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The billionaire summer calendar: How the world's wealthiest business icons spend their warmer months

  • Between sunning in the Mediterranean and the Hamptons, summer is a good time to be a billionaire.
  • But for a few events, they deploy their private planes and leave the yachts and second homes behind.

Summer has officially begun, and billionaires have already dispersed to their favorite vacation spots to enjoy the spoils of their labors.

Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez, for example, were recently spotted in Mykonos, Greece, and Mark Zuckerberg and his yacht were seen in Mallorca, Spain.

And while much casual billionaire-socializing will be done in passing in Europe in the Mediterranean or in the US in the Hamptons, there will still be a few must-attend events on their calendars over the next few months.

Here's where the uberwealthy will be this summer.
