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  4. I spent a week in Hawaii with my toddler and these were the 7 best things I packed, plus 4 items I didn't need, and 1 thing I wish I had

I spent a week in Hawaii with my toddler and these were the 7 best things I packed, plus 4 items I didn't need, and 1 thing I wish I had

I spent a week in Hawaii with my toddler and these were the 7 best things I packed, plus 4 items I didn't need, and 1 thing I wish I had
At the airport in Hawaii with five pieces of checked luggage and four carry-on items.Emily Hochberg/Insider
  • I'm a mom who took my 21-month old to Hawaii this summer.
  • I meticulously planned my packing list, which included 39 items I thought I had to bring for her.

This summer, I went to Hawaii for a week with my husband and 21-month-old daughter. I spent a lot of time preparing what to pack, specifically for my child.

This summer, I went to Hawaii for a week with my husband and 21-month-old daughter. I spent a lot of time preparing what to pack, specifically for my child.
My daughter's packed suitcase for Hawaii.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

Before this summer, my travels with my daughter were mostly close-to-home road trips or visits to family. While we've flown cross country before, we'd never embarked on a big, tropical vacation like one to Hawaii.

And from the trips we have taken, I know that traveling with a toddler requires a lot of planning. Gone are the days of waiting to pack in the hours before my flight, or I'll risk forgetting a crucial item like her favorite stuffed lovey toy or a pacifier.

Leading up to our travels, I meticulously planned her packing list.

Leading up to our travels, I meticulously planned her packing list.
My packing list I kept on a note on my iPhone.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

To avoid any such snafus, I started keeping a detailed list on my phone of everything I thought we absolutely had to pack for my daughter.

By the time I was finally ready to fill her suitcase, my list had around 39 items — and that didn't include anything for me or my husband.

Some things I packed were obvious items like clothing, while others were ones you might not expect, such as dishwashing soap. And other things ended up being totally not necessary at all.

We checked five pieces of luggage each way.

We checked five pieces of luggage each way.
Our checked bags and stroller at the airport.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

When we travel as a family for more than a few days, we check no less than five pieces of luggage. And with a list of 39 items just for our daughter, you can bet we had a lot to bring for a week in Hawaii.

On this trip, we checked a suitcase each for me, my husband, and my daughter, and two more items for a Pack 'n Play crib and a travel car seat.

We also had four carry-ons: personal items for me and my husband, a diaper bag, and our travel stroller that could be folded up to go in the overhead bin on the plane.

On the plane, the snacks and surprises I brought for my daughter were a big hit.

On the plane, the snacks and surprises I brought for my daughter were a big hit.
On the plane to Hawaii.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

When I flew cross country with my daughter when she was younger, she was ecstatic to have unlimited access to CoComelon on her iPad and watched quietly for the majority of the flight.

But now as a toddler, she likes to be on the move. She's less enthralled by JJ and friends and prefers to jump up and down on my lap, kick the seat in front of her, and generally be restless.

So, distractions are key. Since the iPad lost some of its allure, the best thing I did was come equipped with snacks and a few surprise presents. I went to Target ahead of our trip and bought things like new coloring books and Sesame Street figurines, thinking I'd take one out every few hours and they'd last for our flights back and forth.

My daughter loved the snacks and surprises but the excitement of each new toy didn't last very long and I went through my presents for both flights on the outbound flight alone. Likewise, the snacks were eaten quickly.

I'm glad I brought all of it, but next time, I'll bring even more.

I always bring our own Pack 'n Play rather than rely on one from a hotel, even if it means one big, bulky item.

I always bring our own Pack
My daughter napping in her Pack'n Play.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

In my experience, most hotels, and even some Airbnbs, offer travel cribs to guests at no extra charge.

But I've also seen firsthand that these cribs are first come, first served. When we traveled up the California coast last summer, we thought it would be easier to leave our Pack 'n Play, also known as a play yard, in the car and let housekeeping set one up. But none were available at check-in. We luckily had ours handy, but since then, I always bring it rather than assume our accommodations will have one.

There have also been times when a hotel did supply a Pack 'n Play, but left it for us in the room to assemble, which turned out to be more trouble than it was worth. This happened in another hotel last year, and it was so difficult to put together, we wished we had just brought our own.

For these reasons, I came to Hawaii with our own travel crib even though it was probably the largest item to lug. I didn't want to risk being halfway around the world only to be told there was no bed available for her, or to end up with one we weren't happy with, or worse, one that my daughter wouldn't be comfortable sleeping in.

I felt more secure this way, and I also knew that it might help my daughter to sleep better away from home by using a crib she already recognizes and has used.

Similarly, I packed two pairs of our own Pack 'n Play sheets. I thought this would make the bed feel familiar and help her to sleep better, and safely, while away from home.

Similarly, I packed two pairs of our own Pack
My child asleep in her travel crib in another hotel.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

In addition to bringing our own travel crib, I like to bring my our Pack 'n Play sheets, too. I think this helps to create a familiar sleeping environment.

