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I tried 6 new hobbies during lockdown, including sculpting and painting, and I rediscovered a love for creativity

Matthew Wilson   

I tried 6 new hobbies during lockdown, including sculpting and painting, and I rediscovered a love for creativity
Me and my masterpiece.Matthew Wilson/Business Insider
  • While stuck at home amid the coronavirus pandemic, I've been entertaining myself by trying out new hobbies.
  • I picked up the paintbrush for the first time in years and gave clay sculpting a try.
  • I found a passion for cooking and trying new recipes.
  • While I won't continue with all the hobbies, I rediscovered my love for creativity and found some of the activities therapeutic.

During the lockdown, I've had plenty of time to myself. Rather than spend all my time bingeing Netflix, I decided to focus on myself and try out several new hobbies.

During the process, I rediscovered a love for creativity and imagination ... while also realizing a dislike for needles and thread.

Here are six hobbies I tried during the lockdown and what happened when I tried them out.

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During the lockdown, I painted for the first time in nearly a decade.

During the lockdown, I painted for the first time in nearly a decade.
My painting set-up.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

When I was in high school, art was my favorite class. I learned how to blend different colors together and attempted many different techniques, and through it all, I found a passion for creating. It was OK that I wasn't the greatest artist alive; art was about the pursuit of creation.

Though I've continued to draw and sketch, it's been years since I picked up a paintbrush. After buying some acrylic paint, I decided to unleash my inner artist once more.

I've never been the best at pulling an image from my head, so for the painting, I used a photo of a tree I found online as reference as I created my own version.

In the vein of Bob Ross, I painted a happy little tree.

In the vein of Bob Ross, I painted a happy little tree.
Painting.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

OK, so the tree didn't look that happy. I was pretty rusty when it came to blending colors together. I attempted to paint a tree, a glow in a fire of reds during sunset, but I mixed the paints too dark. Instead, it came out looking like a murder scene on the canvas.

But I was proud of the end of the result, all things considered.

But I was proud of the end of the result, all things considered.
"Lullabies in autumn."      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

Using a sponge and white paint, I attempted to salvage my painting and bring it closer to what I originally envisioned. The tree slowly took shape from a blob of red, and I could see the pink tinged grass blowing in the wind.

Towards the end of the painting, I had a moment of improvisation. Without thinking, I painted the silhouette of a woman near the tree and a cross as well.

Painting was a lot of fun, and I remembered why I enjoyed it so much.

Painting was a lot of fun, and I remembered why I enjoyed it so much.
Me and my masterpiece.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

With painting, I can be as abstract or as realistic as I want. I can recreate the dreams I had last night or I can step outside and try to replicate what I see. A canvas is a place where I can make mistakes and take risks and see what I can come up with.

Painting is something I loved a long time ago, and now that I have the supplies, it's something I think I want to continue. It's calming and lets me stretch a different part of my brain.

I decided to see if I had a green thumb by planting a tomato plant.

I decided to see if I had a green thumb by planting a tomato plant.
A tomato plant kit.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

When I was about 10, I helped my dad grow a garden in the backyard, but all the plants died before they yielded a single vegetable. My mom always had better luck when it came to plants. She grew an assortment of flowers that decorated our front porch.

This is a relatively new hobby, so whether I end up with a crop of tomatoes remains to be seen.

The most hands-on part of gardening is during the planting stage.

The most hands-on part of gardening is during the planting stage.
I transferred soil between pots.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

Fortunately the tomato kit came with detailed instructions. I may have also got a few tips from my mom as well. Pouring warm water on the growing kits, I used a fork to break them apart into soil. I then transferred the majority of the soil into the tomato kit pot, leaving enough to cover the seeds.

Somehow having a handful of soil made me feel more in touch with the outdoors. I felt like I was adding something to nature.

Once I potted the soil, I added the packet of tomato seeds and covered them with dirt.

Once I potted the soil, I added the packet of tomato seeds and covered them with dirt.
Tomato seeds.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

I tried to imagine the tomato plant that would form from those seeds, now safely secured behind a layer of soil. I put the pot in a well-lit area of the yard, and every day when I wake up, I go outside to water it. I like the experience — I enjoy being outside and around nature. It gives me another reason to take in the world around me and be appreciative of it.

This particular foray into gardening didn't feel time intensive, but this was obviously just on a small scale, and I know it's tricky if you want results. Not enough time has passed to see whether my gardening skills resemble those of my mother or my father.

Depending how this plant turns out, I may try another in the future.

In the pursuit of new hobbies, I thought cross stitch sounded fun ...

In the pursuit of new hobbies, I thought cross stitch sounded fun ...
I tried cross stitch for the first time.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

Cross stitch is embroidering an image using needle and thread.

I've never used a needle and thread before, and given my cross-stitch skills, I may never again. I spent longer than I want to admit trying to thread the needle. Whoever can do that on their first try deserves all the praise in the world.

