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I spent a year living in the UK and these are the British slang words I've permanently added to my vocabulary

I spent a year living in the UK and these are the British slang words I've permanently added to my vocabulary
I'm enjoying a cuppa at my desk as I write this.Zoe Ettinger
  • In the year I spent living in London, I picked up some British slang words that I still find myself using back home in New York.
  • Wonky, dodgy, and many others have become mainstays in my vocabulary.
  • I've also started referring to French fries as "chips" just like my British counterparts.
  • The Brits have so many slang words that are a part of their everyday speech that some hardly seem like slang at all.

I lived in the UK for just over a year, and moved back to New York at the start of this year. There are a few things I miss about living across the pond, and one has to be the British language. Yes, I know it's still English — I'm talking about their slang words.

The British have a way of using words to describe things that are often indescribable. For example, when a painting is just slightly off-kilter on a wall, don't you wish there was a word for that? Well, the Brits have one: "wonky."

Though I may no longer live there, I've brought a bit of London back home with me in my language.

Cuppa: (n) a cup of tea.

Cuppa: (n) a cup of tea.
I'm enjoying a cuppa at my desk as I write this.      Zoe Ettinger

Any time I went to someone's home while living in the UK, without fail, I would be offered a "cuppa." There's truth behind the stereotype that Brits love tea, and after spending a year there I've become a convert. I choose it over coffee every time, which now gives me too much of a caffeine buzz.

Knackered: (adj) exhausted, tired, unable to move.

Knackered: (adj) exhausted, tired, unable to move.
Absolutely knackered.      Matthew Wilson

I can't think of any of my British friends who wouldn't use this word when they were tired. "I am absolutely knackered" was a phrase I would often hear at school or work on a Monday morning.

Gutted: (adj) devastated, disappointed.

Gutted: (adj) devastated, disappointed.
Just gutted.      Zoe Ettinger

If you've failed an important test, or your crush doesn't like you back, you would say you were "gutted."

Chuffed: (adj) proud, pleased with one's accomplishment.

Chuffed: (adj) proud, pleased with one
Chuffed with this A-plus.      Zoe Ettinger

After acing a test or getting a new promotion at work, you'd say you're really "chuffed."

Dodgy: (adj) sketchy, suspicious, potentially dangerous.

Dodgy: (adj) sketchy, suspicious, potentially dangerous.
That shoe looks a bit dodgy.      Zoe Ettinger

An alleyway late at night, or a boarded up house could be described as "dodgy," but the word can be used to describe anything suspicious looking, like this shoe creeping out of the closet.

Wonky: (adj) off kilter, not right.

Wonky: (adj) off kilter, not right.
The box below our television is currently wonky.      Zoe Ettinger

You know the feeling when you see a picture frame and it's slightly tilted? In the US we would say its "messed up" ... but isn't the word "wonky" just so much better?

Shambles: (n) mess, chaos.

Shambles: (n) mess, chaos.
The state of my desk is a shambles.      Zoe Ettinger

A "shambles" can be used to refer to any type of mess. You, yourself can also be a shambles, like if you're late to work and forgot your lunch, you're a shambles. Also if your plans don't work out one night, you could say, "This night was a total shambles."

Bloody: (adv) absolutely, completely.

Bloody: (adv) absolutely, completely.
The London Eye.      Zoe Ettinger

Like the London Eye, pictured here, the word "bloody" is one of the most quintessentially British things there is. Bloody, which was once considered offensive, can be put before any word for emphasis: bloody delicious, bloody good, or bloody hard are all common usages.

Quid: (n) one British pound.

Quid: (n) one British pound.
One pound is a quid. A pound is worth slightly more than a dollar.      Zoe Ettinger

I like the word quid because you can use it to make things sound cheaper: 50 pounds might sound like a lot, but 50 quid doesn't seem like that much.

Nosh: (n) food, snack.

Nosh: (n) food, snack.
There's plenty of nosh in our office.      Zoe Ettinger

"Nosh" can be used to refer to any type of food, though you probably wouldn't say it when talking about a fancy dinner.

Chips: (n) french fries.

Chips: (n) french fries.
Chips.      Shutterstock

I was definitely confused when I first heard french fries referred to as "chips," and chips referred to as "crisps," but now back in New York, I still find myself calling french fries chips. It just rolls off the tongue easier.

Offie: (n) liquor store.

