camera systems, it shows off footage shot from the company's modified Learjet 25.

It includes everything from fighter jets to the Boeing Dreamliner, taking off, landing, and firing weapons.

It's awesome. And beautiful. Now watch, and stop complaining about your legroom.


Wolfe Air Reel from 3DF on Vimeo.

H/t: Jalopnik

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