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These Are The Six Groups That Stood Up To Mayor Bloomberg's Soda Ban - And Won

Kim Bhasin   

These Are The Six Groups That Stood Up To Mayor Bloomberg's Soda Ban - And Won
Retail1 min read

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By reinvented on Flickr

A judge has invalidated New York City's ban on large sugary drinks, which was supposed to go into effect Tuesday.

New York Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling wrote that the new regulations were "fraught with arbitrary and capricious consequences," and struck it down.

But who were the folks behind the petition?

It was six groups of trade associations and a union that united to fight Bloomberg's regulations.

And they won.

(Well, for now. Bloomberg's office has promised to appeal the decision "as soon as possible.)

Many of the groups are — or are backed by — huge, national powerhouses:

New York Statewide Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce — the state's biggest Hispanic business association

The New York Korean-American Grocers Association — non-profit trade association that serves as an information exchange for Korean-American businesses in New York

Soft Drink and Brewery Workers Union, Local 812, International Brotherhood of Teamsters — Teamsters in the beverage industry in NYC

The National Restaurant Association — America's largest foodservice trade association

The National Association of Theatre Owners of New York State — a trade organization that represents the owners of movie theaters; the largest of its kind in the country

The American Beverage Association — a huge trade organization that represents the non-alcoholic beverage industry


