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These 6 facts about Domino's will make you want to order a pizza right now

These 6 facts about Domino's will make you want to order a pizza right now

If there was ever a definitive ranking of a food item that we could eat everyday without complaining- pizza would definitely top that list. And, thanks to Domino's, getting a box of pizza delivered to us is as easy as day-dreaming about how it would feel to bite into a pizza laden with cheese while being forced to work.

Granted, now there are a lot more other options from where you can get yourself a much fancier and classier version of a pizza, but when that craving strikes you at 10 pm, there's only one chain you can think of- Domino's'Pizza.

If you are one of those people who end up talking to the Domino's delivery guy more than you talk to other people- congratulations! You're a certified pizza enthusiast.

But, hey did you know about these six facts about Domino's Pizza? Time to find out?


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