And I always pack two sets. While sheets are actually optional with a play yard mat, which is often waterproof, I do this because I think it makes the bed cozy like home, and it's wise to have an extra on hand as a backup for any accidents when laundry isn't readily available.

I also made sure to bring sheets designed specifically for use in my daughter's travel crib.

When my daughter was just six months old, a hotel made up the Pack 'n Play with unfitted regular bedsheets folded thickly inside the crib. While my daughter might have appreciated the high thread count and plush feel, this can be dangerous as, according to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, parents should "only use the mattress pad provided with the play yard; do not add extra padding."

The American Academy of Pediatrics Safe Sleep Recommendations also says babies should "Use a crib, bassinet, or portable play yard with a firm, flat mattress, and a fitted sheet" and "Keep loose blankets, pillows, stuffed toys, bumpers, and other soft items out of the sleep space."

By bringing two sets of our own sheets for her particular crib, I was able to guarantee they'd have the proper firm, tight fit, and we'd be prepared in case one set got dirty.

I'm glad we brought our full-size white noise machine instead of using a phone app.

Our trusty white noise machine.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

Pretty much since her birth, I've used a noise machine in my daughter's room. It was recommended to me by her pediatrician, and many sleep experts support their use, as it's said to mimic the sounds a baby hears in the womb, which might help them to sleep.

My daughter also happens to be a very light sleeper and I personally appreciate how it masks other noises being made in the house.

And while noise machines do come in small travel sizes, and I've also tried noise machine apps on my phone, I prefer to bring my daughter's full-size machine on trips. I made room for it in her checked bag to Hawaii and it was worth it for us.

I do this because as a light sleeper, she needs one that is loud enough to help block out the sounds of a TV in the next hotel room or the noise of footsteps or shouting from other guests in the hallway.

I think it also helps maintain our bedtime routine and reminds her that when the noise machine goes on, it's time for bed.

For us, traveling with a nightlight is a must.

For us, traveling with a nightlight is a must.
A simple plug-in nightlight works well for us on vacation.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

Like many small children, my daughter likes to sleep with a nightlight so she doesn't wake up fearful of the dark. I personally think this is especially important in new situations such as travel where she might wake up at night and not recognize where she is.

For our Hawaii trip, I picked up a simple outlet plug-in nightlight from a local pharmacy for a few dollars. I don't think it's worth investing in a fancy one for travel since, as I know firsthand from experience, it's very easy to forget it in a hotel only to never see it again — farewell, my trusty Vava egg-shaped nightlight that was lost at a hotel near Sesame Place in San Diego.

In fact, we accidentally left our drugstore nightlight at our first hotel in Honolulu when we checked out to move over to Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa in Ko Olina, about 40 minutes away. For our first night at Aulani, we resorted to leaving the bathroom light on, but the next day, found another pharmacy to pick another nightlight up, as it was a cheap and easier way to keep the light in the room at a minimum.

Even though I lost the first one, I'm still glad I packed a nightlight, and perhaps next time, I'll even buy a multi-pack of them.

For one week, I packed two bottles, one plate, one bib, and one water cup for my daughter. I'm glad I had mini dishwashing liquid on hand to wash them daily.

For one week, I packed two bottles, one plate, one bib, and one water cup for my daughter. I
A mini bottle of dish soap made it easy to wash bottles in hotel rooms.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

Sure, I could have purchased the dish soap once we arrived in Hawaii. But I ended up needing it before we landed, so I'm glad I didnt.

When my daughter's pacifier or bottle rolled onto the airport floor, I was thankful I had it in her diaper bag to run to the bathroom and give them a quick rinse. The mini three-ounce size meant I could bring it through security with no problem.

And the first night when we were jet lagged and tired, I was happy I didn't have to leave the hotel room to go find an open store to buy some when my daughter was crying for her milk and both bottles were dirty.

The mini size bottle was all we needed for the week and I found it to be essential for us when staying in hotel rooms, none of which came with equipped kitchens.

My daughter needs a dark room to sleep, but I didn't need to bring my own travel blackout shades.

My daughter needs a dark room to sleep, but I didn
Our hotels in Hawaii had good blackout curtains and I didn't need to bring my own shades for nap time.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

My daughter won't fall asleep easily without being in a dark room, which can pose a problem for naps on the road.

In recent travels prior to Hawaii, we stayed in Airbnbs, apartment-style hotels, or with family where she often slept in a room that did not have blackout shades. To compensate, I bought these portable blackout shades with suction cups that I can easily stick onto windows to block out most light.

But we only stayed in traditional hotels where each room came with thick blackout curtains that snuffed out any hint of light. Even a two-room suite at the Hilton Hawaiian Waikiki Beach Resort had the same light-blocking shades in the living room as in the bedroom.