... but I was wrong.

... but I was wrong.
My cross stitch attempt.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

I lacked the coordination and patience for cross stitch. By the end, I had a headache and decided the amount of time it would take for me to master this hobby was greater than I was willing to give. I managed a few poor threads but not enough to create what I intended.

Sculpting with clay was therapeutic and relaxing.

Sculpting with clay was therapeutic and relaxing.
Sculpting tools.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

Buying clay and sculpting tools online, I embraced by inner Michelangelo. Molding the clay was a hands-on activity that I found relaxing. Using the tools, I whittled away the clay into whatever shape I wanted.

For one of my sculptures, I tried to replicate a statue of the Greek god Zeus ...

For one of my sculptures, I tried to replicate a statue of the Greek god Zeus ...
A sculpture of Zeus.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

I was inspired by the remnants of Greek statues. Zeus' hair and face were the hardest to sculpt and took the most amount of time. Using the sculpting tool, I dug out where his eyes and mouth should be and filled them in with clay. I also used the sculpting tools to create the grooves of the hair.

... and for another I sought inspiration from pop culture, creating a zombie from "Resident Evil."

... and for another I sought inspiration from pop culture, creating a zombie from "Resident Evil."
My zombie sculpture.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

"Resident Evil" is a video game and movie franchise about the zombie apocalypse. As a gamer, I chose to replicate one of the series' many monstrous creatures: the Nemesis. Crafting a monster was easier than a god because it could have exaggerated features like elongated teeth.

Using acrylic paint, I brought the zombie to life.

Using acrylic paint, I brought the zombie to life.
My finished zombie.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

A bit of red paint goes a long way to bringing out the zombie's bloodthirsty nature. It wasn't perfect by any means, but I was proud of the little horror bust I had created.

Sculpting felt like a hobby I could pursue — it was relaxing while allowing me to follow my creative impulses.

Using a smart phone attachment, I started taking miniature photography to create images like this photo of a dollar bill.

Using a smart phone attachment, I started taking miniature photography to create images like this photo of a dollar bill.
A dollar bill.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

I bought a lens that attaches to my smart phone and allows me to take up-close photography. One of the things that fascinates me about it is seeing the world in a completely new way.

Through miniature photography, I tried to bring a fresh perspective to ordinary things around me, like this flower ...

Through miniature photography, I tried to bring a fresh perspective to ordinary things around me, like this flower ...
Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

Using my phone and the lens, I took a picture of a rose that I might have never noticed otherwise. Up close, the rose becomes ripples of red folding into each other.

... or this colony of ants going about their business.

... or this colony of ants going about their business.
A close-up of an ant hill.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

While I was outside, I noticed an ant hill near an oak tree. The ants were constantly coming and going from the main entrance of the hill.

I enjoyed how this hobby made me rethink the world, and it's something I can do during my day to day life when I think I see a good photo opportunity. A more powerful lens would allow me to get even closer and get some truly amazing shots.

I found a passion for cooking and trying new recipes during the pandemic.

I found a passion for cooking and trying new recipes during the pandemic.
Lamb chops and potatoes.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

As an adult, I've always cooked out of necessity, but I recently become fond of trying different recipes and pushing myself on what kind of dishes I can create. Maybe it's all the cooking shows I've been watching during the pandemic.

I challenged my sister to a cook-off to see who could make the best lamb chops.

I challenged my sister to a cook-off to see who could make the best lamb chops.
My sister and I cooking dinner.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

My sister and I spent four hours in the kitchen cooking dinner for our family. It was stressful at times wondering if we would pull it all together, but I enjoyed getting to teach my sister how to cook ... and I also enjoyed beating her at a bit of friendly competition.

I used a Gordon Ramsay recipe cooking lamb chops in butter and garlic with a vinaigrette. My sister took the bigger risk, creating a sweet and savory dish that could have been served in a restaurant.

Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies right now.

Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies right now.
Lamb chops, potatoes, and a carrot.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

There's something different about cooking for someone else that I find enjoyable. I want people to like my food, and seeing my family chow down on what I had cooked filled me with pride. The more I experiment with different spices and dishes, I'm starting to learn what works and doesn't work.

Sculpting, painting, and cooking were my favorite hobbies to try.

Sculpting, painting, and cooking were my favorite hobbies to try.
Testing out new hobbies.      Matthew Wilson/Business Insider

The stay-at-home orders gave me the time and opportunity to try new hobbies and rediscover some old favorites. It was good to remember that there are many different outlets to express one's creativity and imagination.

Sculpting was probably my favorite new hobby: It was easy to learn but very hard to master. I also enjoyed painting again and finding new recipes to cook.

While art supplies can be expensive, there are cheaper alternatives available, and the budget for cooking can be flexible too. With this in mind, I could see myself continuing with these hobbies when the world goes back to normal.


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