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Why blind YouTuber Molly Burke hates the term 'differently abled'

Lindsay Dodgson   

Why blind YouTuber Molly Burke hates the term 'differently abled'
  • Molly Burke is a motivational speaker turned YouTuber with nearly 2 million subscribers.
  • She educated her followers about her life as a blind woman and some of the biggest misconceptions and myths about blind people.
  • Burke really hates the term "differently abled."
  • She told Insider people tend to use it when they think they're being "woke," but it's just condescending.
  • She said it strips disabled people of all the challenges they face every day.

Molly Burke really hates the term "differently abled."

"It drives me insane when people say it," she told Insider. "It's the most condescending thing."

Burke, who is a blind 26-year-old woman with 2 million YouTube subscribers, educates her following about the biggest misconceptions and myths about blind people. She said people tend to say "differently abled" when they think they're being "woke."

"But really they're actually just saying it because they're uncomfortable about the word disability," she said. "In using the term 'differently abled' you are stripping me of all the challenges, all the very real challenges, I do still face every day because of my disability."

People are very easily offended when they're called out

Trying to put a positive spin on her disability takes away the progress and strength she has put into loving and accepting herself for who she is.

There is no pleasing everyone though, and Burke is always wary when she speaks out about terminology or her experiences.

"People are sometimes really, really easily offended when disabled people share their experience, if it's calling out able-bodied people in any way," she said. "We're not doing it to be offensive or to make them feel bad. We're doing it to help them understand us better in ways in which they could accommodate us better, or change their behaviors to be better."

One thing Burke has found greatly offends sighted people is when she tells them she doesn't want to be cured.

"You just wouldn't believe it," she said. "They're like, 'Why wouldn't you want to be like me? My life is clearly better than yours!'"

Burke said it also drives her nuts when she sees disabled people playing into the role of "inspiration porn" for able-bodied people — those who champion the phrase "if I can do it, you can do it." For instance, Burke doesn't want to be called "brave" when she's simply in line at Starbucks buying a coffee.

"We're always telling able-bodied people to look at us like we're these special little unicorns that are here to make them feel good about their lives," she said. "That continues to put us on either a pedestal or in a pity party where it's very condescending."

When these stories are the only ones being told about disabled people, "of course society isn't going to treat us as equals," she said.

Talk about disabled people like you would any minority

Prom season is the worst offender for this, she said. There are loads of viral videos about boys asking girls who use wheelchairs to the dance, with thousands of comments commending him on being "such a good guy." Burke said it's no different to praising someone for asking out someone of a different race, or someone who has a larger body type.

"We need to put everything, when you're talking about disability, in the same context as you would any other minority community," she said. "If it would not be okay to say it or write it about another minority group, it is not okay to say it or do it about disabled people."

It's also just incredibly damaging to think someone should be congratulated for dating or being friends with a disabled person.

"Like actually, she's beautiful, she's dope AF, she's smart, she's funny," Burke said. "Of course he wanted to ask her out. Why wouldn't he?"

In Burke's last serious relationship, her boyfriend was always being told how commendable it was that he could "look past" her blindness.

"I paid the bill, I made the money, like there were ways in which I was contributing that he wasn't," she said. "Yet he's the one that gets all the praise for being this wonderful guy for dating a blind girl."

Every person has flaws and things they contribute in any relationship, she said.

"Nobody should be talked about as being like a hero or a wonderful person for simply giving disabled people the time of day."

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