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  4. I visited 3 of California’s Channel Islands - known as the Galápagos of North America - and they're hidden gems filled with wildlife and stunning beauty

I visited 3 of California’s Channel Islands - known as the Galápagos of North America - and they're hidden gems filled with wildlife and stunning beauty

Elisa Parhad   

I visited 3 of California’s Channel Islands - known as the Galápagos of North America - and they're hidden gems filled with wildlife and stunning beauty
Santa Rosa Island.Elisa Parhad
  • Channel Islands National Park consists of five islands off the coast of Southern California.
  • The islands are a few hours by boat from LA, but they feel like a getaway far from the US.
  • Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, and Anacapa Islands are picturesque, rich in history, and filled with plants and animals that don't exist anywhere else in the world.

Located just hours from LA, the northern Channel Islands are a slice of paradise that feels worlds away from California.

Located just hours from LA, the northern Channel Islands are a slice of paradise that feels worlds away from California.
Santa Cruz Island.      Elisa Parhad

The Channel Islands, also called the Galápagos Islands of North America because of the unique plants and animals that inhabit the land, make up an under-the-radar archipelago off the southern coast of California.

When I first visited Channel Islands National Park — which includes five of the northern islands — five years ago, my first impression was: "Why isn't anyone talking about this place?"

The journey to get there was just a few hours from my home in Los Angeles, but I was transported to an entirely new world filled with miniature foxes, jumping dolphins, painted sea caves, sculpted canyons, and beautiful coastal views.

Here's a look at how to get to the islands, and, once you're there, how to make the most of a trip.

Visitors must travel by boat or airplane to reach the Channel Islands.

Visitors must travel by boat or airplane to reach the Channel Islands.
The Channel Islands are off the coast of Southern California. Right: Flowers on Anacapa Island.      Google Maps; Elisa Parhad

The National Park Service has two Channel Islands visitor centers in California — one in Santa Barbara and the other in Ventura — and you'll need take a boat or airplane to reach the islands.

I've found that it's easy (and beautiful) to catch a boat from the mainland.

But with no private boat of my own, I hopped on board with the official boat concessionaire of the park, Island Packers Cruises.

In my experience, the boat journey to the islands is just a preview of how magical they are. On my last trip, I saw a playful pod of short-nosed common dolphins, changed course to watch the fin of a blue shark dart about the boat, and came eye-to-eye with a blue whale.

For the first time in my life, I saw flying fish leap out of the water and fly like birds. A separate whale-watching trip might offer the same, but this is simply the appetizer when heading to the park.

You can take day trips to the islands, but camping is my favorite way to experience the magic of this remote paradise.

You can take day trips to the islands, but camping is my favorite way to experience the magic of this remote paradise.
Camping on Santa Cruz Island.      Elisa Parhad

Island Packers Cruises offer both day trips and overnight excursions to the Channel Islands, but overnight stays allow visitors to fully experience all that the islands have to offer.

Without easy beach access and a short route for hiking, the island of Anacapa makes a perfect day trip.

Although Anacapa has a campground, both Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz are my picks for overnight stays, as I've witnessed stunning sunsets, marveled at night skies, and visited parts of the islands I'd not have access to if I had a boat to catch at the end of the day.

Whichever route you choose, the National Park Service offers free guided hikes on most Channel Islands destinations. The National Park Service lists other partnering organizations on its website that help protects and preserve the islands.

Spending the night on one of the Channel Islands isn't a pack-and-go situation. It requires meticulous packing and early wakeups - but it's worth it.

Spending the night on one of the Channel Islands isn
Santa Cruz Island.      Elisa Parhad

Overnight trips on the islands involve getting a campsite reservation matched up to the boat schedule and careful food planning since there aren't any stores to run to on the islands.

You'll also need backpacking gear (or a collapsible wagon) to ensure you can haul in all of your supplies.

Campsites at Scorpion Ranch (on Santa Cruz) and Water Canyon (Santa Rosa) are both roughly a 1.5-mile trek from the boat pier, so be prepared to walk.

Finally, you'll likely have to prepare for an early departure for the boat ride.

