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There's No Inflation On The Thanksgiving Dinner Table

Nov 26, 2013, 23:21 IST

Good news!


The cost of the classic Thanksgiving Day dinner for 10 people has fallen to $49.04 this year, down from $49.48 in 2012.

This is according to an informal survey conducted by the American Farm Bureau Federation. LPL Financial's Jeffrey Kleintop pointed us this.

From the AFBF's release:

The AFBF survey shopping list includes turkey, bread stuffing, sweet potatoes, rolls with butter, peas, cranberries, a relish tray of carrots and celery, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and beverages of coffee and milk, all in quantities sufficient to serve a family of 10. There is also plenty for leftovers.


The big ticket item - a 16-pound turkey - came in at $21.76 this year. That was roughly $1.36 per pound, a decrease of about 3 cents per pound, or a total of 47 cents per whole turkey, compared to 2012. The whole bird was the biggest contributor to the final total, showing the largest price decrease compared to last year.

The 2013 Thanksgiving dinner cost is lower than the 2011 cost of $49.20.

"There's no inflation on the table," joked Kleintop.

American Farm Bureau Federation

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