Getty/Mark Makela
- Amazon has a feature that allows you to delete your browsing history on the site, including what you've watched on Prime Video.
- This is especially helpful if you have a shared Amazon account and don't want to give away what you purchased for the upcoming holidays.
- Here's how to delete your history, which you can do either item-by-item or in one fell swoop.
An estimated 80% of online shoppers will use Amazon to search for gifts this season, due to its quick shipping and low costs. But if you're someone who shares an Amazon Prime account with family members or friends, you have one small problem: your browsing history.
Your browsing history on Amazon shows the full list of products you've viewed and bought, which means that anyone who shares an account with you can see what you're shopping for.
It also includes your Prime Video history, so if you didn't wait for your partner and finished a show without them, they can find out.
Thankfully, Amazon has a solution: it lets you quickly and easily delete your browsing history.
You can find where to edit your history right from the Amazon homepage, by clicking on "Browsing History," then selecting "View and Edit."
Any items you've viewed, as well as any Prime Video selections, should appear in this list in chronological order, starting with most recent.
Amazon has made it pretty easy to remove items for your history. If you select the carrot next to "Manage history," you're given a few options: You can choose to wipe out your entire history on Amazon by selecting "Remove all items," or you can select individual items to delete with the "Remove" button below each product.
You can also toggle off your browsing history, so your future searches aren't tracked in this history.