I leave from Los Angeles at 6 a.m. to make a 7 a.m. arrival time. Is it worth it? Absolutely.

But don't think it gets easy once on the island. Unless you sit back and relax at camp, plan to get your 10,000 steps in, and then some — by noon.

Each of the Channel Islands has its specialties. Santa Cruz is great for kayaking, snorkeling, and amazing sunsets.

Each of the Channel Islands has its specialties. Santa Cruz is great for kayaking, snorkeling, and amazing sunsets.
Santa Cruz Island.      Elisa Parhad

Santa Cruz Island is the largest of the Channel Islands. It's about four times the size of Manhattan and lies 20 miles off the coast of Ventura, California.

The island has rolling hills with mountains rising to nearly 2,500 feet, rocky shorelines, and cliffside views you'll never forget.

The island's Scorpion Ranch Campground is the most popular day trip and camping destination of the entire park.

On a visit in 2019, my family and I spent our days at the beach to play on its shores, watch the kayakers explore the coast, and snorkel around the orange Garibaldi (the California State fish), bat rays, and seals amongst giant swaying kelp.

Santa Rosa Island is filled with epic hiking, elemental beauty, and sandy beaches.

Santa Rosa Island is filled with epic hiking, elemental beauty, and sandy beaches.
Santa Rosa Island.      Elisa Parhad

Santa Rosa is a 3-hour boat ride from Ventura Harbor and the second-largest of the Channel Islands.

My family and I camped here for four days in the summer of 2020 and explored as much of the 15-mile-long and 10-mile-wide isle as we could.

The Water Canyon campsite on Santa Rosa Island gets windy, so campers set up their camps in wind shelters.

The Water Canyon campsite on Santa Rosa Island gets windy, so campers set up their camps in wind shelters.
Camping on Santa Rosa Island.      Elisa Parhad

Aside from being at camp, which has 15 sites, there were times on the islands that felt as if we were its only inhabitants.

Although Santa Rosa's gems were spread out, there was plenty to explore.

Although Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa Island.      Elisa Parhad

With a 7- and 10-year-old in tow, we had to choose our destinations carefully.

After setting up camp, we explored tide pools, wild sandy beaches that went on for miles, forests of rare Torrey Pines, sand dunes, sea middens (ancient debris piles), and beautiful canyons.

While exploring Santa Rosa, we had a beautiful beach to ourselves at Anchorage Point.

While exploring Santa Rosa, we had a beautiful beach to ourselves at Anchorage Point.
A beach on Santa Rosa Island.      Elisa Parhad

On Santa Rosa Island, we decided against the 12-mile round trip hike to Lobo Canyon — by all accounts an absolutely worthwhile endeavor — to see a 1.5-mile canyon of wind and water-sculpted sandstone cliffs.

We also skipped the hike to Carrington Point, where northern elephant seals hang out.

Instead, we trekked nearly as far to Anchorage Point where we had a spectacular beach of white sand, turquoise water, and sculpted sea cliffs all to ourselves for the day.

On both Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa, you can expect to hike until your feet hurt - and then find refuge by the crystal-clear waters.

On both Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa, you can expect to hike until your feet hurt - and then find refuge by the crystal-clear waters.
Santa Rosa Island.      Elisa Parhad

You won't find much development or any modern modes of transportation on the Channel Islands.

On the islands of Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa, that makes for lots of hiking to the many outlooks, canyons, and mountaintops on offer.

The good news? I have yet to be disappointed. And, for days my feet can't take it, I simply head to the beach.

Anacapa Island makes a perfect day trip where you can experience the world of seagulls.

Anacapa Island makes a perfect day trip where you can experience the world of seagulls.
Hiking on Anacapa Island.      Elisa Parhad

On the island of Anacapa, seagulls make their nests on the ground.

When I visited in 2020, I hiked among the gulls' homes, arguments with their partners (they mate for life, so I get it), and dinners, which sometimes include fried chicken and whatever other fast-food grub they can dig up from the dumpsters on the SoCal shores.

But to make the most of your day trip to Anacapa, you'll want to visit the island before seagull breeding season, which happens in May.

