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These Charts Show How Android Is Demolishing Apple In The Key European Smartphone Markets

Aug 14, 2014, 20:07 IST

Apple controls a solid one-third or more of the smartphone market in the U.S.


But in order to provide a better understanding of how the platform wars are playing out in other markets, BI Intelligence gathered historical sales share data and charted performance for a dozen countries, including the "EU5," the largest economies in the European union.

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Apple doesn't break the 30%-mark in any of these markets. Here are the stats on share of sales:

  • Germany - Android 81%, iOS 11%.
  • U.K. - Android 61%, iOS 29%, Windows Phone 10%.
  • France - Android 71%, iOS 15%, Windows Phone 11%.
  • Italy - Android 76%, iOS 12%, Windows Phone 10%.
  • Spain - Android 84%, Windows Phone 8%, iOS 7%.

This is based on Kantar consumer data that tracks smartphone sales over 12-week periods. So 81% market share in Germany means that eight out of ten consumers there are choosing Android over Apple devices. Below are the charts.


Interestingly, Microsoft's Windows Phone is seeing a resurgence in several of these markets, carving out 10% or greater sales share in France, Italy, and the U.K. It has even jumped ahead of Apple in Spain.













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