Today success is measured by the balance in your
Downsizing your home- Research shows today’s houses are 1000 sq ft larger than what it was 20 years ago. Bigger spaces mean higher maintenance spend. With our growing needs we do need bigger apartments but we should draw the line between spacious and huge. Cut down on the extra space and add the penny to your piggy bank.
Stop binge-buying- Let’s be honest! How many times have we entered the supermarket and come out of it with bags full of things we don’t even need? Cutting down on the junk not only helps save our calories, but adds to our monthly savings too. The best option is to plan your diet chart and accordingly go groceries shopping. Staying healthy actually helps you save big bucks.
Automating your budget- We tend to overspend and before we know we are broke and clueless about where all our money went. Automate your budget at the beginning of the month. Keep aside a fixed amount every month and let it be. Out of sight, out of mind!
Investing in memories- We all want to own a sleek sassy electronic device. Sure it would add to your style but at the same time it would burn a hole in your pocket. These are short term
(Image credits: itimes)