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There's an odd online rally to boycott German goods

Barbara Tasch   

There's an odd online rally to boycott German goods

Merkel distressed

REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

#BoycottGermany is trending on social media as people are showing their anger against the new deal on the Greek debt crisis, the BBC reports.

The hashtag started picking up speed on Twitter at the beginning of the week, after the terms of the new bailout deal were revealed.

According to the BBC, the hashtag has since then been used over 30,000 times - although many mentions also come from people criticizing the movement.

One of the most retweeted messages is from an self-proclaimed American anarchist and anthropology professor in London. He is one of the many Twitter users to use the hashtag and references the Second World War. 


Many have mentioned the Nazi debt that according to some, Germany still owes Greece. Other user have gone one step further and accuse the German government (and often the German population) of being Nazis because of the terms the bailout deal and of wanting Greece's demise. 

The negotiations for the deal ended on Monday when Greece's Prime Minister Tsipras agreed to the new terms but the deal has not been struck yet as the PM still needs to convince the Greek Parliamant to sign the deal. But already, the deal has been widely criticized, including by the IMF, as not sustainable.

German business are not concerned with the trend though. 

"We're taking this seriously, but there's no reason to panic," Volker Treier, head of the German Foreign Trade Chamber of Commerce, told Reuters on Tuesday. "There have been such calls, time and again since the beginning of the Greek crisis. They largely fizzle out without any effect."

Many of the hastags are from people expressing their annoyance at the trend.

 While some chose to take the trend it with a pinch of salt:


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