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There is really only one area of investment banking you want to be in right now

Portia Crowe   

There is really only one area of investment banking you want to be in right now

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iStock / DanielPrudek

M&A deals hit new highs in 2015.

Investment bankers working on mergers and acquisitions had an incredible 2015.

There was a record high of $5.05 trillion of M&A activity over the year, according to Dealogic. There were a record 69 $10 billion plus deals, and ten $50 billion plus transactions, also a record high.

Revenues from these transactions, meanwhile, hit the second-highest level on record, at $23.5 billion. The only year higher was 2007.

That's despite overall global investment banking revenue being down 8% from 2014, according to Dealogic.

Here are some of the other records broken in 2015:

  • In the US, targeted M&A volume reached a new record high (up 59% year-on-year), while Asia Pacific targeted M&A broke the $1 trillion mark, a record high.
  • By sector, healthcare M&A was up 66% from the prior year, hitting a new full-year record of $724.4 billion. Tech M&A hit a record high in terms of volume and activity.
  • There was also record spin-off volume and near-record highs on global cross-border M&A.
  • Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, and Bank of America Merrill Lynch all reached record highs in terms of annual advisory volumes.

If that doesn't give you a sense of the kind of record-breaking year it was, one chart in Dealogic's full-year M&A review might.

It lists the top 10 announced deals of the year, and under "deal characteristics," it shows that every single deal broke, or nearly broke, a record.

That includes Anheuser-Busch InBev's deal for SABMiller, the biggest food and beverage deal on record and the Dow-DuPont deal, the biggest chemicals deal on record.

Have a look:

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