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Building your dream house? Here are the questions you should ask your architect

Do your homework

Building your dream house? Here are the
questions you should ask your architect

The right architect

The right architect
Take suggestions from your friends and colleagues about architects. Chose an architect who has expertise in designing the house you want. The task will be quite easy.


Once you decide on an architect and schedule a meeting, tell him/her about your budget. This is important as the architect will work in a constraint and strive to deliver the best in that stipulated budget.


Don’t just blindly follow your architect and ask questions. If you feel some space is not utilised, take it up. Once your house in built, such issues are difficult to resolve.

Plan B

Plan B
Always keep a Plan B ready. Things can go wrong anytime and sometimes the designs you have in mind are not feasible. Be open to suggestions and have a Plan B.

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