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If you're in a frenemy relationship, the problem might be you

Julia Pugachevsky   

If you're in a frenemy relationship, the problem might be you
  • Research shows that ambivalent relationships take a huge toll on our mental health.
  • "Frenemy" relationships make it difficult to relax and open up.

Everyone knows that being around people we can't stand makes us unhappy. But, surprisingly, there's a relationship dynamic that's even worse for us: Ambivalent friendships.

In a recent "New York Times" op-ed, Wharton psychologist and author Adam Grant argued that inconsistent relationships — such as ones with frenemies — cause us more anxiety than dealing with someone we actively dislike.

A friend could be hilarious and a great listener — but also a last-minute flaker. Or they could come up with all the fun plans for your friend group, but make undercutting remarks when you hang out. "We don't know what to expect, and that unpredictability is very stressful," Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore, a psychologist and author of friendship books like "Growing Feelings," told Insider.

If these behaviors sound like someone you know, don't rush to immediately write them off as a toxic frenemy, Kennedy-Moore said. "I think that's ungenerous, and not a particularly good strategy for building strong relationships," she said.

We spoke to Kennedy-Moore about the key differences between an intentional, malicious frenemy and a friend who probably doesn't know they're hurting you.

Once you've identified an unhealthy relationship dynamic in your life, it's important that you set boundaries and instigate productive conversations to make your bond healthier, she said.

Most people aren't trying to be bad friends

According to Kennedy-Moore, mean-spirited friends are bi-strategic controllers who "strategically dole out kindness and meanness in just the right proportions to enhance their own social power," thereby creating that frenemy dynamic.

That's not the same as being unintentionally, uncharacteristically inconsiderate. For example, a friend going through a tough time might forget to ask you questions about your life, which can leave you feeling devalued. But there's likely "no malice" behind it, she said.

This is an important distinction, she said, because understanding the possible intent behind a friend's hurtful actions is far more productive than assuming the worst of them.

"Are there people who are irredeemably mean? Probably, but most people are not," Kennedy-Moore said. "And good communication can help."

Bottling things up can create a frenemy dynamic

It's not all about them, though.

"The flipside of 'Are they a good friend?' is 'Are you a good friend?'" Kennedy-Moore said. "Part of being a good friend is to speak up in a kind, constructive way when there's a problem."

Avoiding a consistent issue — like a friend always canceling plans — can develop that seesaw-like frenemy dynamic. You still keep them in your life, all while simmering with resentment.

Kennedy-Moore said this is a common pitfall in friendships: One person stays silent for a long time, until they one day explode. Their friend, meanwhile, is baffled, because they thought "it was just one tiny little thing."

Use 'soft criticism' for a productive confrontation

When bringing up a conflict, there are ways you might make the tension worse, according to Kennedy-Moore.

Asking someone to "admit their badness" is a surefire way to shut down meaningful conversation. She said the common response most people have to criticism is to defend themselves, which gets in the way of moving forward.

She suggested using "soft criticism," where we start the conversation by assuming good intentions and really trying to see the other person's perspective — phrases like "I know you didn't mean to" and "I get you have a lot going on" can help. "It puts you on the same side," Kennedy-Moore said.

After that, she said it's helpful to use the formula of "bad behavior = bad outcome" to make the issue as clear as possible. For example: "When you cancel at the last minute, it really leaves me stuck with no plans."

You can end on asking for a concrete, actionable change, like them giving you earlier notice if they need to cancel.

If you follow all these steps, you have a real shot at fixing an unhealthy pattern and growing closer. The main thing is to try, because the best way to keep up a frenemy relationship is to do nothing at all.

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