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  4. I rode a 153-year-old train up the highest peak in the northeastern US. For $86, it felt like traveling back in time — and the views were worth every cent.

I rode a 153-year-old train up the highest peak in the northeastern US. For $86, it felt like traveling back in time and the views were worth every cent.

Asia London Palomba   

I rode a 153-year-old train up the highest peak in the northeastern US. For $86, it felt like traveling back in time — and the views were worth every cent.
The author rode the world's first mountain-climbing cog railway in New Hampshire.Asia London Palomba/Insider
  • Last fall I rode a train up Mount Washington, the highest peak in the northeastern United States.
  • The view of the mountains and valleys from the train were my favorite part of the experience.

Last fall, I rode the world's first mountain-climbing railway in New Hampshire.

Last fall, I rode the world
The train arriving at the base station.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

In October 2022, I traveled to the White Mountains region of New Hampshire with my boyfriend to take in the fall foliage and spend some time in nature.

I'd stumbled across a video of the Mount Washington Cog Railway a few weeks earlier online, and after some research, decided it would make for a fun weekend excursion, especially for my first time in the area.

We bought tickets for $86 each on the railway's website two weeks ahead of time because we wanted to choose our seats. I was glad we did, as the train was nearly sold out when we bought ours.

We drove roughly three hours from Boston on a Saturday morning to catch one of the last summit-climbing weeks of the season. Trains only go to the top between late April and mid-October as weather conditions at the summit during other months are too dangerous, according to the railway's website.

Opened in 1869, the train is the world's first mountain-climbing cog railway and the world's second steepest railway, according to the website.

Opened in 1869, the train is the world
A train returning from the summit of Mount Washington.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

A cog railway is a rail with cogs, or a series of notches, that lock into the train's cogwheels, which also have notches, to ensure traction, according to Merriam-Webster. This allows the railway and its trains to work on steep climbs, like up a mountain.

The Mount Washington Cog Railway first opened in 1869 as the world's first cog railway, and today is considered the world's second steepest railway, according to the website.

It was originally a steam railroad until 2008, and today Mount Washington primarily operates biodiesel trains, although there are still two century-old steam locomotives that make trips to the summit.

I saw online that trains in October leave every hour of the day between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and each train to the summit has three, custom-built biodiesel cars, which is what we took.

The train goes up Mount Washington, which at 6,288 feet is the highest peak in the northeastern United States. It's also the first summit I've visited in the country.

The train goes up Mount Washington, which at 6,288 feet is the highest peak in the northeastern United States. It
Mount Washington has been called home to the "world's worst weather."

The summit can be accessed by foot, train, or car, and has been called home to the "world's worst weather," according to Life.

Winter conditions include hurricane-force winds, arctic wind chills, and blankets of snow and ice. The summit also has had some of the coldest recorded temperatures on the planet. On February 4 of this year, the summit recorded a minus 110 degree wind chill, according to The New York Times.

As someone who doesn't do well with the cold, I was a little worried with how my body would handle the weather. I tried to prepare by wearing as many warm layers as possible.

We boarded the train at the Marshfield Base Station, which lies at the base of the mountain.

We boarded the train at the Marshfield Base Station, which lies at the base of the mountain.
The train tracks at the Marshfield Base Station.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

As advised by the website, we arrived at the Marshfield Base Station about 40 minutes before our train was scheduled to leave, and parked in the parking lot.

In the base station building, there was a small museum about the railway, a gift shop, and a ticket office where I saw some visitors purchasing tickets. There were also bathrooms, an indoor food court, and outside near the train tracks, I saw a few picnic tables and two statues of train parts.

It was flurrying when we first got to the station, and we heard from staff members that our train was running 30 minutes late because of icy conditions at the summit. We passed time by exploring a trail near the train tracks.

After about an hour of waiting, we saw our train, covered in a fine sheet of ice, slowly making its way down the tracks to us before we boarded. It was cool watching the train travel down the mountain's side, and it made me even more excited for the ride.

When I got on the train, I noticed the seats were tilted forward and down to accommodate the steep climb.

