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  4. I spent the day exploring Ho Chi Minh City's former mafia hot spot and recommend other tourists do the same

I spent the day exploring Ho Chi Minh City's former mafia hot spot and recommend other tourists do the same

I spent the day exploring Ho Chi Minh City's former mafia hot spot and recommend other tourists do the same
Colorful wall art in Ho Chi Minh City's District 4.Joshua Zukas
  • District 4 in Ho Chi Minh City was once a no-go area, in part because of the mobster Nam Cam.
  • It's now a safe and storied neighborhood with plenty to see and a Michelin-listed restaurant.

Two decades back, one of Vietnam's notorious mafia bosses was executed by a firing squad. Truong Van Cam, more commonly known as Nam Cam, or Vietnam's "Godfather," oversaw a vast criminal network that controlled much of Ho Chi Minh City's District 4. It was the ideal place for him to base his criminal activities: It's centrally located, buffered by waterways, and chock-full of clandestine networks of alleyways.

This is a period the government would rather forget, which is perhaps why evidence of District 4's criminal history is hard to come by. "There's really no documentation about District 4 in that era," Tim Doling, a historian in Ho Chi Minh City who's the author of "Saigon-Cho Lon: Vanishing Heritage of Ho Chi Minh City," told me when I asked about the district. "It's all down to the personal reminiscences of those who lived there."

Ho Chi Minh City, designated a future megacity by the United Nations, is divided into 24 districts, half of which are numbered and half of which are named. The airport sits in Tan Binh District, but most visitors end up dividing their time between districts 1, 3, and 5, which contain the bulk of the city's heritage buildings and museums.

Some also venture into Thao Dien, an expat enclave in District 2. As a travel writer who primarily covers Vietnam, I make regular trips to Ho Chi Minh City, and I've found that some of the most interesting spots — including District 4 — are outside the popular tourist hubs.

At a little over 1.5 square miles in size, District 4 is the smallest district in Vietnam's most populous city; it's densely populated, though, with nearly 200,000 residents, by one count, as of 2019. With the district having shrugged off its reputation for crime, many characteristics that made it a handy criminal hub — the waterways, alleyways, and proximity to District 1 — now make it ripe for urban exploration. On my most recent visit to Ho Chi Minh City, in September, I spent a day exploring some fresh spots in District 4 and found it worth including in visitors' travel itineraries.

Highlands Coffee, Vietnam's answer to Starbucks, recently renovated an old shophouse that overlooks Ben Nghe Canal.

Highlands Coffee, Vietnam
A renovated old shophouse houses Highlands Coffee.      Joshua Zukas

A century ago some streets in District 4 were lined with heritage houses, but most have been lost to redevelopment. Highlands Coffee, one of Vietnam's most popular café chains, renovated one of the few remaining old shophouses for its branch on 182 Ben Van Don, and I decided this would be the right place to start the day.

Highlands Coffee isn't my go-to spot, even though it's wildly popular with locals. It does, however, significantly outperform Starbucks, according to VNExpress, and in Vietnam it has over four times as many branches.

I ordered ca phe sua da, a Vietnamese iced coffee with condensed milk, which was decent. But they served it in a single-use plastic cup even though I was drinking in, which I didn't appreciate.

San Art, a grassroots arts organization, chose an unlikely location for its creative hub: the sixth floor of a multistory residential block.

San Art, a grassroots arts organization, chose an unlikely location for its creative hub: the sixth floor of a multistory residential block.
An art gallery on the sixth floor of a multistory residential block.      Joshua Zukas

Founded in 2007, San Art is based in the Millennium Masteri building at 132 Ben Van Don Street, a few minutes by foot from Highlands Coffee.

A champion of contemporary creativity in Vietnam, San Art organizes exhibitions, an international artist residency program, and the LabMobile — San Art's critique initiative, where "artists, curators, and cultural workers gather for in-depth conversations about a specific exhibition or body of work," the website explains.

Unfortunately, it was closed when I visited as they were preparing for an exhibition. I moved on to another gallery.