I packed my travel shades for Hawaii just in case, but it turned out that I didn't need to, and could have left them at home to save room in our bag.

I packed nine books thinking my toddler would want variety at bedtime or to read in restaurants. Two would have been sufficient.

I packed nine books thinking my toddler would want variety at bedtime or to read in restaurants. Two would have been sufficient.
Books we brought to Hawaii.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

I packed several books for our trip that I know she enjoys reading while playing, and favorites reserved for bedtime. I packed three that came in a series, just in case she wanted to read all of them. I was glad to feel prepared with enough books, but in the end I realized I'd packed too many.

Because for the most part in Hawaii, she was too overstimulated by her new surroundings to want to sit and read much. They took up a large portion of room in her suitcase that could have been devoted to something else, or better yet, without them, we might have even downsized to a smaller bag.

In hindsight, I should have settled on just two VIPs that I know she'd enjoy at bedtime.

I'm a habitual overpacker myself and made the mistake of leaning into that trait when packing for my child.

Piles of pajamas I thought my daughter needed for seven nights in Hawaii.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

I'm personally guilty of overpacking. I always bring too many outfits "just in case" when in the end, I choose what's comfortable.

The same was true for my child. For one week, I packed either a shirt or onesie, a pair of shorts or pants, a bathing suit, and a dress for each for each day of vacation. I thought she's start the day in shorts and a shirt, change to a bathing suit, and then wear a cute dress to dinner. I brought pajamas for every night too, with a mix of footies, t-shirt and short combos, and long sleeves and long pants for every temperature possibility.

The reality was, she often just put on her bathing suit first thing so we could go right to the pool. She then napped in her diaper or a onesie, only to put a bathing suit back on for the afternoon. In the evenings, I reached for what was easy and comfortable: shorts and t-shirts. She liked to run around, sit in the sand, and get in a handstand position, so dresses were never practical.

I think she wore one dress the entire trip, and it was one I bought from a local vendor, and none that I packed.

I brought way too many pajamas, too. Cold hotel room A/C meant I only wanted her in the warmer ones and all the t-shirt and short sets went unworn.

Even without doing laundry on this trip, I don't think I needed quite as many options as I planned, and certainly none of the dresses.

I thought my daughter would love spending time at the beach. She didn't, and her pail and shovel took up too much space.

I thought my daughter would love spending time at the beach. She didn
A rare moment when my daughter used her sand toys from home.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

All summer before our trip to Hawaii, my daughter enjoyed several weekend getaways to the beach in California near our home.

So I thought, of course she'll love the beach in Hawaii — they're among the best in the world!

In the spirit of over preparation, I decided we should pack her large pink pail and a shovel so she'd have something to keep her busy on the sand.

But for whatever reason, whenever we tried to go to the beach in Hawaii, she wanted to leave after a few minutes. Each time we tried, even when I dragged down our pail and shovel, she didn't want want to play with it.

Not only were the toys a waste of space because she didn't want to use them, but I noticed that every hotel we stayed at offered beach toys to guests to use for free.

And, those lucky parents got to then hand them back to the concierge when they left the beach, whereas ours trailed sand back into our room each time.

But I did wish I brought our own beach blanket.

But I did wish I brought our own beach blanket.
I didn't think that small hotel pool towels were good for sitting on the beach.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

This summer, I purchased a fast-drying Turkish cotton Sand Cloud beach blanket that wrings free of all sand nearly immediately, and loved bringing it to the beach.

I thought about packing it for Hawaii, but even though it folds down pretty small, it's still large at 60 by 68 inches. I figured hotel towels would be sufficient and left it at home.

But as soon as we had our first beach day in Hawaii, I regretted my choice. Despite our short-lived beach breaks, I still wished I had my blanket when we did manage to spend time on the sand. I thought the hotel towels were always too small and the fabric seemed to become covered in heavy, wet sand right away. I'd end up so sandy, I thought we might as well just sit directly on the beach without one.

And sitting on a beach lounger wasn't really an option, either. In Honolulu on Waikiki Beach, each one cost around $25 to rent for an entire day, which wasn't worth it given my toddler's short-lived interest in the beach.

Beach chairs were included at Aulani, but if you have a toddler, you'll understand that sitting and lounging on the beach is never really an option on the table, anyway.

Getting down on the ground with her was what she wanted, and next time, I'll have my Sand Cloud blanket with me.

I might not have needed all 39 items for my daughter, but our trip to Hawaii helped me see that some items are non-negotiable, while others might be better left at home.

I might not have needed all 39 items for my daughter, but our trip to Hawaii helped me see that some items are non-negotiable, while others might be better left at home.
Walking through the airport in Honolulu.      Emily Hochberg/Insider

Even though I didn't end up needing everything we packed for Hawaii, I'm still glad I made the list and plan to refer to it every time we travel.

I'll just be sure to make some necessary adjustments next time based on our destination and the lessons I learned from this trip.

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