Offie: (n) liquor store.
An "offie" in Bristol.      Shutterstock

The "offie" or "off-licence" is a liquor store and convenience store combined. In certain parts of London, like where I lived, the closest shop was an offie and I'd head there for all my shopping needs.

Banging: (adj) awesome, great, spot on.

Banging: (adj) awesome, great, spot on.
This falafel sandwich I had was banging.      Zoe Ettinger

I think I most often heard "banging" when referring to food. This falafel sandwich I had was so good I had to take a picture midway through eating, which I almost never do. It was just that banging.

Skint: (adj) broke, penniless.

Skint: (adj) broke, penniless.
I'm skint!      Matthew Wilson

When it's reaching the end of the month and you're waiting for your next paycheck to go grocery shopping, that's when you're "skint."

Uni: (n) college, university.

Uni: (n) college, university.
I went to uni here, at the University of Virginia.      Zoe Ettinger

"Uni" is how everyone refers to college and university. They actually call high school "college" so the whole thing is a bit confusing.

Cheeky: (adj) cute, flippant.

Cheeky: (adj) cute, flippant.
Me with my dog, Jasper, as a cheeky puppy.      Elyse Ettinger

"A cheeky chap" is how I'd refer to my pup, Jasper, in the above photo. He's just so cute.

Faff: (v) dither about, procrastinate; (n) bother, unnecessary work.

Faff: (v) dither about, procrastinate; (n) bother, unnecessary work.
Faffing about on my phone.      Talia Lakritz

To "faff" about is to procrastinate, or simply not get something done, like I am in the photo above, looking at my phone at the office. I'd also use faff to describe an annoyance, such as, "I'd go to his party, but it's an hour away, that's too much faff."

Fit: (adj) attractive, good-looking.

Fit: (adj) attractive, good-looking.
Timothée Chalamet is my celebrity crush.      Dan MacMedan/Getty Images

I think Timothée Chalamet is quite "fit."

Pear-shaped: (adj) wrong, disastrous.

Pear-shaped: (adj) wrong, disastrous.
It's all gone pear-shaped.      Shutterstock

If something's gone wrong, you could say its a shambles, but you could also say its gone "pear-shaped." BBC America cites the origin of the phrase dating back to 1940s fighter pilots trying to do loops in the air, but sometimes having them come out more pear-shaped.

Posh: (adj) upper-class, fancy.

Posh: (adj) upper-class, fancy.
Victoria Beckham of the Spice Girls was called Posh Spice.      Matt Dunham/AP Images

According to Fandom, Victoria Beckham of the Spice Girls was called Posh Spice because "of her refined attitude, form-fitting designer outfits, such as little black dresses, and her love of high-heeled footwear."

Rubbish: (n) garbage, trash.

Rubbish: (n) garbage, trash.
The rubbish bin in my office.      Zoe Ettinger

Something about the word "rubbish" just seems so much nicer than garbage.

Hoover: (n, v) vacuum.

Hoover: (n, v) vacuum.
Hoovers.      Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

Just like vacuum, hoover can be used as a noun or a verb. You could say, "The floor is filthy, someone needs to hoover," or, "Where's the hoover? There's dust everywhere!"

Blimey: my goodness, wow.

Blimey: my goodness, wow.
Blimey!      Zoe Ettinger

Blimey is a slightly more old-fashioned term, but it's still a great way of expressing excitement that no one will expect.

Bangers: (n) sausages.

Bangers: (n) sausages.
Bangers.      Pablo Debat/Shutterstock

If you look at any classic British menu, you're sure to find bangers and mash, a traditional dish of sausages and mashed potatoes. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, "The term bangers supposedly originated during World War I, when meat shortages resulted in sausages being made with a number of fillers, notably water, that caused them to explode when cooked."

Gobsmacked: (adj) astonished, astounded.

Gobsmacked: (adj) astonished, astounded.
I'm gobsmacked!      Zoe Ettinger

According to, the word gobsmacked comes from two words: gob, which is slang for mouth, and smack, to hit. Feeling gobsmacked means that you feel like you have been (figuratively) hit in the mouth.

Kerfuffle: (n) skirmish, argument, fight.

Kerfuffle: (n) skirmish, argument, fight.
Siblings have a kerfuffle.      Shutterstock

In my experience, kerfuffle is used to describe a not-so-serious disagreement. For example, "We had a kerfuffle over which restaurant has the best burgers in the city."

Zed: (n) the letter Z.

Zed: (n) the letter Z.
My name starts with the letter Zed.      Zoe Ettinger

