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I went on Semester at Sea 3 years ago, and students on the current voyage agree cruise travel is still the best way to study abroad

Maria Noyen   

I went on Semester at Sea 3 years ago, and students on the current voyage agree cruise travel is still the best way to study abroad
Semester at Sea is a once in a lifetime study abroad experience.Courtesy of Natalia Noyen
  • My older sister inspired me to go on Semester at Sea after she told me about her 2011 voyage.
  • I got to experience it for myself in spring 2018 and traveled to 11 countries in just 3 months.

I went on Semester at Sea in the spring of 2018, after being inspired by my older sister who did the program seven years beforehand.

I went on Semester at Sea in the spring of 2018, after being inspired by my older sister who did the program seven years beforehand.
Semester at Sea is probably the coolest thing I've ever done.      Maria Noyen/Insider

Anytime I'm asked about the coolest thing I've ever done, spending just over three months on board the MV World Odyssey on Semester at Sea is the first thing that comes to mind.

I first heard the study abroad program, which is a lot like the college version of Disney's "Suite Life on Deck," when my older sister, Bella, went on the fall 2011 voyage. When she came back, with photos, souvenirs, and stories of her faraway travels, I knew my time at university wouldn't be complete without Semester at Sea.

My voyage kicked off in San Diego and I ended up visiting 11 countries in the span of just over three months.

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I got accepted for the spring 2018 voyage to study a full class schedule, meet incredible people from different universities, and travel to 11 countries all at the same time. I was a sophomore at Boston University at the time and went on the ship without knowing anyone beforehand. 

The program welcomed 536 students aboard and visited countries throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe.

I loved getting to travel so widely within a short span of time.

I loved getting to travel so widely within a short span of time.
One of our last stops was in Ghana.      Luke Hyce/Semester at Sea

The biggest difference between Semester at Sea and other study abroad programs is just how many places you get to experience within such a short amount of time. I loved the fact that we could go from being in Japan one week, to China and Hong Kong the next.

For people looking to travel the world and get a taste of multiple cultures along the way, I'd definitely recommend it. But for those looking to fully immerse themselves in a different country, it may not be the program for you.

My favorite memories are from being on the ship with the people I met along the way.

My favorite memories are from being on the ship with the people I met along the way.
Gathering up on deck to see the first sunset at sea was tradition.      Luke Hyce/Semester at Sea

As much as I loved walking across the Great Wall of China or seeing the Taj Mahal in person, my favorite memories are of spending time on board with friends.

Day-to-day life on the ship had a sense of ease and routine unlike anything else I've experienced. You go to class, meet friends for lunch in a dining hall, or on one of the decks if the weather was nice, you watch movies together in someone's room, or play cards in the evening.

People do Semester at Sea for many reasons, but everyone I've spoken to says it's the quality time you spend with the people you meet during those three months that make the program unforgettable.

But the last few years have been tough for people wanting to go on the program — my younger sister had her own voyage cut short in March 2020.

But the last few years have been tough for people wanting to go on the program — my younger sister had her own voyage cut short in March 2020.
My sister Nati still has great memories from her time even though her voyage was cancelled midway through.      Maria Noyen/Insider

My younger sister Nati wanted to have her own experience on the program after hearing me rave about it non-stop when I got back. She decided to go on the spring 2020 voyage, which ended up getting canceled midway in South Africa because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although she was disappointed at how things turned out, Nati shares the same love for her time on the ship as I did and is still in contact with a lot of her friends from her time on board, showing that even a short time there can create lasting memories.

Until January 2022, there'd been no other Semester at Sea voyages.

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For two years, Semester at Sea voyages have faced a series of cancellations due to the pandemic. It wasn't until January 5 that students were able to board the MV World Odyssey again.

Some students on the current voyage, like Michigan State senior Kelly Kemp, said they signed up for previous voyages that ended up getting canceled. She said COVID-19 "wrecked" her original plans so she transferred to the spring 2022 voyage.

"I'm bummed out that I'm missing my last semester of senior year," she said, but added that she knew "this is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Because there's been so long of a wait, voyagers today are even more excited about the prospect of travel than I was four years ago.

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"The atmosphere is all very excited energy," Kemp said of the student community on board. Another student, Daisy Blake, echoed this in an email to Insider. "There is an overwhelming feeling of excitement on the ship since so many people were originally on different voyages," she said. 

Oklahoma State sophomore Isabella Worsham said she cried when she first saw the MV World Odyssey.

"It is even more beautiful than I could ever imagine," she said. "I have been dreaming of participating in SAS since the 7th grade, and I feel like I watched every YouTube video and read every blog out there to prepare."

COVID-19 meant they needed to prepare more extensively than I did.

COVID-19 meant they needed to prepare more extensively than I did.
Students on my voyage touring Honolulu, Hawaii.      Luke Hyce/Semester at Sea

Before Semester at Sea, I remember being pretty stressed making sure I had all the vaccinations and visas recommended for the different countries I was going to visit. But that stress is nothing compared to what the students Insider spoke to say they needed to do for the 2022 voyage.

"One COVID test was required to get into Italy, one to enter the cruise terminal in Naples, and we were tested a third time upon embarkation to ensure everyone boarding the ship was negative," Worsham said.

All students, faculty, and lifelong learners — adults who participate in the academic voyage — needed to be fully vaccinated and boosted, if they could, before the January 5 embarkation.

Students on the current voyage also need to be ready for more unpredictable itinerary changes than I experienced.

