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There's a hidden shortcut for rearranging all of your iPhone apps at once - here's how to do it

Apr 29, 2018, 16:33 IST

Kif Leswing

  • There's a hidden mode that lets you rearrange the apps on your iPhone much quicker.
  • Here's how you do it. 

It's easy to rearrange the apps on your iPhone: Simply hold down until they start wiggling, then move them into the screens and folders of your choice.

But if you want to rearrange a lot of apps at once, it can take a while - unless you know this new trick that Apple included in the most recent version of iOS software, iOS 11. (We only learned about it this week via Finertech.)

It lets you move multiple apps at once. Here's how you do it:

  1. Hold down one app until it wiggles.
  2. Move it out of its slot.
  3. Then, with a second finger, tap on any apps you want to add to the stack.
  4. Then, you can move the entire stack to another page or into a folder.
  5. You're done!

Here's a gif illustrating how to do it:


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