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I left the US 13 months ago to travel full-time. Here are the 8 most valuable things I've learned that I wish I knew before leaving.

Kimanzi Constable   

I left the US 13 months ago to travel full-time. Here are the 8 most valuable things I've learned that I wish I knew before leaving.
There are many things I wish I knew before I left the US to be a full-time digital nomad.Kimanzi Constable
  • Thirteen months ago, I left my home in the US to travel around the world full-time.
  • In that time, I've learned several important lessons I wish I knew before leaving home.

Thirteen months ago, I left my home in the US to travel around the world full-time. In that time, I've learned several valuable things I wish I knew before leaving home.

Thirteen months ago, I left my home in the US to travel around the world full-time. In that time, I
I left the US 13 months ago to be a full-time digital nomad.      Kimanzi Constable

I love to travel. I've been to to 85 countries in my life in a combination of shorter trips and also extended travels where I spent more than two months at a time in 20 countries.

Thirteen months ago, I decided to make it my permanent lifestyle. After I became an empty nest parent, I decided to sell my house, furniture, clothes, and car and left my home in Sarasota, Florida, to travel as a full-time digital nomad. My online business and freelance writing allow me to work remotely from anywhere, so I chose to live and work in countries with a cheaper cost of living.

Since then, I've traveled to Puerto Rico, Rome, Lisbon, Nice, London, Panama, and several cities around the US. I'm currently in Medellin, Colombia, where I plan to stay for one year.

I left the US with the intention of spending 300 days or more a year living in other countries. For the other 65 days or so, I would come back to visit my children who are in college in Wisconsin.

Even though I travel regularly and have become quite comfortable with this lifestyle, I still make mistakes. I've overpacked, spent too much money, had many embarrassing moments, and could have saved so much time at airports if I knew better.

Now, I do, but I'm still learning. Here are the most valuable things I've learned that I wish I knew before I left home.

I wish I knew to pack lighter, even for long-term travel.

I wish I knew to pack lighter, even for long-term travel.
I packed too much when I started a life of full-time travel.      Kimanzi Constable

When I decided to leave the US and travel full time, I sold my house, car, furniture, and a majority of my clothes. I did not pare down and put what was left in storage. Instead, I was left with just one 28-inch checked bag and a backpack and I filled every inch of each.

My first stop was Puerto Rico, where I spent six weeks. When I was ready to leave, I started to pack up what I had been using during my time on the island. When I went to add clothes and other items to my suitcase, I noticed I had only worn half of the clothes I packed. There were also pans, kitchen utensils, and electronics that were never touched.

I thought I would use all those items when I set out on my travels, but even with just one suitcase and a backpack, I realized I had more than I really needed.

When I later went to Rome, my overpacking was confirmed again. After one month, I had not used more than one-third of what I packed. I packed too many clothes I never wore and took two full pillows when I only needed one. I packed cooking pans, kitchen utensils, and business equipment, such as lights and microphones I never used.

Not only was this a waste of space in my bags, but it meant I had to drag heavy luggage through airports for no reason.

Now, I pack less and book Airbnbs with laundry so I can wash my clothes in each place. I also make sure Airbnbs have basic cooking utensils so I no longer have to bring my own.

If I find I don't have something packed that I need, I just buy it. And when it's time to move on, I sell what I bought if I don't need to take it to the next destination to keep my load light.

There are several items I learned I can't get abroad. Now, I know to stock up on them whenever I'm back in the US.

There are several items I learned I can
Often, the items I can order on Amazon while living abroad are limited.      Kimanzi Constable

I'm a type-two diabetic that takes medication. While on a trip to Kenya years ago, I ran out. I searched everywhere but couldn't fill my prescribed medication and US pharmacies wouldn't ship to Kenya. Being a frequent traveler has since taught me to always bring extra medications I know I can't get outside the US.

Traveling more extensively also made me realize it's not just medicine I need to stock up on.

