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  4. I went on a 23-hour train journey through the UK and Europe. Sleeping in tiny beds next to strangers wasn't ideal, but I still prefer it over flying.

I went on a 23-hour train journey through the UK and Europe. Sleeping in tiny beds next to strangers wasn't ideal, but I still prefer it over flying.

I went on a 23-hour train journey through the UK and Europe. Sleeping in tiny beds next to strangers wasn't ideal, but I still prefer it over flying.
Before this trip, I'd never traveled between Edinburgh and Berlin by train.Rachael Davies
  • I took Azuma, Eurostar, and European Sleeper trains from Edinburgh, Scotland, to Berlin, Germany.
  • Aside from the Eurostar queue at the London station, the 23-hour journey was peaceful and enjoyable.

At least once a year, I fly from my home in Edinburgh to visit my in-laws in Berlin. But all of these plane rides have increased my climate guilt and decreased my bank-account balance.

So, I decided it was time to try traveling the route by rail instead.

I booked tickets for an Azuma train from Edinburgh to London, a Eurostar train from London to Brussels, and a new European Sleeper train from Brussels to Berlin.

A flight to Berlin usually costs about 200 pounds, but for just under £250, I could pass through many different cities in less than 24 hours, all while helping the planet and enjoying the slower pace.

Here's how my train trip went.

Trains in the UK sometimes get a bad rap, but my journey was off to a cheery start on the Azuma train from Edinburgh to London.

Trains in the UK sometimes get a bad rap, but my journey was off to a cheery start on the Azuma train from Edinburgh to London.
The train departed early in the morning, so I didn't have to deal with crowds.      Rachael Davies

When you think of comfortable, reliable rail travel, the UK probably isn't the first country that comes to mind. Nonetheless, my 4 1/2-hour journey from Edinburgh and London on an Azuma train was straightforward and comfortable.

My train departed at 6 a.m., so it was quiet and relaxed, with very few people around. I could set up my space, kick back, and catch up on "The Kardashians" in peace.

No matter what, I always travel with a trusty meal deal.

No matter what, I always travel with a trusty meal deal.
I brought a sandwich, a fruit box, and juice to hold me over on the first train ride.      Rachael Davies

Far too many tourists miss out on meal deals, which are a discounted bundle of three items (usually a sandwich, a side, and a drink or dessert) at UK supermarkets. A pro tip? Never travel without one.

At Edinburgh Waverley train station, the cheapest option I found was at Boots, where I could get a sandwich or wrap, a snack (usually a fruit box or packet of crisps), and a drink for just £3.50.

Other variations from Sainsbury's or WH Smith might cost more, but probably never more than £5.

I fueled my trip down to London with a meal deal that included a trusty tuna and corn sandwich, a berry fruit box, and a smoothie.

My assigned seat wasn't by the window, but I was able to move since the train was so empty.

My assigned seat wasn
The route from Edinburgh to London featured gorgeous views.      Rachael Davies

It's a good thing that I had "The Kardashians" to keep me company because the view certainly did not. Despite trying to book a window seat whenever possible, I am seemingly cursed and always get assigned to aisle seats.

Luckily, the train was quite empty, so I did move across to the other side as we passed Berwick-upon-Tweed, a town in England, catching the breathtaking views of the North Sea on the left-hand side of the train.

Once I arrived at London St Pancras International, I had to wait 90 minutes in a chaotic Eurostar queue.

Once I arrived at London St Pancras International, I had to wait 90 minutes in a chaotic Eurostar queue.
I barely made it to my next train in time.      Rachael Davies

It was time to brave the Eurostar queue at London St Pancras International so I could catch my train to Brussels. It wound past shops and restaurants, leaving large gaps for shoppers to get through. The entire system felt like a free-for-all.

A French woman behind me attempted to control her four kids and various suitcases (without much success), an elderly British couple in front of me was about to miss their train to Paris, and masses of tourists clustered together. It was a mess.

After 90 minutes of queueing, I finally made it to the platform just 10 minutes before my train to Brussels was due to depart.

The Eurostar to Brussels was noisier and more crowded than the Azuma train I'd just come from.

The Eurostar to Brussels was noisier and more crowded than the Azuma train I
Almost every seat on the train was full.      Rachael Davies

My discomfort didn't end at the London station.

The Eurostar felt packed, especially compared to my peaceful trip from Edinburgh to London. There was a combination of businesspeople on laptops, families gearing up for a day of exploration, and couples embarking on backpacking trips across Europe.

The sheer number of bodies and bags made the train feel much smaller than the Azuma one, even though it probably wasn't. Luckily, this train ride was shorter, lasting just over two hours.