Jack Clayton, a British woodcut printmaker and illustrator, set up his gallery in District 4.

Jack Clayton, a British woodcut printmaker and illustrator, set up his gallery in District 4.
Clayton's gallery is in a convenient location close to the heart of the city.      Joshua Zukas

"I arrived in Ho Chi Minh City in 2012, and back then District 4 still had a bad reputation," Clayton told me in his gallery. "But now it's the perfect place to be, really."

Clayton crafts creative interpretations of street life in Vietnam, which he displays in his whitewashed, light-bathed gallery. Attracted to District 4's street life, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods, and convenient location close to the heart of the city, Clayton said he moved his gallery there in 2021.

Clayton's first gallery was also in District 4, nestled within the alleyways that fan out from Vinh Khanh Street. I didn't visit Vinh Khanh Street this time, but it's one of the city's most vibrant street-food areas, especially in the evening.

District 4 is made up of low-rise terraced housing.

District 4 is made up of low-rise terraced housing.
A view of the street life in Ho Chi Minh City's District 4, showing a mix of greenery and low-rise buildings.      Joshua Zukas

In District 4's low-rise neighborhoods, communities were clustered around small public spaces, like the grassy squares close to Clayton's gallery. I decided this was the perfect place to take a breather and down an iced fresh orange juice.

Surrounded by teenagers nattering over smartphones, I watched as noodle stands and banh mi carts prepared cheap eats for local families. Twenty years ago, the scene must have been quite different.

"I had to stay in at night," Thanh Huong, Clayton's wife, who spent some of her childhood in District 4, had told me in the gallery. "I was even robbed a few times."

District 4 has its share of heritage, mostly architectural remnants from the French colonial period.

District 4 has its share of heritage, mostly architectural remnants from the French colonial period.
Xom Chieu Parish Church in Ho Chi Minh City's District 4 is an architectural remnant from the French colonial period.      Joshua Zukas

I was keen to explore the other side of District 4, so I delved into the tight alleyways that led to the Xom Chieu Parish Church, passing a couple of design cafés on my way.

This ecclesiastical compound was established in 1856, according to the sign out front, though some of the buildings had clearly been built more recently. It was an interesting place to visit, with some handsome colonial architecture and a welcoming community that chatted in the leafy courtyards.

The area around the church was another intriguing neighborhood to get lost in, particularly the Cho 200, or 200 Market, with some tempting street food. I managed to resist, as I had another idea for dinner.

I had passed other better-known heritage buildings earlier that day. Dragon House Wharf, enshrined in history as the place where Ho Chi Minh, the city's eponym, boarded a ship to France in 1911, is now a history museum. Nearby is the 1882 Rainbow Bridge, formerly the Pont des Messageries Maritimes, built by Gustave Eiffel — the engineer who built the Eiffel Tower.

District 4 even has a restaurant listed in the Michelin Guide, which launched in Vietnam earlier this year.

District 4 even has a restaurant listed in the Michelin Guide, which launched in Vietnam earlier this year.
The author had grilled snails recommended by the waiter at Oc Ba Co Loc Coc, a Michelin-listed eatery.      Joshua Zukas

With a garish neon sign, a security guard napping on the front table, and dated Western pop tunes playing on a loop, Oc Ba Co Loc Coc at 222 Khanh Hoi Street didn't scream Michelin.

But the spread of seafood and snails on offer drew me in. I was eating alone and went for the seafood fried rice and grilled snails recommended by the waiter. He told me the restaurant had become about 50% busier since being featured in the Michelin Guide.

Full-bellied and satisfied, I ordered a motorbike taxi back to my accommodation in District 1. Snaking through the busy streets of District 4, I started to think about the district's future.

Twenty years ago, many locals would have said District 4 was a no-go area. Where will the district be in another 20 years? Nothing is inevitable in Vietnam, but if the Michelin listing, art hubs, design cafés, and street life are anything to go by, perhaps the district will have reinvented itself once again.

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