When I got on the train, I noticed the seats were tilted forward and down to accommodate the steep climb.
The seats evened out once the train started to climb.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

Once we were on the train, I noticed that the wooden seats were more like benches, and were tilted downwards to accommodate the mountain's steep grade.

The seat cushion on my bench was somewhat slippery, so I found sitting at a downward angle a bit uncomfortable at the start, but it soon evened out as the train began to climb.

The car's interior was made mostly of wood and reminded me of 19th-century trains.

The car
There were no bathrooms aboard the trains, and the cars also weren't heated.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

While the trains are modernized, I was happy to see the had a historic look with simple windows and wooden benches. There were no bathrooms on board, and the guide told us there was no indoor heating as well. I was glad I was wearing several layers because the air inside was chilly. The inside of the train was made mostly of wood and the narrow aisles reminded me of grainy photos I'd seen of historic, 19th-century trains.

When choosing our seats on the railway's website, I noticed that each train has 14 rows that can seat 70 people total. One side has three-person benches and the other has two-person benches, which is where I sat with my boyfriend. While I found the seats to be charming in design, they were a bit of a tight fit for the two of us.

There was a window in every row that we could open and look through. Despite the chill, I stuck my head out of the window for the majority of the ride. I felt a bit like a puppy, but I thought I was able to get the best views and photos this way.

Our train had a guide on board who told us about the railway's history and what to expect at the summit, which I appreciated since I'd never visited the area before.

Our train had a guide on board who told us about the railway
The railway was revolutionary for 19th-century America.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

During the climb, the guide on board told us about the history of the region and the railway, and to expect cold weather at the summit.

I learned that when the railway's founder first proposed its construction in 1858, he was ridiculed as Mount Washington was considered too steep for a train. Once it was built, the railway was the first of it's kind and revolutionary for the time, according to the website.

As a history geek, I enjoyed how thoroughly the guide explained our surroundings. I tried to imagine what it would have been like to be a passenger on the train over 100 years ago, and thought the history lesson gave me a better understanding of how groundbreaking the railway was for 19th-century train travel in the US.

The views from the train's windows were my favorite part of the ride.

The views from the train
The author spent the majority of the ride with her head out the window.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

The train climbs the mountain at 6 mph, according to Viator, and our trip to the top took around 45 minutes. Although the train moved slowly, the ride didn't feel long or drawn out to me. I was too busy taking in views of the mountains and valley to really notice the time.

As we climbed, we also passed by a few brave hikers who were taking the roughly four-mile path on foot. Our guide told us that a hike up and down the summit takes a minimum of eight hours to complete for the average person, not including breaks.

As we neared the summit, I noticed the weather conditions got increasingly frostier.

As we neared the summit, I noticed the weather conditions got increasingly frostier.
The weather constantly changed throughout the ride.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

At around 4,500 feet, according to the guide who called it out, we entered a dense cloud cover and snowflakes began to fall in earnest. Thick layers of ice and snow coated the ground around the train, and it made me feel like I was inside a snow globe.

I also noticed that shrubs and trees were smaller and more gnarled in appearance the higher we climbed. I later learned by reading online that this is because high winds and icy conditions are disruptive to a lot of local vegetative growth, according to the New Hampshire State Parks.

As we approached the summit, the guide explained we had an hour to explore and stressed that we needed to be back to the train on time.

As we approached the summit, the guide explained we had an hour to explore and stressed that we needed to be back to the train on time.
Visitors get one hour to explore the summit.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

The guide aboard emphasized to me and fellow riders that the train would depart back down the mountain an hour after we arrived at the summit, and not to be late.

The round-trip tickets we bought only worked on that specific train, and the guide explained there would no guarantee a later train going down would have seats available if we missed it, since one-way tickets are rarely available.

As we stepped off the train, the guide advised us to set a 55-minute timer on our phones to remind us to head back to the trains on time. I did, and found it to be a useful tip since I can easily lose track of time.

At the summit, we waited in line to take a photo of the Mount Washington summit sign.

