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I wasn't prepared for my daughter's grief 3 years after our dog died

Samantha Axtman   

I wasn't prepared for my daughter's grief 3 years after our dog died
  • Before becoming a mom, I impulsively got a chihuahua mix dog named Mia.
  • At first, I worried about Mia's reaction to having a baby around when I was pregnant.

There are a lot of things no one tells you about when it comes to parenthood. Something I was not prepared for was watching my child grieve a second time over a dog who had been dead for over three years.

When I was in my early 20s, I made the impulsive decision to get a dog. Her name was Mia, a six-pound pomeranian-chihuahua mix with a bold personality. When we had our first child, I wasn't sure how Mia would handle a baby; small dogs, particularly chihuahuas, aren't known for being great children's pets. It turns out I didn't need to worry. Mia wanted to be wherever the baby was.

They were inseparable

"Oggie" was one of my daughter's first words. Once she was crawling, she began following Mia around. The two would watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse together. My daughter would throw the ball, and Mia would get it, drop it in front of her, and patiently wait for it to be thrown again. The two were inseparable.

When my daughter was almost 2 years old, Mia unexpectedly died. Now came the hard part of helping my daughter understand why her dog, who had been there the day before, was no longer in our house. I did some research before talking to her about the best practices around children and pet death. The most common theme was, to be honest. I want to be honest with my children, but I wasn't sure how to help her understand the concept of death at her age. Mr. Rogers' "When a Pet Dies" became an invaluable book during this time. We read it every night for a few weeks. Every day, my daughter would ask where Mia was, and we would explain again she died. Eventually, she stopped asking.

Now she understands the concept of death

That was a little over three years ago. This year, my daughter has started to grasp the concept of death and what it means, which has prompted several conversations about Mia. She's asked about where she is (dead); when she's coming back (she isn't); how she died (heart problems); what happened to her body (she was cremated and is in a box on the bookshelf). And so she now tells anyone, randomly, that her dog Mia is dead.

A few weeks ago, she spotted Mia's carrier in a corner of the garage. She asked what it was. I explained it was Mia's carrier and that we had plans to get rid of it soon. She asked why and after this conversation about Mia's death, the moment came when she truly understood she wouldn't see Mia again. Her face fell, and we could see she was fighting not to cry. My husband got down on her level to give her a hug. We told her it was OK to feel sad because it is a sad thing. She requested to read "When a Pet Dies" before bed that night to help her process her grief.

There isn't a section in "What to Expect" about the heartbreak of watching your child grieve. It was hard the first time when my own grief was fresh. My daughter knew I was sad, and she was sad her dog wasn't around, but she also didn't fully grasp the foreverness of death at the time. I was not prepared for the second wave of grief once she did grasp that death meant Mia won't come back.

At least this time, I know what answers to give her, and I'm also not managing my own grief so I'm able to fully focus on helping my daughter with hers.

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