Students on the current voyage also need to be ready for more unpredictable itinerary changes than I experienced.
Students on my voyage had less changes to anticipate.      Luke Hyce/Semester at Sea

The only major change to my voyage came right at the end when a storm in the Atlantic forced us to finish up in Portugal rather than Germany, which caused a lot of stress with students figuring out how to reschedule flights and hotel bookings.

A month into the current voyage, students say changes have already been made. "It's still always changing too," Kemp said. "They are removing Morocco entirely because they won't allow cruise ships, which we all kind of suspected, but then they switched out Ireland for Denmark which no one saw coming."

Students also have to be prepared for the reality they could test positive for COVID-19 on board, which means quarantining in separate rooms. "SAS designated certain cabins as quarantine cabins in case anyone were to test positive at sea," Worsham said.

There are also fewer voyagers this semester than there were on mine.

There are also fewer voyagers this semester than there were on mine.
One night the lights of the ship were dimmed and we all got to stargaze in the middle of the ocean.      Luke Hyce/Semester at Sea

Having as many as 500 students may not sound like a lot when you think about the 2,000 plus passenger capacity some ships owned by the Carnival Cruise Line have. I still remember thinking the ship was packed, and I was still meeting people for the first time months into my program. But students Insider spoke to on the current voyage say there are only 400-450 people on theirs.

Interestingly, there are still way more women on the program than men. On my voyage, men only made up 22.6% of the student population and on the current voyage, Kemp said they make up around a third.

The program still requires everyone to take certain courses, including global studies.

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Global studies was the one required subject every student on my voyage had to take. It would take place in what was then called the Kaisersaal, the large multi-floored red auditorium on board. The course is dedicated to getting students familiar with the history and culture of the countries we were visiting. 

And it's still very much a thing on the spring 2022 voyage, except the room name has changed to the Anderson Student Union, according to Blake.

Since the current voyage won't cross the equator, students won't experience the wackiest part of the journey: Neptune Day.

Since the current voyage won
Everyone drenched in fake "fish guts" then jumped in the pool.      Luke Hyce/Semester at Sea

SAS was established back in 1963 and one of the best parts is the traditions kept throughout the years. On my voyage, everyone on board went through a seafaring initiation called Neptune Day.

On this special day, we were woken up bright and early by the crew banging drums and were told to come up to the front deck to be drenched in fake fish guts, jump in the pool, and kiss a fish. Some students also shaved their heads to honor a tradition of sailors doing so when they cross the equator.

But since the current voyage doesn't make that crossing, students say they won't experience Neptune Day – for better or worse, it was one of the more memorable days of my time aboard.

But they will likely get to experience Sea Olympics day and the Alumni Ball.

But they will likely get to experience Sea Olympics day and the Alumni Ball.
Sea Olympics was taken quite seriously.      Luke Hyce/Semester at Sea

Students were sorted into different "seas," essentially school houses like in "Harry Potter," depending on the deck and number of their cabin. I was in cabin 4040 on my voyage so my roommate Mollie Biskar and I were in the Arabian sea.

Toward the end of the voyage there was something called the "Sea Olympics" where, in our seas, we would all take part in different competitions. These "sporting events" included everything from ping pong, to trivia, to synchronized swimming.

Voyagers on the current ship also say they have that to look forward to, as well as the Alumni ball, a fancy dinner at the end of the trip where everyone dresses up to celebrate the journey.

Everyone still has their favorite dining hall on the ship.

Everyone still has their favorite dining hall on the ship.
Teachers on my voyage sitting on the Lido deck.      Luke Hyce/Semester at Sea

For some reason, there are always strong opinions when it comes to voyagers' favorite dining halls on the ship. I remember my friends and I always secured a specific table in the Berlin Dining Hall, which was indoors, but there were some students who preferred eating up on deck nine at the Lido restaurant.

Voyagers today surprisingly have the same preferences for one or the other. "I have been spending a lot of time in Berlin between classes but I haven't claimed a table as mine, yet," Blake said.

"My friends and I prefer Berlin over Lido dining, and eat there every day," Worsham added.

And even though travel has changed, the excitement about visiting your dream destination is still very alive.

And even though travel has changed, the excitement about visiting your dream destination is still very alive.
Japan was the second country we visited and felt like a completely different world.      Maria Noyen/Insider

Even though COVID-19 has changed some aspects of the program, from what it sounds like, it's still the experience of a lifetime I remember. There's a lot of excitement from students about the prospect of visiting their dream destinations.

"I'm really excited for Croatia," Kemp said. "I've heard amazing things and it looks so beautiful. I also love the outdoors and have heard Croatia has good hiking."

For me, all those years ago, Japan was the place I was most anticipating visiting because it was so unlike anywhere I'd been before. I loved traveling through Kobe, Kyoto, Osaka, and Tokyo so much that I ended up going back the following year, and hope to do so again one day soon.

If there's anything you'd like to know about SAS, let me know, or follow the journey of current voyagers like Blake documenting the experience on YouTube.

If there
Ask me any questions about Semester at Sea!      Maria Noyen/Insider

If you are interested in what it's like to study on the cruise, ask me your burning questions via email:

Alternatively, you can always check out what it's like to sail aboard the MV World Odyssey by following the journey of current students like Blake, who is vlogging her experience on YouTube. A recent video, uploaded on January 31, shows her traveling through Athens, Greece, enjoying gyros, exploring monasteries, and more.


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