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We were born and raised in Scotland. Here are 7 things tourists should stop doing when they visit.

Priya Raj,Mikhaila Friel   

We were born and raised in Scotland. Here are 7 things tourists should stop doing when they visit.
Insider's reporters were born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland.Mikhaila Friel/Insider, Priya Raj/Insider
  • Insider's reporters were born and raised in Scotland, UK.
  • While they love welcoming visitors, they have noticed some mistakes tourists make.

Insider's Glasgow-based reporters have lived in Scotland for most of their lives.

Mikhaila Friel, left, and Priya Raj, right, were both born and raised in Scotland.      Mikhaila Friel/Insider, Priya Raj/Insider

Mikhaila Friel was born in Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland. She has spent short periods living in the US and London, but in 2020 she returned to Glasgow and now lives in an apartment close to the city.

Priya Raj was also born in Glasgow and spent several years living in London, before settling back down in Glasgow's surrounding suburbs.

Both reporters love welcoming old friends and tourists alike to Scotland. However, they often witness travelers make mistakes that could hinder their experience or upset locals. They have gathered their top tips so you can avoid making the same errors.

Some people wear kilts without learning about the garment's historical and cultural significance.

Some people wear kilts without learning about the garment
Understand the history of kilts and tartan before purchasing them.      Peter Titmuss/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Kilts are Scotland's traditional garment which resemble a skirt, and are usually made using a Scottish fabric called tartan which is available in different patterns and colors according to your family name or heritage. Scottish people typically wear these to special occasions like weddings or dances, but the cultural significance is far beyond a tuxedo alternative.

According to Visit Scotland, the kilt, and the tartan it's made from, historically signified which clan an individual was from. It became so strongly linked with the Scottish rebellion that the British government actually banned tartan in the 1700s, Visit Scotland added.

Those who have seen "Braveheart" or "Outlander" would have seen this garment depicted on the big screen, but that doesn't mean wearing one when you go on a Scottish vacation is a must.

Similarly, visitors should think twice before mocking traditional Scottish clothes.

Similarly, visitors should think twice before mocking traditional Scottish clothes.
Mikhaila's partner, Scott, is pictured wearing a kilt during his PhD graduation in the summer of 2023.      Mikhaila Friel/Insider

While some visitors are fascinated by kilts, others may be bewildered. For example, Friel said she has witnessed some visitors stare when seeing a kilt for the first time, while one person laughed and asked her why Scottish men wear "skirts" when they learned about kilts.

It's understandable that visitors could be surprised by Scotland's traditional clothing if they haven't seen it before, but that's no excuse for mocking or laughing when you see someone wearing a kilt. It goes without saying that you should be respectful when learning about fashion within different cultures, especially those you may not understand.

Visitors should consider spending a longer period in one part of the country rather than a rushed few days in several cities.

Visitors should consider spending a longer period in one part of the country rather than  a rushed few days in several cities.
The best way to experience Scotland is to take your time.      Priya Raj / Insider

Tourists might opt to sandwich a Scotland trip between a larger European vacation, or accompany it with a trip to England that only allows for a few days or a week to see the country, which results in rushing from destination to destination.

To really enjoy Scotland's beauty is to take the time to explore slow living and take in the breathtaking landscapes. Even living here most of their lives, Insider's Scotland-based reporters still have plenty of local landmarks on their travel bucket lists, like the Isle of Skye and the Highlands.

In Raj's experience, it's best to focus on one destination away from the major cities and then plan the rest of your trip according to the route you're looking to take. A great destination for first-timers is Cairngorms National Park — close by you can find Balmoral Castle, as well as Aviemore, a town known for its stunning views of the natural Scottish lochs.

Some tourists are reluctant to try haggis, but in our opinion, they shouldn't be.

Some tourists are reluctant to try haggis, but in our opinion, they shouldn
Haggis, neaps, and tatties.      Colin McPherson/Corbis via Getty Images

Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish that consists of spiced meat encased in animal intestines. Although the ingredients sound questionable, haggis is delicious and is traditionally served as part of a Burns Supper with neeps (turnips), and tatties (potatoes).

A Burns Supper is usually consumed on Burns Night, which falls annually on January 25 in honor of the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns.

Traditional haggis has been banned in the US since 1971 because the recipe includes sheep lung. However, this shouldn't deter reluctant foodies from trying some variation of the dish, especially as many restaurants and supermarkets in Scotland serve vegetarian haggis or a smaller, bite-size equivalent commonly referred to as haggis bon bons or haggis bites.

Whatever you do, don't pit Scotland's two major cities against each other.

Whatever you do, don
Edinburgh and Glasgow each have their own charm.      Priya Raj / Insider

The journey between Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, and the capital city, Edinburgh, is less than an hour by car and train. Though they're close, there is a stark contrast between the cities which opens them up to comparison among tourists.

Edinburgh's old town feels old and gothic; many say it's where JK Rowling got the inspiration for Harry Potter's Diagon Alley. If you like history, there is plenty to see in Edinburgh, like the castle which is open to the public.

Glasgow is more modern, with endless affordable restaurants and nightlife options. It has a buzzing art and music scene, thanks to music venues like King Tut's Wah Wah Hut which is said to be the venue where rock band Oasis were discovered. It's also a great city to explore on foot, and doesn't require much of a plan — you can just take the day as it comes.

Tourists should visit each with an open mind and enjoy them for what they are rather than finding shortcomings. Some natives would also take offense to being told their city comes second, so even if you do have an opinion, it's probably best to keep it to yourself.

Some people make the mistake of only visiting major cities.

Some people make the mistake of only visiting major cities.
Insider's Mikhaila Friel is pictured looking onto a white sandy beach on the Isle of Barra, Scotland.      Mikhaila Friel/Insider

Scotland's cities have so much to offer, but you'd be missing out if you failed to visit Scotland's highlands and islands.

Many people don't visit because these places are remote and take longer to get to. But they're definitely worth the journey, especially if you're looking to see parts of Scotland's landscape and culture that major cities cannot offer.

For example, if you travel to islands in the Outer Hebrides such as Barra in western Scotland, you'll be able to see beautiful white, sandy beaches and wildlife, and experience a slower pace of life that you won't find in Glasgow or Edinburgh.

You will also be able to immerse yourself in Scottish Gaelic, an ancient language that is predominantly spoken in the western isles. While English is the first official language spoken throughout the country, Gaelic is spoken by around 65,000 people and is taught in some schools, according to The Highland Council.

And finally, try not to mock a Scottish person's accent.

And finally, try not to mock a Scottish person
Scottish accents may be difficult to understand.      Henrik Sorensen / Getty Images

There are few Scottish people who haven't had the pleasure of having their accents mocked or impersonated by friends or tourists. Though Insider's reporters have found this is usually done in jest, maybe think twice if it's to a complete stranger.

Raj advises people not to mock or try and correct Scottish people on their pronunciations. Though Scottish Gaelic is still spoken by some people alongside English, most of us just speak English albeit with some Scottish dialect or quirks thrown in, like saying "ginger" instead of "soft drink," or "steaming" instead of "drunk."

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