10. Bearded Person
Emoji of the past have been mostly clean-shaven, but this bearded gentleman is the first of his kind. We now finally have an emoji to better represent hipsters, lumberjacks, and Ryan Gosling.
9. Face With Finger Covering Closed Lips
This emoji for keeping a secret is not only very cute, it will come in handy more often than you'd think. Planning a surprise party? Say it with an emoji. Spreading some hot gossip? Use this emoji to make sure everyone knows to keep it on the down-low. We predict that this emoji will quickly be used in heavy rotation.
7. Person With Headscarf
Emoji have started to become more inclusive over the years, but this is the first time a person wearing a headscarf has been included. Hooray for emoji diversity!
6. Breast-feeding
Good news for new moms: There's now a symbol for breastfeeding. This emoji is an encouraging sign that society's attitude toward public breastfeeding is evolving.
5. Mermaid
Mermaids have captivated our imagination for centuries, and emoji are finally catching up. This Ariel-like emoji is not only cute, it's incredibly detailed (look at the water droplets and her pointed ears!). Plus, this mermaid has reddish hair, which is a hair color that's been missing since an update in 2015.
4. T-Rex
The T-Rex is hands-down the coolest dinosaur, making it one of the coolest new emoji. Use this to frighten your enemies or remind your friends that they shouldn't mess with you.
3. I Love You Hand Sign
This sign language symbol for "I love you" is not only heart-warming, it's useful. It'll save you from typing out those eight letters, and it gives you a nice alternative to sending hearts and hug emojis to your loved ones. Hopefully this is the first of many ASL symbols added to emoji.