But to make the most of your day trip to Anacapa, you
Anacapa Island.      Elisa Parhad

To avoid swarms of birds and get Anacapa Island's best views in full bloom, it's important to plan ahead.

I was warned several times that my time visiting Anacapa Island one March was quiet compared to the gulls' breeding season in May.

As hatchlings emerge, gulls are in protective parent mode, and they're known to dive-bomb, heckle, and squawk to keep their babies safe.

Another reason to visit before seagull breeding season in the spring: the stunning swaths of green, yellow, periwinkle, and white wildflowers, including tree sunflowers.

I took it all in on the two miles of hiking trails between Inspiration Point — a staggering outlook to other islets and Santa Cruz — and the lighthouse at the opposite end.

On the Channel Islands, there's no shortage of vibrant plants - and you'll encounter species you can't find anywhere else on Earth.

On the Channel Islands, there
Torrey Pines on Santa Rosa Island.      Elisa Parhad

Like the Galápagos Islands of South America, the isolation and unique elements of this archipelago led to evolutionary changes in more than 145 species of flora and fauna that do not exist anywhere else on the planet.

In fact, some species are only found on a single island.

This includes a variety of plant species, such as the Santa Rosa Island Torrey Pine — one of the rarest trees in the world, according to the National Park Service — and the succulent species Dudleya, as well as several animal subspecies.

You're bound to come face-to-face with animals unique to the Channel Islands, like the island fox, which is the size of a pet cat.

An island fox on Santa Rosa Island.      Elisa Parhad

Many of the endemic species — or species that exist only in one geographic location — on the Channel Islands follow the idea of evolutionary biology that states that small creatures on islands became larger (sometimes due to lack of predators) and large animals become smaller (often because of limited food sources or shrinking habitat).

This is seen in the island fox — one of the world's most minuscule — which is the size of a cat and has the cuteness of a kitten.

The foxes are found on six of the eight Channel Islands, making them a mascot of sorts of the national park.

The islands are home to natural wonders, like a massive sea canyon that looks like it's been hand-painted.

The islands are home to natural wonders, like a massive sea canyon that looks like it
Painted Cave on Santa Cruz Island.      Elisa Parhad

While visiting Santa Cruz Island in July 2020, I ventured into the Painted Cave, which is one of the world's largest sea caves.

The rocky coastline of Santa Cruz Island harbors the highest density of sea caves in the world, including the behemoth Painted Cave.

The interior wasn't painted by any humans, as the name might suggest. Instead, this colorful tinting across browns, reds, purples, yellows, and greens is from freshwater seeping out from deep inside the island, which allows colorful lichen and algae to thrive.

Several of the Channel Islands were also once used for ranching, and visitors today can see the remnants of the bygone era.

Several of the Channel Islands were also once used for ranching, and visitors today can see the remnants of the bygone era.
Santa Cruz Island.      Elisa Parhad

Both Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz were home to large cattle and sheep ranches, which started around the 1880s, according to the National Park Service.

Upon arrival, visitors can see the leftover fences, ranch homes, barns, and rusted farming implements from the islands' past.

Conservators have worked hard to bring back native vegetation by removing livestock and non-native animals, as well as restoring native species.

The Channel Islands harbor an amazing human history that dates back thousands of years and is still being told.

The Channel Islands harbor an amazing human history that dates back thousands of years and is still being told.
Pondering the lively human history on the islands is an exercise in imagination and wonder.      Elisa Parhad

A visit to the Channel Islands offers a rare opportunity to see Southern California as it was in the centuries before the arrival of Europeans.

For thousands of years, Chumash communities made these islands home, followed by conquistadors and missionaries, shipwrecked families, ranchers, abalone fishermen, and military trainees.

In 1959, researcher Phil Orr discovered human remains on Santa Rosa Island, and in 1999, researchers concluded the finding indicated life existed there 13,000 years ago, according to the National Park Service.

The National Park Service says that the archaeological discovery, known as the Arlington Springs Man, is one of the oldest-known discoveries of human remains in North or South America.

Visiting the Channel Islands as an outdoor adventurer means that I am yet another lucky person — across several millennia — to witness the multitudes of these island wonders.


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