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These are the 37 jobs in the US where women earn more than men

These are the 37 jobs in the US where women earn more than men
LifeThelife1 min read

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Alissa Kumarova/Shutterstock

Women out-earn men in a number of blue collar and white collar occupations.

• The gender pay gap typically focuses on industries where women earn less than men.

• But, in the United States, that doesn't hold true for every occupation.

• Census data indicates that in certain jobs, women actually earn more than men on average.

Gender pay gap statistics tend to focus on situations where women are paid less than men for the same work.

And it's true that, in most locations and in the majority of jobs, women earn less money than their male counterparts.

But Business Insider analyzed data from the US Census Bureau's 2016 American Community Survey and found that women actually out-earn men in a handful of occupations.

The survey focused on median earnings for both male and female full-time, year-round workers over the age of 16. Women earn more than men in a number of jobs, ranging from blue collar to white collar.

Here are the jobs where the gender pay gap favors women:

