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  4. I moved from the US to Ireland. Here's what the 'American' section of the grocery store is actually like.

I moved from the US to Ireland. Here's what the 'American' section of the grocery store is actually like.

I moved from the US to Ireland. Here's what the 'American' section of the grocery store is actually like.
I'm surprised by some of the things I find in the "American" section.Alexis McSparren
  • I moved from the US to Dublin, Ireland, in 2019, and there are some foods I miss from home.
  • Unfortunately, the "American" section at my grocery store is small (or nonexistent) and pricey.

The "American" aisle here seems to rely mainly on nostalgia.

The "American" aisle here seems to rely mainly on nostalgia.
I don't really remember drinking Calypso back home.      Alexis McSparren

The brands in the American section are instantly recognizable, like Betty Crocker, Pop-Tarts, and Hershey's.

The aisles are also usually decked out in American flags and bright, poppy neon imagery that entices shoppers to come over to see what all the commotion is about.

For me, "American food" means my grandma's Southern homestyle cooking or a classic hot dog at a ball game. But in Ireland, it seems to just mean preservatives, sugar, and nostalgia.

I'm always baffled at the selection because most of it is stuff I would never really choose back home.

For example, Calypso seems to be everywhere over here, marketed as an American fan favorite. But I don't remember anyone drinking these, except maybe in the early 2000s. The aisles seem to thrive off of that little bit of nostalgia.

I've been disappointed by the lack of variety.

I have to hunt a little for my American favorites.      Alexis McSparren

In Ireland, an American food aisle isn't a given. Rather, some select stores have a small section devoted to American delicacies.

Boutique novelty shops — namely specialty stores that sell only candy and sweets — are more likely to contain multiple shelves of American exports.

These spots have become popular among American expats who are scrounging for a small taste of home.

Unfortunately, the options are very limited, especially compared to our UK counterparts. Every time I make a trip to London, I make sure to bring back lots of my favorite American-brand goodies that I can't seem to find as easily in Ireland.

I always find the selection of candy puzzling.

I always find the selection of candy puzzling.
Most of the candies available aren't my first choice.      Alexis McSparren

Unsurprisingly, the American sections I find in stores are always packed with lots of candy. But things like Nerds, Sour Patch Kids, and Jolly Ranchers are usually front and center.

I've always considered those to be second-tier candies, and they wouldn't really be something to write home about to people who've never tried them.

I have a theory that other countries tend to think the most popular American candies are the ones with the most colorful and eclectic packaging.

Occasionally, there'll also be some varieties of M&M's, Reese's, and Hershey's. These usually come with a much higher price tag than the Nerds and Sour Patch Kids, though.

I can't stop myself from reaching for the Betty Crocker cake mixes over the Irish brands.

I can
There are usually a good number of Betty Crocker mixes.      Alexis McSparren

While perusing the American offerings, I often come across at least one whole shelf with a variety of Betty Crocker baking mixes and packaged icings.

I've tried British- and Irish-branded baking mixes, but they just don't taste the same. I find myself constantly reaching for Betty when I feel the urge to bake.

I've even noticed the Betty Crocker baking mixes have started to move out of the American section and into the general baking aisles at a lower price.

I never realized how many flavors of gum there are in the US.

I never realized how many flavors of gum there are in the US.
There are lots of fruity flavors in America.      Alexis McSparren

A boutique sweet shop I visited had a shelf of wild gum flavors that made me laugh. It featured an array of flavors from Trident, including Tropical Twist and Island Berry Lime.

Here in Ireland, stores usually only carry one or two brands at most, and the flavor options typically consist of mint and spearmint.

Occasionally, you can also find other standard flavors, like strawberry or bubblegum.

Dr. Pepper is seen as the elixir of life for Americans.

Dr. Pepper is seen as the elixir of life for Americans.
The shops here sell "American cans" of soda.      Alexis McSparren

In any American section, there are usually several exported sodas and sugary drinks — most of them centered around different varieties of Dr. Pepper.

When I first moved to Ireland, it was a rarity for me to find Dr. Pepper. I'd get so excited every time I managed to find one.

But these days, like many other American products, it's becoming more common to see a Dr. Pepper sitting alongside the normal Coca-Cola and Fanta options at any Irish gas station or convenience store.

American alcohol brands don't fare very well over here, apparently.

American alcohol brands don
I love living in Ireland, but I still get nostalgic for the US.      Alexis McSparren

There's usually some American beer in the alcohol aisles of Irish grocery stores or liquor stores.

Sadly for the US, it looks like American favorites like Budweiser, Coors, and Miller haven't caught on in the Emerald Isle.

I found a big basket of American beer bottles that were marked down to €1 ($0.98) so the store could get rid of the stock.

Breakfast cereals are usually the most expensive item in the American section.

Breakfast cereals are usually the most expensive item in the American section.
One box costs almost $10.      Alexis McSparren

Breakfast cereals usually take up the bulk of the space in any American section.

There's box after box of choices, which helps to make the section look so bright and colorful, I suppose.

They're also always some of the most expensive items — a single box of Cheerios costs nearly €10 ($9.84).

Apparently, whether or not Pop-Tarts are American depends on the flavor.

Apparently, whether or not Pop-Tarts are American depends on the flavor.
Some flavors are in the American section and others are in the main aisles.      Alexis McSparren

Similar to breakfast cereal, there are lots of Pop-Tart flavors adorning the shelves of every classic American section.

But over in the normal aisles, Pop-Tarts are also usually sold next to other regular Irish and British breakfast items. The main difference comes down to the flavors.

Strawberry and blueberry are almost always in the normal breakfast aisle at a reasonable price. But more extravagant flavors like red-velvet cupcake and hot-fudge sundae are sold in the American section with a steep price increase.

Oreos are another popular expatriate item.

Oreos are another popular expatriate item.
There's still a variety of Oreo flavors here.      Alexis McSparren

Like Pop-Tarts, Oreos are another item that can't decide if it's fully American or not.

Plain Oreos (and some more typical varieties like "golden" and double-stuffed) are in the regular aisles with biscuits and cookies.

But flavors like strawberry cheesecake and brownie are reserved for the American section.

Lidl in Ireland advertised an entire American-food week.

Lidl in Ireland advertised an entire American-food week.
There were deals on New York cheesecake and American corn dogs.      Alexis McSparren

Lidi, a budget grocer similar to Aldi, has only found its way to a few cities in the US. But in Ireland, the store advertises a whole week of "American" products, including peanut butter, pancake mixes, jarred pickles, and fried mozzarella sticks.

Apparently, this is an annual occurrence every June.

I also recently stumbled across an American-themed brand from Lidl called McEnnedy, which sells classic American items ranging from frozen waffles to frozen corn dogs – all in decorative red, white, and blue packaging.

I never knew the US had its own style of pancakes.

I never knew the US had its own style of pancakes.
There were boxes of American pancake mix as well as shakeable bottles.      Alexis McSparren

Pancakes are very common in Ireland. But they're more similar to French crepes in that they're thin, folded over, and usually served with lemon and sugar.

Every time I ask why it's not just called a crepe, I'm met with a blank stare.

I've made my Irish partner American-style "fluffy" pancakes with maple syrup, and he's now hooked on the US version.

Whenever we see American pancake mix and maple syrup on sale in a store, we stock up.

Dunkin' has made its way to Irish stores.

There are prepackaged boxes of Dunkin' doughnuts.      Alexis McSparren

Dunkin' is primarily a US chain, and though there are some locations in the UK, the shop hasn't made its way to Ireland yet.

Recently, though, I've noticed that small convenience stores and gas stations stock a small selection of Dunkin' doughnuts. They're always on a small cardboard stand in the corner of the store — if you blinked, you might miss it.

They come in packages of two or four doughnuts. But every time I've gotten them, they've been dry and hard, as if they were shipped straight from America weeks ago.

That doesn't stop me from coming back and getting them time after time, though.

The hold TGI Fridays has on Ireland is stronger than I would've ever imagined.

The hold TGI Fridays has on Ireland is stronger than I would
I didn't know TGI Fridays made so many chips.      Alexis McSparren

I've noticed more and more TGI Fridays snack options popping up in American food sections. Items such as mac-and-cheese party bites and bacon-ranch potato skins are frequently on the shelves.

I don't recall ever seeing these snacks in the chips aisle back home. But TGI Fridays remains a popular restaurant here in Dublin.

It always makes me laugh when my partner mentions that he had his first date there, long ago.

Items like Marshmallow Fluff and coffee creamer are more of a rarity in Ireland.

Items like Marshmallow Fluff and coffee creamer are more of a rarity in Ireland.
I came across a jar of strawberry Fluff.      Alexis McSparren

Marshmallow Fluff (and marshmallows in general) isn't regularly sold in stores over here. But I've seen strawberry-flavored Marshmallow Fluff in the American section, which I don't even remember seeing in the US.

I can understand why there's not a huge need in Ireland for Fluff. But what baffles me more is that coffee creamer hasn't become widely available here yet, especially considering how popular coffee has become in Ireland.

I've seen a few basic flavors of Coffee Mate creamer, but nothing compared to the endless seasonal options in the US.

Plus, a small bottle of creamer goes for a whopping €10 ($9.84). I could understand the steep price if it was pumpkin-spice flavored, but it was just French vanilla.

Kraft mac and cheese will always be an American staple.

Kraft mac and cheese will always be an American staple.
Kraft isn't my favorite brand of mac and cheese.      Alexis McSparren

It's almost guaranteed that a few boxes of Kraft mac and cheese will be found in any American section.

But I always get my hopes up that one day, I might stumble across my ultimate comfort food: Velveeta.

It's never happened yet, and I don't think international stores will ever truly understand my hardship.

Old El Paso is single-handedly fueling the Tex-Mex industry here.

Old El Paso is single-handedly fueling the Tex-Mex industry here.
There's usually a Mexican-inspired section at the store.      Alexis McSparren

Next to the American foods, there's usually a smaller "Tex-Mex"/"Mexican" section. But really, it looks more like an Old El Paso marketing stand because that's usually the only brand.

Old El Paso is fine, in my opinion, and that's just it.

In the US, it's the cheap stuff that I'd only purchase if the good stuff was sold out. But I take what I can get around here.

The decision to buy something is often an emotional one.

The decision to buy something is often an emotional one.
I buy some brands just because of the familiarity.      Alexis McSparren

Regular baking soda is sold in the baking aisle (in a bottle, oddly enough). But Arm & Hammer baking soda comes with a price increase in the American section.

For some reason, I still find myself buying the orange box to put in the fridge to get rid of odors, just like my grandma always did when I was growing up.

A quick search on Walmart shows it sells for $0.98 cents in the US, but I'm happy to pay €2.65 ($2.61) for it here.

When it all comes down to it, American branding, familiarity, and nostalgia all play a big factor in what I ultimately decide to buy.

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