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There is already a brilliant parody of Dove's latest 'Real Beauty' ad, switching the focus to men and their penis size

Lara O'Reilly   

There is already a brilliant parody of Dove's latest 'Real Beauty' ad, switching the focus to men and their penis size

Dove's "Campaign for Real Beauty" has been running for more than a decade now, with each new ad highlighting women's lack of self confidence about their appearance, and how they'll feel better about themselves if they accept they are beautiful. The well-trodden storyline means the campaign is ripe fodder for parody.

And that's exactly what comedy troupe Funny or Die has done this month, re-working Dove's latest #ChooseBeautiful ad, where women around the world are presented with a choice of walking through two doors: one that has a sign above it reading "Beautiful," and another reading "Average."

In Funny or Die's treatment of the ad, which we first spotted on Adweek, the video switches the focus to men and asks them to choose between two doors marked "Average D***," or "Big D***."

The result is farcical. Most of the men opt for the "Big D***" door. One guy who chose "Average" says: "I walked through the door that said 'Average D***' and I didn't really feel good about that, because I wasn't telling being truthful."

Another man describes his "20.3 cm" member as like "Big Ben," while another ponders the universal question of what an "Average D***" really is: "Are we talking width? Are we talking length? Are we talking girth? Are we talking weight? Because, quite frankly, weight is really all I got."

Funny or Die's video isn't the first time the Dove Real Beauty campaign has been parodied. Last year US comedy network Above Average Productions spoofed the brand's "Patches" ad.

The parody video aped the real ad by featuring women who had been invited into a lab setting to take part in an experiment, with what turned out to be a pseudo-scientist. The scientist then leaves the room, leaving the participants with nothing to do but look in the mirror, only to find a man in a gorilla suit staring back at them.

The video concludes with the voiceover: "You fell for our weird psychology experiment, and it showed you you're not actually a hideous monster. So where's our Nobel Peace Prize or whatever?"

A Unilever spokeswoman said at the time in response to the video: "Our view is that parody, like imitation, is the sincerest form of flattery."

Here's the "Dove Real Beauty Mirror Test" video from Above Average Productions:

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