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I've been on over 20 solo trips. Here are the 9 things I wish I knew before I took my first one.

I've been on over 20 solo trips. Here are the 9 things I wish I knew before I took my first one.
Peru is one of the 20 countries I visited by myself.Nicole Jordan
  • I've traveled to more than 40 countries and have visited over 20 of them by myself.
  • Before my trips, I always research the destination along with its customs, languages, and laws.

After visiting over 40 countries and experiencing more than half of them alone, I've learned a thing or two about solo travel.

By preparing correctly and having the right mindset on the ground, I'm almost always guaranteed to have an adventure — whether I'm hiking Machu Picchu in Peru or attending a festival in Bhutan.

Here's what I wish I knew about traveling alone before my first solo trip.

Traveling alone for the first time can feel intimidating and overwhelming, but that shouldn't stop you.

Traveling alone for the first time can feel intimidating and overwhelming, but that shouldn
Many of my trips are focused on hiking, like this one to the Picos de Europa in northern Spain.      Nicole Jordan

I took my first solo trip while studying abroad in college. Fueled by my passion for hiking, I wanted to visit the Alps, but none of my classmates wanted to join me. I knew I needed to get to the mountain range no matter what it took, even if it meant going alone.

Despite the fact that my trip was only one week, going to a different country where I didn't speak the local language was intimidating — especially when people told me stories about why they were too scared to travel alone.

Ultimately, I asked myself, "Why not?"

I knew how to navigate an airport, had enough money to get through the week, and had already booked my hostel.

As soon as I arrived, everything went smoothly. I met people at my hostel and in town and hiked among some of the most beautiful mountains and glaciers I've ever seen. It was amazing, and I got to visit a bucket-list destination.

To ensure smooth logistics on the ground, you have to do in-depth destination research ahead of departure.

To ensure smooth logistics on the ground, you have to do in-depth destination research ahead of departure.
I mapped out my trip to Bhutan in great detail before boarding my flight.      Nicole Jordan

If I'm traveling to a different country alone, I always do extensive research ahead of time.

Each destination has different things to watch out for, customs to acknowledge and respect, ways to dress, and methods of getting around. It's helpful to be informed about the environment and culture you're walking into ahead of time.

Some countries have customs and laws that are very different than the ones in my home country. I like knowing about them ahead of time so I don't unintentionally break a rule or offend someone.

Planning out the details of my trip and properly preparing reduces the chance of mix-ups and problems on the ground.

Even though you're starting the trip solo, you probably won't be alone the entire time.

Even though you
I may start a trip alone, but I'm almost always exploring with new friends once I arrive.      Nicole Jordan

Usually, someone asks if I'm traveling solo when I'm boarding buses or checking into my accommodations.

I technically am, as I left my home country and hopped on a plane by myself. But I often meet so many people along the way that don't feel like I'm traveling alone.

If I stay in hostels, homestays, or social Airbnbs, I tend to have a very easy time meeting other travelers. I've gone backpacking through a new country with friends I met on my trip, and before I knew it, we all started to feel like a little family.

The same goes for meeting locals, as many have shown me around a destination and even invited me to stay with their families to learn about their culture.

Exploring by yourself can be lonely, and the friendships you make along the way may not always last.

Exploring by yourself can be lonely, and the friendships you make along the way may not always last.
I meet amazing people on my trips but, at the end of the day, I'm on my own.      Nicole Jordan

I've clicked with so many people I've met on my travels, and during the trip, it feels like we'll be friends forever. Sometimes, we even make plans to meet up in a few months.

But it takes time to develop strong, lasting bonds. A lot of the relationships I make on trips seem to expire after I get on my return flight.

We separate, and our lives go different ways. They usually end up being a memory (or another person I follow on social media). The friendships are incredible, but frequently moving on after meeting people you connect with gets lonely after a while.

It's also hard missing out on big activities and events with friends and family at home. Even when I'm exploring an amazing place, I still worry about missing out.

The freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want is a luxury.

The freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want is a luxury.
I took a trip to the Falkland Islands, a South Atlantic archipelago.      Nicole Jordan

One of the biggest advantages of solo travel is the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want.

I've fallen in love with a town and ended up staying twice as long as I initially planned. I've gone on long, grueling solo hikes. I've also skipped dinner out to have a lazy night in. And I never have to feel bad about how these actions impact a travel companion.

Exploring with other people is fun and offers many amazing opportunities, but I love traveling on my own schedule and not having to accommodate anyone else.

You need to learn to adapt and understand that there will be moments of discomfort on solo trips.

You need to learn to adapt and understand that there will be moments of discomfort on solo trips.
I keep my schedule open in case I learn about events or activities on the ground.      Nicole Jordan

Flexibility and adaptability are essential while traveling, especially if you're doing it alone. You never know what opportunities may come up — maybe you'll end up changing your weekend plans to attend a fun event that a local told you about.

Also, not everything is comfortable when you're traveling on a budget. You may end up sleeping in some below-average accommodations and taking long, bumpy bus rides.

Even if you're not on a budget, you may eat foods you're not used to in order to fully experience a different culture.

Exploring a place where you don't speak the local language and immersing yourself in a different way of life can be hard, especially without a familiar person by your side.

Being in a new place is thrilling, but you should fight the urge to fill your schedule.

Being in a new place is thrilling, but you should fight the urge to fill your schedule.
I attended the Thimphu Tshechu Festival in Bhutan.      Nicole Jordan

I've made the mistake of jam-packing my schedule from sunrise to midnight a handful of times. It's exhausting, especially if I'm traveling between destinations that are far apart and require a lot of time in transit.

It's not fun to fill your vacation with car rides, bus rides, and frequent flights. So when I'm limited on time, I choose a few things to do that are close to each other and fully explore those places.

Then, I can really experience a place, meet the locals, and relax — the last of which is a priority when I'm staying in beautiful destinations.

Trust your gut and always be aware of your surroundings.

Trust your gut and always be aware of your surroundings.
To be extra safe, I sometimes carry my backpack on the front of my body.      Nicole Jordan

Unfortunate incidents can happen anywhere, so I do my best to stay vigilant of my surroundings. I keep an eye on my bag and only bring as much money as I need for the day, especially if I'm in a busy area.

Someone once stole my phone and some cash out of my little crossbody bag when I wasn't paying attention. It was inconvenient and frustrating, but it happens to even the most seasoned travelers.

I also always trust my gut when I'm traveling, and usually, things feel slightly off right before something bad happens. If I get that sense, I leave and go somewhere else. It's best to get out of the situation as soon as possible.

Traveling solo can be addicting, and you may even come to prefer it to taking trips with others.

Traveling solo can be addicting, and you may even come to prefer it to taking trips with others.
On my trip to Peru, I summited Machu Picchu.      Nicole Jordan

After nervously preparing for my first solo adventure to the Alps back in 2014, I never thought I'd travel alone as much as I do now.

In fact, I've spent more time traveling solo than I have traveling with other people. It's hard to find friends who are compatible travel partners and also have the same time off.

But that hasn't held me back. The lifestyle is addicting. The freedom, the people I meet, and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunities leave me craving more.

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