I'm a bigger man, and it can be hard to find my clothing sizes outside the US. In my experience, many retailers won't ship to certain countries because of customs. Now, I've learned to do the majority of my clothing shopping when I return home to visit my children.

And prescriptions aren't the only medications that are tough to come by abroad. I've had trouble finding over-the-counter medications such as Excedrin or Afrin in other countries.

Sometimes Amazon is available but it's not always an option. In my experience, Amazon does ship items to select countries internationally and uses local shipping partners, but I've found the selection is far more limited than in the US or shipping costs can be pricey.

I think TSA PreCheck, Global Entry, and Clear have been worth every penny. I should have signed up sooner.

I think TSA PreCheck, Global Entry, and Clear have been worth every penny. I should have signed up sooner.
Clear is one of the best ways I'm able to speed through airports and spend less time waiting in line.      Kimanzi Constable

I'm in airports 48 times a year, on average. Spending that much time in an airport means I often work remotely from airport lounges or waiting areas.

When I arrived at JFK airport on my way to Spain last year, I had a virtual training scheduled for a company that paid me to train their sales team. The meeting time could not be moved and the regular security line was hours long. Fortunately, I got through security in 15 minutes with TSA PreCheck. If I had been in the regular line, even though I arrived early, I'm confident I would have missed this important business call.

Having TSA PreCheck reduces my time waiting in security lines when I'm back in the US, which then directly impacts my productivity and ability to earn money. I also enjoy the added benefit of not having to take things out of my bag or take off my shoes.

My TSA PreCheck came as a part of Global Entry when I enrolled four years ago. Global Entry allows me to quickly pass through customs when returning to the US and skip the long lines then, as well.

I also recently became a member of Clear, which uses biometrics to go to the front of airport security lines.

These three services combined have helped me spend more time in airports being productive as opposed to waiting in lines, missing out on lucrative professional opportunities.

I used to deal with many connectivity issues when I arrived in new countries. Google Fi has helped me avoid many of these stressful situations.

I used to deal with many connectivity issues when I arrived in new countries. Google Fi has helped me avoid many of these stressful situations.
Google Fi helps me stay connected while abroad.      Kimanzi Constable

For years, I would land in a country and immediately be on the hunt for a local SIM card so I'd have cellphone service and data.

When I arrived in Cairo, Egypt, once at midnight, no shops were open, and without Wi-Fi, I didn't know how to get to my Airbnb. In other instances, I've had trouble getting in touch with my host when I couldn't check-in.

I've also had some negative experiences using airport taxis and prefer to use Uber so that I know the driver will follow an assigned route, or that Uber support can help me if I have an issue. But without reliable data, I'm unable to use Uber or communicate with my Airbnb host.

Now, instead of relying on SIM cards, I switched to Google Fi. Google Fi is a cellphone plan from Google, which offers unlimited calls, texts, and data, and the service works in 200 countries. I'm able to use it on my iPhone 13 Pro Max.

I've been able to travel to seven different countries with it, turn on my phone when I land, and have a signal and data right away without a local SIM card.

However, there's one very important thing to note about Google Fi. I recently discovered Google can suspend your intentional data if you continuously use the service outside the US for more than 90 days. My data was suspended because I've been in Colombia for the past four months. So, it's not a great solution for long-term travel, but I think it's definitely worth it where the time period will work for you.

I now know to use credit cards whenever possible and have several bank accounts.

I now know to use credit cards whenever possible and have several bank accounts.
Using credit cards and more than one bank account helps me deal with possible fraud while traveling.      Kimanzi Constable

In my experience, using credit cards has helped me avoid having to find cash in other countries. I also like the protection I get from using credit cards against fraudulent activity, and the points and miles I earn that I can later utilize to pay for travel.

Once, I accidentally left a credit card at a restaurant in London. Before I realized I left it, someone took the card and started making purchases. When I called customer service, American Express shut down the credit card and credited me back all the charges.

