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These Are The Android Phones That Are Clobbering Apple In China

Aug 27, 2013, 20:36 IST

XiaomiLast quarter, a company you've probably never heard of sold more smartphones than Apple in China.


That company is called Xiaomi, and it is often referred to as the "Apple of China" because a lot of its success comes from mimicking Apple's marketing strategy.

Its best-selling phones are based on Android, but Xiaomi rewrites most of the operating system to fit its own needs. Xiaomi's "forked" version of Android is called MiUI. The company also sells its phones for hundreds of dollars less than Apple and Samsung's devices.

However, Xiaomi's place on top of Apple will likely be short-lived. Apple is reportedly going to start selling iPhones on some of China's largest carriers this year, which will help it snap up a lot more market share in that country.

In the meantime, check out MiUI and see why it's been such a success in China.


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