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  4. I was born and raised in Montana. These are the 10 most common mistakes I see tourists make when visiting the Big Sky state.

I was born and raised in Montana. These are the 10 most common mistakes I see tourists make when visiting the Big Sky state.

Jordan Parker Erb   

I was born and raised in Montana. These are the 10 most common mistakes I see tourists make when visiting the Big Sky state.
The author, a native Montanan, shares mistakes tourists often make when visiting the state.Jordan Erb/Insider
  • As a Montana native, I've spent much of my life exploring the state.
  • I've found that tourists often make the same mistakes when visiting, like only visiting Yellowstone.

I was born in Helena, the capital of Montana. In my 18 years living in the state, and in my subsequent visits back home every year, I've seen tourists make a number of common mistakes while visiting.

I was born in Helena, the capital of Montana. In my 18 years living in the state, and in my subsequent visits back home every year, I
The author and her dog.      Jordan Erb/Insider

My home state is a beautiful place to grow up, live, and visit. Filled with beautiful national parks, stunning scenery, and incredible wildlife, I think there's nowhere quite like it.

As such, it's a place that draws many travelers, but all too often, I see those visitors making the same mistakes. From failing to pack essential camping gear to only visiting the "touristy" parts of the state, here are the most common mistakes people make when they visit the Big Sky state.

I often meet travelers who opt to only visit Yellowstone National Park and miss out on some of the best places Montana has to offer.

I often meet travelers who opt to only visit Yellowstone National Park and miss out on some of the best places Montana has to offer.
The author and her dog digging for crystals in Crystal Park, Montana      Jordan Erb/Insider

Located at the state's southern border as well as Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park is one of Montana's most well-known destinations.

My parents were raised at the park's border and I've visited about three times, so I understand its allure and think everyone should try to make the trip at least once.

The park's entrance is only an hour and a half away from Bozeman International Airport, the state's busiest airport, and I think it's a great place for tourists who are short on time but still want to get into nature and see one of the country's biggest national parks.

Known for its geysers, hot springs, and abundant wildlife, Yellowstone is brimming with natural beauty. However, there's so much more to the state than just Yellowstone, including places I'd recommend visiting instead of, or in addition to it.

For example, I'd rather visit Glacier National Park for its sky-high mountains and sprawling hiking trails. Plus, data shows that Glacier sees fewer visitors than Yellowstone.

Alternatively, I always suggest friends head to southwest Montana where you can spend a weekend in Crystal Park, a site the Forest Service has reserved specifically for digging up stones, rocks, and crystals. My family and I used to go regularly and would spend hours scouring for crystals to bring home.

I notice that too many people fail to plan ahead when visiting national parks.

I notice that too many people fail to plan ahead when visiting national parks.
The author in West Yellowstone, a small town just outside Yellowstone National Park.      Jordan Erb/Insider

If you're going to spend time in the state's national parks, including Glacier or Yellowstone, it's important to plan ahead.

Situated near the state's border with Canada, Glacier puts Montana's beauty on spectacular display. In my several times visiting, I've hiked its trails covering hundreds of miles, picnicked at its lakes, and eaten wild huckleberries. I'm always in awe of its stunning scenery.

However, some trails see more than 1,500 hikers a day, according to the National Park Service, and during periods of heavy traffic, areas of the park may be shut down to clear out congestion. I always plan ahead and check the status of my desired trails and have a back-up route in mind in case one is too busy or not in operation.

Additionally, until September 11, Glacier is requiring reservations to enter the park, which many visitors don't realize.

In Yellowstone, the National Park Service has warned of overflowing parking lots and a rise in traffic jams, especially during the pandemic when national parks became areas of refuge for adventure-hungry Americans. In fact, Yellowstone last year saw 4.8 million visitors, surpassing the previous record by nearly 600,000 visitors, and summer is both parks' busiest season.

I recommend that visitors instead come to these parks during shoulder seasons for a quieter experience, and to plan your visit a year out.

Also, be sure to check for weather-related closures before entering either park. Recently, massive flooding closed entrances to Yellowstone, and in the winter, many roads are closed to cars.

I think many tourists make the wrong transportation decisions.

I think many tourists make the wrong transportation decisions.
When driving in Montana, particularly on back roads, make sure to have four-wheel drive.      Jordan Erb/Insider

There's a lot to consider before traversing Montana, especially if you're planning on doing any outdoor recreation.

I wouldn't recommend relying on public transportation like you might in other states or major cities. None of Montana's cities have a subway system, and while there are public buses in many towns, I wouldn't count on them to get you everywhere you want to go.

Similarly, there's no rail system in between towns, so in my opinion, the best option is typically to rent a car.

When renting a car, four-wheel drive should be a priority. This is particularly important in the winter, as snow and ice clog up the roads, but it comes in handy even in the warmer months, especially leading up to hiking trails. Some roads are unpaved, bumpy, and unpredictable, and in my experience, many smaller cars just can't handle it.

For example, a few years ago, a friend and I tried taking a Honda CR-Z to a trail head in the Tobacco Root Mountains. The little car couldn't hack it, and we had to park a mile away and hitch a ride with some other hikers in a truck.

I see visitors underestimate how often they'll need to fill up or charge their car.

I see visitors underestimate how often they
Most of Montana’s gas stations don’t offer EV charging, especially in rural parts of the state.      Jordan Erb/Insider

Montana is a massive state. It's the nation's fourth biggest state and if you're heading into any particularly rural areas, in my experience, you may not encounter a gas station for a while. My best advice is to get gas early into any big driving trip and stop when gas is available so you don't find yourself stranded.

