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These $800 McDonald's Sweaters Sold Out In Just A Couple Of Weeks

Mar 8, 2014, 02:20 IST


The high-end fashion line Moschino debuted a McDonald's-inspired capsule collection on a Milan runway two weeks ago and some of the items, including a $780 sweater and $78 french fry iPhone case, are already sold out on the website.


Here's the sold-out sweater, on the left. On the right is a $1,265 purse, which is also part of the collection.


Businessweek's Vanessa Wong was the first to report that the fashions, created by American designer Jeremy Scott, are selling out.

The collection also includes a smaller $865 purse, a $350 baggy t-shirt, and a $935 sweater dress. Here are all the related items that are available on Moschino's website:


Some have questioned whether Scott's use of the McDonald's Golden Arches may have infringed on the fast food restaurant's trademark.

"In the collection, it appears as though McDonald's trademark Golden Arches have been deftly curved into a heart-shaped motif," writes Anjli Patel in The Business Of Fashion. "On the one hand, Moschino's could argue that its immortalisation of McDonald's in fashion designs by using the heart-shaped motif is complimentary… On the other hand, McDonald's could argue that Moschino uses the heart-shaped motif in fashion designs to draw an unflattering comparison between fast food and fast fashion."


But McDonald's has shared and promoted the collection on social media, so it seems unlikely that the company will take action against the design house.

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