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I'm a mom of 11. Here are 5 ways I make time for myself throughout the week.

I'm a mom of 11. Here are 5 ways I make time for myself throughout the week.
My husband and I are raising 11 kids.Courtesy of Lisa Tanner
  • With 11 kids, I have to be intentional with my time if I want to focus on myself during the week.
  • I've learned to take advantage of small chunks of time, which can still be very refreshing.

I always set aside time to plan out my week.

I always set aside time to plan out my week.
Time invested in mapping out each week is time well spent.      Lisa Tanner

With this many kids, I can't just wing it.

One evening a week, I sit down by myself with my planner and phone and start making notes. I look over the week and jot down any upcoming appointments. I also review my deadlines, potential outings, and anything else that's looming.

By putting these events in my planner, I make my week visual — I can tell at a glance which days might be crazier than normal. Armed with that knowledge, I try to smooth things out proactively.

For example, I might write a freelance article a couple of days in advance to avoid a potential bottleneck. Or I'll pencil in an easy dinner for the kids to make on the day we're driving two hours to take our child with Angelman Syndrome to an appointment with a specialist.

Unexpected events still happen and the week might not go as planned, but this system has helped greatly.

I've learned to take advantage of quiet time.

I like sitting down with a cup of tea and my favorite magazine.      Lisa Tanner

Although I spend much of my kids' quiet time working on my freelance business, I try to dedicate about 15 minutes each day to relaxing.

While my youngest two fall asleep and the other kids get settled, I make a cup of tea and grab something to read. I subscribe to a few magazines, and this is my go-to time for reading an article or two. Plus, it helps me stretch out each issue.

Once my articles are read and my tea is gone, I boot up my computer and start working.

Doing simple activities can help me clear my mind.

Doing simple activities can help me clear my mind.
Walking a slackline only takes a few minutes, and it's a fun way to clear my mind.      Lisa Tanner

Sometimes you just need to clear your mind. There are many different ways to do that, but one of my favorites is by walking our slackline, which is created by flat webbing tensely suspended between two anchor points, like trees.

When you have to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other to keep your balance, there's little room for other thoughts. If my mind drifts, I start to wobble, and since I don't want to fall, that's my motivation to stay focused.

Anytime I'm feeling unusually stressed or anxious, I head to the backyard and work my way across the line. It only takes a few minutes, so it's an easy way to get a quick mental break.

Nothing beats taking a walk.

Nothing beats taking a walk.
Fresh air is so refreshing.      Lisa Tanner

I enjoy taking walks with my family — unplugging and heading outside is good for all of us — but I take at least one solo trek each week.

I love walking down by the lake in our community, and I usually use this time to do some thinking and goal-setting.

When I return, I'm relaxed and ready to tackle the rest of the day.

At-home date nights are a great way to end the week.

At-home date nights are a great way to end the week.
Homemade onion rings and a movie is a fun, inexpensive date night      Lisa Tanner

When you run your own business, boundaries are essential. One of mine is that, unless unusual circumstances arise, I don't work on weekends. This way, my husband and I can enjoy an at-home date night nearly every week.

After the kids are in bed, I prepare food for us. Some weeks it's popcorn, other times, I'll cook up steak and baked potatoes. This week, I made homemade onion rings.

Once the food is ready, we enjoy it while chatting. Then we watch an episode of TV or a movie together.

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