If you opt to rent an electric vehicle in the Big Sky state, I would carefully consider where to find chargers while on a road trip. Many rural gas stations don't offer electric-car chargers at all, so it's important to charge strategically.

On my most recent trip back home in August, I rented a Tesla to drive from the Bozeman airport to my hometown. Montana has limited infrastructure in place for electric vehicles. There's only one Tesla Supercharger in Helena and Bozeman, and none in between the two towns. I never ran out of charge, but I was sure to plug in each time I hit the road.

Inevitably, some tourists mess with the wildlife — and pay dearly

Inevitably, some tourists mess with the wildlife — and pay dearly
A grizzly bear at Yellowstone National Park.      Joe McDonald/ Getty Images

It seems like every year there's a new story about a tourist harassing wildlife. From being impaled by a bison, to someone putting a bison calf into their car, or facing criminal charges for getting too close to a grizzly bear, people make a lot of mistakes when it comes to encountering animals in the wild.

Additionally, some tourists have illegally strayed from the delegated boardwalks and fallen into hot springs or been severely burned by Yellowstone's geysers.

If you want to see wildlife, there are a few good ways to do so safely. Yellowstone National Park suggests heading out by dawn, and I recommend bringing a good pair of binoculars so you can admire the animals from afar without feeling tempted to get too close for a better look.

Montana is beautiful, but you'll miss out if you don't disconnect from devices.

Montana is beautiful, but you
Much of Montana's wilderness doesn't have cell service — embrace it.      Jordan Erb/Insider

In my experience, much of Montana's wilderness doesn't have cell service, and some rural areas have unreliable coverage.

While this can be jarring at first — as nearly 1 in 10 adults are online "almost constantly" — a study from Berkeley shows that taking a tech break can help deepen our connections with others and improve our sleep, among other benefits.

Even though I, too, am attached to my phone like it's an appendage, some of my favorite memories of living in the Big Sky state are camping, hiking, or splashing around in a lake — no cell phones included. For the best experience, I suggest you embrace going off the grid.

I've observed too many tourists not being friendly on the trails.

Two hikers on a trail in Montana      Jordan Erb/Insider

Montana has thousands of miles of trails throughout the state, and whether it's outside of Helena or within a national park, I've always been struck by how friendly my fellow Montanans are while out on the trails.

It's typically seen as good etiquette to be cordial while hiking. If you come to visit Montana and blow past without at least a smile, it can be seen as rude by locals.

I've found that a friendly smile, wave, or simple greeting goes a long way while hiking or passing someone, on the mountain or otherwise. Even something as minimal as "hi," or "how's it going?" is generally appreciated by locals like me.

Many tourists don't anticipate extreme weather and pack the wrong clothes for the season.

Many tourists don
The author on a snowmobile in West Yellowstone      Jordan Erb/Insider

Montana's winters are long and harsh with snow typically starting in October and often lasting until April or later. It also gets cold, like well-below-freezing, cold. In Helena, the average low in January is 13 degrees and the high is 33 degrees.

I think many tourists don't anticipate this and don't dress as warm as they should. I think a warm coat, a hat, gloves, wool socks, and boots are a must in winter.

But be sure to pack for the season — summer in Montana can be warm. Like much of the United States, Montana has seen unusually high temperatures this year, with heat advisories and warnings hitting the state in July. Last year, the state saw its hottest summer on record.

Even during a summer heat wave, nights in Montana can get cold. So while I'd be sure to pack t-shirts and shorts for a summer visit, I'd also recommend bringing a warm sweater, jacket, and long pants to be prepared for cooler evening temperatures.

I think tourists are often unaware of the ways they need to prepare for hiking and camping trips in Montana.

I think tourists are often unaware of the ways they need to prepare for hiking and camping trips in Montana.
The author hiking in Montana.      Jordan Erb/Insider

Montana's wilderness, particularly in the backcountry, can be unforgiving with unpredictable weather and wildlife. These factors should always be taken into consideration before planning a trip.

When camping, I'm sure to bring everything I might need, even if I don't end up using it. When it comes to the elements, I bring enough layers to withstand changing temperatures. Even though it may be warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt during the day, I always pack warm layers — including a hat and jacket — for the brisk nights and mornings.

Even if it's just a quick hike, I typically will bring a sweater, a hat, plenty of water, and bear spray, just in case. I've noticed fellow campers who are not as adequately prepared.

It's also incredibly important to minimize the risk of wildlife interactions. The Forest Service requires you to secure your food and waste, whether it's in a vehicle like a camper, a bear-resistant container, or suspended at least 10 feet in the air. Tourists may not know this and arrive unprepared.

Finally, I hope all visitors to Montana refrain from making a mess and leave the state better than they found it.

Finally, I hope all visitors to Montana refrain from making a mess and leave the state better than they found it.
The sun setting over a mountain near Bozeman, Montana.      Jordan Erb/Insider

In Montana, "leave no trace" is taken as gospel by outdoor enthusiasts. The concept, though its exact origin is unclear, is championed by nonprofits, the National Park Service, and even corporations like REI.

Leave no trace is a set of widely agreed-upon ethics that aim to protect and preserve the outdoors. It requires, among other things, that you pick up after your pets, pick up litter, and stick to the beaten path to make sure the area can be enjoyed by others for as long as possible.

Another principle, "pack it in, pack it out," requires that you dispose of waste properly. When my family and I go camping, we're sure to bring enough bags to bring back and dispose of any waste to make sure the land isn't "loved to death," or overused to the point of no return.

I'm not sure if all tourists are aware of this thinking, and I hope that all visitors to Montana will leave it better than they found it.

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