It doesn't matter how old I am — I'll always be disappointed that I can't see out the Channel Tunnel, also known as the "Chunnel."

It doesn
My Eurostar traveled from London to Brussels.      Rachael Davies

The Channel Tunnel, also known as the "Chunnel," is a 31.5-mile undersea passage that links London with European cities like Paris, Brussels, Lille, Lyon, Avignon, and Marseille.

As a child, I was convinced the tunnel would be glass, allowing me to see all the fish and underwater creatures in the English Channel as I pass by.

Disappointing views aside, it's still an unbelievably efficient way to get to Europe (that is, once you get past the queues). Plus, Eurotrains typically take you to the center of the city, whereas many airports require a commute.

Because I built in time for potential delays, I had 90 minutes to explore Brussels.

Because I built in time for potential delays, I had 90 minutes to explore Brussels.
I was grateful to stretch my legs after sitting down for hours.      Rachael Davies

I was having a great time, right up until the heavens opened.

Still, a quick walk around the southern side of the Belgian capital was a welcome break that allowed me to stretch my legs after several hours of sitting down.

Exploring Brussel-Zuid/Midi, the city's main train station, was also a treat.

Exploring Brussel-Zuid/Midi, the city
Brussel-Zuid/Midi is located in the heart of the city.      Rachael Davies

From a tiny tropical park to phone-charging ports that people power through cycling, Brussel-Zuid/Midi was certainly the most interesting train station I visited on this trip.

Next, I boarded the European Sleeper train and settled into my couchette, which I shared with several strangers.

Next, I boarded the European Sleeper train and settled into my couchette, which I shared with several strangers.
I booked a couchette on the European Sleeper.      Rachael Davies

It was time to embark on my final leg of the trip: a 13-hour ride on European Sleeper's The Good Night Train. The train launched in 2023, running between Brussels and Berlin with stops at Amsterdam and other cities in between.

I booked a couchette, which meant I was assigned to a cabin with six seats that fold into beds. After settling in, I made friends with my fellow cabinmates.

I could've also selected a seat without a bed, or I could've upgraded to a private compartment if I was feeling fancy.

However, the couchette was more than comfortable, and my €109 ticket included a simple breakfast and a bottle of water. When I think of it as saving myself one night of hotel or Airbnb charges, it seems like an even better deal.

During the journey from Brussels to Berlin, I tried a can of European Sleeper beer.

During the journey from Brussels to Berlin, I tried a can of European Sleeper beer.
I sipped on the beer during my train ride from Brussels to Berlin.      Rachael Davies

I think it's absolutely necessary to stock up on food or even eat a full meal before boarding this train, as I only saw snacks and Cup-a-Soup available on board.

However, you can try European Sleeper's brand of beer. The one I got was served slightly too warm for my liking, but it had its own rustic charm.

I had to wait for all of my cabinmates to arrive before I could turn the bench into a bed.

I had to wait for all of my cabinmates to arrive before I could turn the bench into a bed.
Once I was able to get in bed, I slept soundly.      Rachael Davies

I didn't expect it to be so tricky to convert the seats in the couchette into beds. They start off as benches, so I couldn't just stretch out as I pleased.

After several hours on different trains, all I wanted to do was lie back and enjoy the snacks I'd collected at each train station, but I needed to wait until our final cabinmates boarded the train in Amsterdam.

When I finally tucked myself in, I slept like a baby for a few hours. OK, maybe it was more that I had been traveling for 14 hours by that point, but the complimentary thin sleeping bag, squishy pillow, and cozy blanket made for a winning setup.

Whenever we passed through major stations, there were flashing lights, but that was the only disturbance. The thin blue curtains didn't do much to keep the cabin dark, so if I were to do it again, I would definitely bring my own eye mask.

By the time I arrived in Berlin, I felt well-rested and ready to start my trip.

By the time I arrived in Berlin, I felt well-rested and ready to start my trip.
The train arrived at Berlin Central Station about 23 hours after I left Edinburgh.      Rachael Davies

Because the Eurostar took me through France and Belgium and The Good Night Train weaved through various locations across the Netherlands and Germany, I was able to watch much of northern Europe pass by my window. It was a much more pleasurable experience than flying.

My only real complaint was the Eurostar queue at the London station, but I think traveling outside of peak summer periods may solve this issue.

Traveling slowly made me feel a lot more connected to the places I was visiting. I felt like I had slowly transformed from my at-home self to my on-holiday self, who was ready to hit the ground running upon arrival in Berlin.

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