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I left LA for NYC but moved back after 5 months. The city just didn't live up to the fantasy — but I have no regrets.

Alyshia Hull   

I left LA for NYC but moved back after 5 months. The city just didn't live up to the fantasy — but I have no regrets.
  • Julia Broome moved from LA to NYC and returned after 5 months, but she doesn't regret the experience.
  • Her apartment was small and expensive, and the job she moved for ultimately changed.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Julia Broome, a 27-year-old social media manager who moved from LA to NYC. It has been edited for length and clarity.

Growing up, I often heard people talk about New York City, or I'd see it on TV shows like "Gossip Girl" and "Sex and the City." It was always seen as a dream place to live.

So last year when I was 26 years old and I was offered a job opportunity in NYC, I knew it was something to consider.

I'd visited, and I loved it. There's something about New York that makes you feel electric. I loved the ambition, the energy, and the drive that people seemed to carry. The vibe was great and the men I met were even better. I couldn't help but romanticize the city, and I could really envision myself living there.

Still, the choice wasn't easy. I grew up in Calabasas, California and it felt hard leaving it behind. LA was my home, and it felt comfortable.

Yet NYC felt exciting and new, and with a job opportunity I couldn't pass up, I decided to make the move. I placed the majority of my things in storage and packing two massive bags, and then I hopped on a plane.

Walking in NYC

Before moving to NYC, I remember thinking how much I'd love to walk everywhere through the "concrete jungle," as they call it. But when it became my reality, I saw that it wasn't exactly what I pictured.

As I walked the sidewalks, I felt the need to constantly swivel my head to check my surroundings. I was always competing for sidewalk space, and as a woman especially, I was on high alert to make sure I was safe. It was also easy to run into things — including the trash that was on the side of the street, which smelled disgusting.

And if I walked with a friend, we constantly had to yell just so we could hear each other over trucks, ambulances, and construction work around us. It always felt like a competition to see who could yell the loudest.

The housing in NYC

There was also the living situation. In LA, I'd been used to paying for an expensive apartment — one that had more room than I needed and was beautiful, too.

But when I finally found a place and moved to Hudson Yards, my money definitely didn't stretch as far. People in New York joke about the living situation. Places are small and expensive and the buildings are much older.

I moved into a one-bedroom apartment with a roommate — I slept in the living room, and my bed was next to the kitchen table. We didn't have air conditioning and the apartment building was old.

Truthfully, I think I would have been able to push past these things — if it weren't for what happened with my job.

Starting a job in NYC

I'd moved to start a new job — a role I just couldn't pass up. While the company was brand new, I was friends with those who were starting it and the opportunity felt promising. They knew my work, I knew theirs, and I was going to help build the company with them.

But not long after I got there, the company changed direction and so did my job description. The founder had a change of heart, which often happens when it comes to business and start-ups — but still it was a big shock to me. I felt let down. I had already uprooted my whole life and taken a big chance by moving.

I felt myself spiral. They say New York City will chew you up and spit you out, and that's how it felt to me.

Giving NYC a fair chance

I never truly struggled with depression and anxiety until I started living in New York, yet I didn't want to go back home. I was embarrassed that things weren't working out, and I didn't want to give in so soon.

I thought about what my mom, who I lost to pancreatic cancer five years ago, would've said to me: "Keep going, keep pushing. You're only young once." I knew she'd be proud of me for putting myself out there and of how hard I was trying.

I also thought about my dad back home in LA too. He wanted me to love New York, and I felt sad telling him I didn't. I didn't want to let my parents down — or let down anyone who asked about my New York experience.

But after five months of trying, I had to be honest with myself. I knew I had to go home. So I did.

When I came back to LA I had a new perspective on the things I had taken for granted. The beach, nature, the clean air, the hiking — I'd missed those things when I was gone and felt so fortunate to have them back.

At the end of the day, I still love NYC

They say New Yorkers aren't nice, but that wasn't my experience. I found the people I met to be kind, ambitious, motivated, and driven.

I also loved the city's food scene, and the dating game — the people I met were far less flaky than what I was used to in LA.

Above all, I loved the energy of New York. But I'd realized that as much as I like those things, for me they are great for a couple weeks at a time, not every day.

Now I tell people that moving to New York was the "best-worst" decision I've ever made, and I'm glad I made it.

It broke me out of my comfort zone, which is something I think everybody should try to do.

If you have a travel regret and would like to to share your story, email Alyshia Hull at

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