At the summit, we waited in line to take a photo of the Mount Washington summit sign.
Taking a photo of the Mount Washington sign is a popular to-do at the summit.      Cory Knowlton/Shutterstock

Once we got to the top, we briefly explored the Sherman Adams Visitor Center, where we found a restaurant, cafe, and restrooms.

I waited in a long line to take a photo with the Mount Washington summit sign. After I took it, I thought wasn't worth standing in the cold for nearly 20 minutes, even though it's nice to have a photo commemorating the experience. Next time, I'd use that time to walk around or grab a hot chocolate from the cafe.

At the small post office on the summit, I bought and sent a postcard to my brother in Italy.

At the small post office on the summit, I bought and sent a postcard to my brother in Italy.
A postcard and postage combined costed $1.50.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

I was surprised to find out there was a post office on the summit inside the visitor center. It had an old fashioned letter box, several pens, and a small rack with postcards of the summit for sale that could be mailed anywhere in the world.

I bought a postcard and mailed it to my younger brother in Italy, which cost me $1.50 total. It was easy to do and only took me about five minutes to choose a card, write a note, and pay for it to be sent out.

My brother told me about a week later he'd received the postcard, and I thought it was fun to share a cool souvenir from the railway experience with someone halfway around the world.

We spent the rest of the hour outside taking in the views, and trying not to slip on the icy ground.

We spent the rest of the hour outside taking in the views, and trying not to slip on the icy ground.
The author on the edge of the summit.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

I was really impressed with the views from the top of the summit. When we'd boarded the train at the base station, it was overcast and small snowflakes were falling from the sky. At the top of the mountain, however, the sky was a vivid blue.

There was a thick cloud cover hovering just below the summit. I stood near the edge, and it felt like I was floating on the clouds. When they parted in certain areas, I could see red and orange trees in the valley below. It felt surreal to me to go from a cloudy fall day to a clear, icy one in the span of an hour.

Even though it was only early fall, I thought the temperature at the summit was already cold.

Even though it was only early fall, I thought the temperature at the summit was already cold.
The colors of the fall trees in the valley could be seen from the summit.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

The temperature at the summit was just under 27 degrees, and winds were blowing at roughly 36 mph, so it really felt like 9 degrees, according to my phone's weather app.

It felt quite frigid to me, and as someone who grew up with mild winters in Rome, I'm not a fan of the cold. Even though I was bundled up with four top layers, two pairs of bottoms, three pairs of socks, and ski gloves, I was shaking by the end of the hour at the summit.

Others, however, didn't seem to be affected by the cold as much as I was. I saw a man comfortably walking around wearing shorts and loafers.

While I first thought an hour on the summit would be too little, I found it to be just the right amount of time.

While I first thought an hour on the summit would be too little, I found it to be just the right amount of time.
A train approaching the summit.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

For the last 10 minutes of the ride up, I was itching to get out and explore. I was initially disappointed when I heard we'd only have an hour to walk around, but by the end I thought it was just the right amount of time.

While the area to explore is a decent size, I found the icy wind too much to handle for longer than an hour. I saw most people sitting inside the visitor center for the majority of the time, and even though I was cold, I found the crowds to be too overwhelming to join them.

By the end of the hour, I was looking forward to boarding the train back down the mountain and was satisfied with what I had seen.

Although the experience was pricey, I think it was worth it and would do it again.

Although the experience was pricey, I think it was worth it and would do it again.
The author at the summit.      Asia London Palomba/Insider

It was my first time in the White Mountains, and I feel that I experienced the area in one of the most unique ways possible. It was the steepest climb I'd ever been on in a train, and it was cool to experience a bit of New Hampshire history.

I'd recommend people wear layers when visiting the summit, regardless of the season, as conditions can change quickly. I'd also suggest packing your own water and snacks, like I did, to avoid long lines to buy refreshments at the base station or summit visitor center.

Next time, I'd still want to go in October, but I think I'd take a late afternoon train instead of a mid-morning one so that I can watch the sunset. And maybe one day, I'll even try to hike up and down the summit.

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