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These Are The Best Images Of The Year From Some Of The World's Most Powerful Commercial Satellites

Dec 10, 2014, 23:06 IST

DigitalGlobe, a commercial satellite imaging company, has just released a breathtaking collection of its 25 best images from the year.


The images reflect the many uses of modern satellite technology, including its ability to monitor global operations, like mining or farming, keep track of natural disasters, record human conflicts, and contribute to scientific research.

Among these are a handful of images from the company's newest satellite, WorldView-3, which launched in August and, according to DigitalGlobe, delivers its highest-quality products.

The company is asking fans to vote for their favorite birds-eye views of Earth on its Facebook page.

The top five images with the most "likes" will make it to the final round later this month. The website will announce the winning image in early January 2015.


Check out all of the images here, then head over to the Facebook album to vote for your favorite.

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