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These photos show how your face changes from 7am to 7pm

Oct 13, 2016, 21:46 IST

Barbara Iweins

As part of her project "Au Coin de ma Rue" (At the Corner of my Street), photographer Barbara Iweins set out to explore the intimacy of strangers she met in the street.


"Since I am young, I am fascinated by strangers," she said. "While waiting for a bus, while standing in a line, my eyes are always drawn by a specific person. At that exact moment, I can't stop wondering what he is thihking, what he is doing, what are his fears and joys."

"Seven years ago, I decided to embrace this obsession and decided to capture some of these people passing with a camera. I bought a 50mm lens, and simply started asking to take their portrait."

After taking 300 portraits, Iweins decided to photograph 30 of the 300 each year for five years, each time with a different theme.

7am-7pm, which shows the difference of people's faces between morning and night, was her theme in the fourth year of the project.


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