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I've saved thousands of dollars by swapping childcare with other parents. Here are 6 tips for making a childcare exchange work.

Kelly Burch   

I've saved thousands of dollars by swapping childcare with other parents. Here are 6 tips for making a childcare exchange work.
  • This summer, I'm keeping childcare costs low by exchanging care with other parents.
  • I did this year-round when my children were toddlers.

"Is tomorrow a Colin day?" asked my 4-year-old. When I nodded that it was, she asked, "My house or his?"

A few weeks ago, she might have asked whether it was a school day. But now that preschool is out for the summer, she wanted to know whether it was one of the days that she hangs out with her friend (whose name I've changed for his privacy). She sees these days as a treat. I see them as my favorite parenting hack.

Since my oldest was a toddler, I've saved thousands of dollars in childcare by exchanging babysitting with other parents. This solution won't work for everyone — it's easiest when there's a parent who works part-time, from home, or nontraditional hours. It can also be difficult for larger families. Yet, over six years, I've had arrangements like this with three other families, and they've always been win-win.

Here's what I've learned about setting up a childcare swap that really works for everyone involved.

You don't have to be close friends

My first childcare swap happened after a mom that I was acquaintances with from a local playgroup messaged me on Facebook. At first, I was taken aback because I didn't know her well at all. But then I realized the essentials were there: our children were similar ages, and we both had flexible schedules that could make this work.

You'll want a fellow parent(s) that you trust, but you don't have to limit yourself to your friend circle. Instead, think about whose schedules are similar enough to yours that a swap can seamlessly fit into your existing routine.

Put yourself out there

Before setting up this swap, I didn't know Colin's parents well, but our kids were buddies. We were both staring down the same void in our childcare schedule during the month that preschool was finished, but our older children were still in the classroom. So, I sent Colin's mom a text asking if she'd be interested in exchanging care. It was a little awkward, especially as she took a few days to consider her schedule, but I knew it would be worth it if it worked out.

Be upfront about expectations

Like any childcare, swaps require lots of communication upfront. The first thing to consider is the schedule. Then, you can work out details like who is responsible for pickups and drop-offs and what to do if your family is sick. Don't forget smaller considerations like what each parent should provide (food, diapers, etc), who will be around the kids (only the parents? Other family members?), and safety issues like whether the kids can be around water or your preferences about posting pictures on social media.

Stick to the schedule

Childcare swaps are informal in that there's no money exchanged. But everyone involved needs to know they can count on the child-free time. I've left early from weekends away or said no to day trips because they would have interrupted my childcare plan. I've shuffled my daughters off to the other family's house on days they would have rather stayed home because these aren't just playdates — they're business. My daughter's days with Colin go right into my work calendar, alongside other can't-miss obligations.

Find the right amount of time together

The beautiful thing about childcare swaps is that the kids entertain each other. Even on days they're at my house, I get more work done than when I have my daughter on her own. But too much time together, and you might fall into what I think of the sibling zone: where bickering among the kids starts, and they require more hands-on time from adults. I've found that two full days a week keeps things novel and fun, but after four days a week together, kids tend to get sick of each other.

Set a timeline to reevaluate

If you're new to childcare swaps, think about your first attempt as a pilot program. This year, my arrangement with Colin's family is only for a month. During my first swap, I checked in with the other mother quarterly over a cup of coffee or tea at pickup time.

Luckily, we never wanted to scale back. Instead, we added days and kept up with our system of free childcare for more than two years until the other family moved away. Six years later, I'm still grateful that mom reached out to me and kick-started my collaborative approach to childcare.

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