That is, until you have to edit the footage.
Slogging through hours upon hours of footage can be a major pain point for action camera users. Now one startup is taking a stab at solving it by releasing an action camera that will auto-edit your footage for you.
The camera, which is available for pre-order at $249, is called Graava. So how does it work? According to the creators at Matter Design, Graava uses different sensors - image sensors, microphones, accelerometers, GPS, third-party heart rate monitors - to identify the most exciting moments of your life.
The heart rate option is particularly intriguing. Imagine a heightened heart rate, monitored by a device like an Apple Watch, being able to control the way the footage of your bike ride or snowboard run is edited.
But the real question around Graava is not whether the concept is compelling, but whether the device actually works. Here are two videos showing a bit of the process.
This is a 30-second clip edited by Graava: