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These photos provide even more evidence Jon Snow is coming back on 'Game of Thrones'

Dec 18, 2015, 22:49 IST

Getty Images

Photos that just emerged online may further support fan theories that Kit Harington will reprise the role of Jon Snow on the upcoming sixth season of HBO's "Game of Thrones," even though Snow died last season.

The photos allegedly show that Harington attended the show's wrap party. The man in the photos does appear to be the English actor who plays Jon Snow, though it's hard to be certain as the photos are quite blurry. 

See them below:



When we last saw Jon Snow on season five, he had been attacked by members of the Night's Watch - each taking a turn at stabbing the newly elected Lord Commander. He was left to bleed out in the snow.

While HBO top brass, co-stars, and Harington himself have said Jon Snow is either dead or not returning, fans have continued a constant vigil for the beloved character's return.

Harington sightings have propelled fans to believe that the character will be back. Others feel the show hasn't completed his story.

Jon Snow died on 'Game of Thrones,' or maybe not?HBO

HBO has even cleverly played off the speculation with a season-six poster featuring Jon Snow and suggesting he may remain important. But pictures like the above are still quite in demand.

And Harington recently said he hasn't come to accept it.

"Do I think people taking photos of you without your permission is rude? Of course I do. I deal with it a lot," Haringtonhe told Vulture while promoting his newest movie, "MI-5." "There's a lot of camera phones being pointed at me in not such a subtle manner." 

"Game of Thrones" returns in April 2016.

NOW WATCH: How the 'Game of Thrones' cast reacted when a Comic Con audience member shouted about Jon Snow

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