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I just moved from the UK to the US. Here are 9 things I already miss.

Maria Noyen   

I just moved from the UK to the US. Here are 9 things I already miss.
The author moved to New York City in October.Maria Noyen/Insider
  • I moved from London to New York City in October.
  • I spent most of my life in and around London but attended college in Boston.

Where are you from?

It's a simple question, but one that I've never had a quick answer for. Thanks to my parents, I have two passports: Dutch and American. But having spent most of my life in the UK, I've always felt more like a tourist when visiting either of my parents' respective countries.

Even when I spent four years in Boston, Massachusetts, for college, I never felt fully integrated into life in the US. Being there was more like studying abroad than anything else because home, in my case, has always been where most of my family is: London.

But earlier this year, I decided I wanted a change of scenery, so in October, I packed my bags and moved back to the US. After a seven-hour flight over the Atlantic Ocean, I landed in New York. Like any big life change, the transition has come with ups and downs, and while I'm starting to feel settled, I can't help but miss a few things about life abroad.

Moving to the US means missing out on big family milestones.

Moving to the US means missing out on big family milestones.
The author and her niece.      Courtesy of Bella Noyen

My move to NYC came two months after the birth of my first niece, Kaia. While I'm grateful to have been in London the day she was born, having to leave the country a few months later made me realize how much I'm about to miss out on.

In the next year, she'll be crawling, sitting up, and maybe even speaking her first words — all while I'll be in NYC.

Though I'll likely be able to hear and see these milestones happen through social media and FaceTime, there's nothing quite like experiencing those special moments firsthand.

Adjusting to living in a different time zone than my loved ones has also been a challenge.

Adjusting to living in a different time zone than my loved ones has also been a challenge.
The author and her best friend.      Maria Noyen/Insider

Most of my family and friends live in the UK, except for my parents, who travel between London and Spain, which only has a one-hour time difference.

As someone who likes to check in with their family daily, I've had to be more conscious of when I call them now that there's a five-hour time difference. This means planning when I'm going to have long catch-up calls ahead of time and making myself more available in the mornings before I start work since most of my loved ones back in the UK are getting ready for bed by the time I'm finished.

I miss how much safer I felt out in public in the UK.

I miss how much safer I felt out in public in the UK.
The London Tube.      Tim Grist/Getty Images

The UK isn't without violent crime, but the frequency and type of violence are completely different from the US. This is especially true of gun-related crime — while people can still apply for licenses to own and shoot shotguns and rifles in the UK, lawmakers banned the private ownership of handguns following the Dunblane school shooting in 1996, in which 16 children died.

But in the US, gun violence continues to be referred to as an epidemic. Just a week after I moved, 18 people in Lewiston, Maine, were killed in the 36th mass killing in the US so far this year, according to a database created by USA Today, the Associated Press, and Northeastern University. While paying tribute to the victims on November 3, President Biden reflected on the number of mass-shooting sites he'd visited since becoming president, saying it had been "too many to count," Reuters reported.

Violent crime is still pervasive in the UK, but from my experience, I always felt safer being out and about — whether alone or with others — knowing that the likelihood of gun violence occurring is minimal in comparison to the US.

While I'm excited about spending Thanksgiving in the US, there's something special about a good old-fashioned British Sunday Roast.

While I
Sunday Roast is a beloved British tradition.      Maria Noyen/Insider

One of the things I'm most excited about is experiencing Thanksgiving in the US for the first time since college. I mean, what's not to love about roast turkey, gravy, and a bunch of side dishes?

The only problem with Thanksgiving is that it only happens once a year. But back in the UK, we get to have a similar meal every week — a traditional Sunday Roast.

Though I didn't grow up having a Sunday Roast every week, as my parents aren't British, I started getting into it as an adult. Up until I left in October, I was visiting pubs and restaurants around London in search of the best roast with friends and family. For me, there was something special about enjoying a delicious meal with the people I love most before kicking off a new week.

Speaking of pubs, I also miss how relaxed British drinking culture is.

Speaking of pubs, I also miss how relaxed British drinking culture is.
The atmosphere of pubs is warm and inviting, no matter who you are.      Enes Evren/Getty Imags

Compared to what I've experienced in the US so far, the drinking culture in the UK felt much more casual, which I loved.

My favorite place to grab a drink was my local pub, where people of all ages could gather to enjoy drinks and good food. Like most pubs in the UK, the atmosphere was always super relaxed. There weren't any dress codes, and people were always allowed to bring their pets and children.

As someone who prefers an early night, I loved that pubs usually closed around 11 p.m. I'm slowly getting used to the different atmosphere surrounding drinking culture in the US, and specifically how late nightlife is in NYC, but I still have a soft spot for what it's like back home.

I'm excited about the prospect of exploring different states in the US, but I miss how easy it is to visit other countries from the UK.

The author visiting Paris, France.      Maria Noyen/Insider

Moving to the US has made me realize just how spoiled I was to be able to hop on a train and be in the center of Paris just a few hours later or take a flight and land in Spain or Austria the same day. Weekend trips to a different country were standard, especially in the summer when there were several public holidays.

That said, I am excited about having the opportunity to experience the variety of travel that exists within the US. But I will miss how easy international travel was when I lived abroad.

Weekend trips within the UK were also amazing.

Weekend trips within the UK were also amazing.
Exploring St Ives, Cornwall.      Maria Noyen/Insider

The UK may be a fraction of the size of the US, but there is still a lot to explore within it.

When lockdown rules eased during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people like myself started to appreciate traveling to different parts of the country. From exploring Bath — where several "Bridgerton" scenes were filmed — to checking out Cornwall and sampling the fresh seafood on offer, travel restrictions made me realize the UK has a lot to offer outside of London.

I also miss how close everything was. Unlike the US, where road trips can last days, my different travels in the UK never took longer than a few hours in the car or on a train.

Strangely enough, I have found myself missing the rainy conditions the UK is known for.

Strangely enough, I have found myself missing the rainy conditions the UK is known for.
Gray skies in Oxford, England.      Maria Noyen/Insider

The UK doesn't have the best reputation when it comes to weather, and as someone who lived there for most of their life, I can vouch for the fact that it is as rainy and gray as people say.

But now that I live in the US, I have found myself oddly missing the rainy British weather. I've definitely complained about it in the past — but, in a way, there's something cozy about sitting at home in the warmth as the rain falls.

I have also come to appreciate how consistent the weather is. For the most part, you can expect it to be gray and wet from September to April. Meanwhile, from what I've experienced so far, the weather in the US varies a lot more.

I'm also going to miss how amazing summer in the UK feels after months of gray skies.

People enjoy the sunshine on a boat on Regent's Canal in Primrose Hill, London.      Maria Noyen/Insider

A friend of mine moved from NYC to London last spring, and one of the first things I told her was that she'd come at the perfect time because summer was right around the corner.

It's not just that blue skies and sunshine feel that much more special when the weather has been dreary most of the year, but it truly feels like the country comes alive in the summer.

In London, places like Regent's Park and Hyde Park are flooded with people enjoying picnics, there are outdoor music festivals and markets taking place on most weekends, and pubs are bustling with customers sipping on Aperol Spritzes and Pimm's, a traditional British summertime drink. The atmosphere is so vibrant, and one that I no doubt will miss next summer.

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