When I do need cash, I prefer to use more than one bank account. I do this in case one account has to be shut down due to fraudulent activity. This strategy helped me in Colombia when someone gained access to my account. When that happened, the account was frozen, and the only option to be able to access funds again was to go in person to a bank to resolve the issue. This is not possible when I'm outside the US.

Because I have a second bank account that I can use to withdraw cash, I'm able to still access my money if something happens to my other bank account.

I wish I knew to use a virtual mailbox when I left the US to stay informed without relying on anyone else.

I wish I knew to use a virtual mailbox when I left the US to stay informed without relying on anyone else.
An example of a notification I've received from my virtual mailbox.      Kimanzi Constable

Even though I no longer have a permanent home in the US, I still need to receive mail.

A major challenge of traveling full-time was deciding where to have my mail sent. At first, I sent my mail to my parent's or children's house. But because I needed to know what was inside my mail while away in another country, I had to have them open and read my mail to me. At 41 years old, having my parents or children read my mail was often embarrassing.

A few months after leaving the US, I learned about virtual mailboxes. I'm much more comfortable with this option. With this service, I'm given an actual street address, and my mail is scanned, so I can read it on my phone from anywhere in the world. The service is affordable, and it even ships packages to wherever I am.

The service is from iPostal1, which has plans ranging from $9.99 to $39.99 a month. To use it, I picked an area in the US where I wanted to have my address, and was then assigned a store — PostNet in my case — in that area that receives my mail.

I get notified when there's mail, and I can choose to have my mail scanned, shredded, or shipped to me by the mailbox store team. I did a lot of research ahead of time on the location and felt comfortable with the team in the store scanning my mail.

I was surprised to learn I can get quality healthcare in other countries, even when paying out of pocket.

I was surprised to learn I can get quality healthcare in other countries, even when paying out of pocket.
In the hospital in South Africa.      Kimanzi Constable

I didn't expect to end up in the emergency room in Cape Town, South Africa, but I did, with kidney stones.

I didn't have travel insurance at the time and had to pay for the emergency visit out of pocket. I thought I got quality care, and the entire bill was $350 USD. In this instance, I think it was so cheap because healthcare in South Africa happens to be affordable, and one US dollar is about 17 South African rand, which was a conversion rate that worked in my favor when the bill arrived

Here in Colombia, I had to purchase health insurance out of pocket for a year in order to be able to get a long-term visa. I paid $750 for a plan with Seguros SURA, which is a Colombia-based insurance provider. I have no co-pays for anything.

I was nervous about how I'd approach healthcare as a full-time digital nomad, but I never thought I'd get such good care at an affordable price. I'm seeing my doctor here in Medellin and getting things done that I've put off for years.

Of course, healthcare costs will vary greatly by circumstance and location. I suggest all travelers research their destination and its healthcare options before arriving for an extended period of time.

When I first started traveling, healthcare was not on my checklist. It now is and I choose destinations that offer affordable healthcare since I plan to stay in countries for months at a time.

Perhaps most importantly, I've learned I can't have US expectations outside the US.

Perhaps most importantly, I
I've learned to slow down and adjust my expectations and it's made me a better traveler.      Kimanzi Constable

I've lived in the United States for the majority of my life. I'm used to a certain level of convenience where everything I could want is usually readily available, either online or at a neighborhood store or service.

The last 13 months have been an interesting for me in terms of adjusting expectations. I've learned I can't expect people or services in other countries to behave as they might in the US.

In my experience, in Colombia, there are a lot of procedures for shopping at stores, ordering at restaurants, and dealing with government paperwork that takes longer than I'm used to.

And in Italy, Nice, and Portugal, I discovered that meals are an experience, and I learned to take my time and enjoy long dinners and wine, especially in restaurants where the service is slower to allow for more relaxed dining.

I've learned to slow down in general and respect local cultures and their ways of doing things. Rather than become impatient or frustrated, I now accept these differences as new ways of living.

I wish I knew these things, but I've learned quickly, and I'm a better traveler for it.

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