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I had a scary experience the first time I traveled solo. Now I always do these 4 things to feel safe and prepared.

Jesse Collier   

I had a scary experience the first time I traveled solo. Now I always do these 4 things to feel safe and prepared.
  • Jesse Collier traveled alone to Italy and had a scary experience.
  • Now, she downloads maps and pins places like hospitals and restaurants before traveling.

Almost fifteen years ago, I was in Florence, Italy, on my first solo travel trip. I was lost trying to find the apartment that I was staying in, and a man walked up to me, asking if I needed help. I was panicked and not thinking clearly, so I told him the address, and he offered to help me find the building.

With every passing minute, I became more uncomfortable as he asked me personal questions, such as who I was traveling with, what my plans were, and if I had a boyfriend. I realized that this situation was potentially dangerous and it was time to get away from this man.

I lied and told him I found my building and hit the doorbell of a random apartment, hoping for the best. An American woman came down the stairwell, identified the situation, and thanked him for helping me. She brought me up to her apartment, looked my building up on her laptop, and printed me a map and directions.

I learned a lot of lessons from that experience that I carry with me in my solo travels as an adult. While no one can eliminate all chances of being in danger on a vacation, some precautions can be taken.

Here are 4 steps I take to stay safe as a solo traveler:

1. Download a map of the city to your phone

Google and Apple Maps let you download a map of your choosing to your phone to be able to use without data or Wi-Fi.

Whenever I travel to a new city, I download a map of the entire city on my phone and pin my accommodation, nearest hospitals and embassy, restaurants, and places I plan on visiting. Not only is this convenient for when reception is bad and you're trying to locate that museum you're visiting, but it's really valuable in case you need to map your way back to your hotel.

Carry a battery pack with you to make sure your phone is always charged.

2. Create a document with emergency plans and share it with family

Make an exhaustive document that includes the phone numbers and addresses of local hospitals, urgent cares, police stations, and, if overseas, the nearest embassy.

I also list the phone numbers of my emergency contacts and any people that I, or my family, know around that area, if applicable. This guide is accessible by my phone, but I print it and carry it with me just in case my phone dies or I cannot get reception. This document also has my itinerary laid out, which I share with my parents and husband, so they have an idea of where I'll be and, heaven forbid, can retrace my steps if they need to send help.

3. Understand transportation options

If you spend most of your time in a "car city," public transportation can be intimidating, especially in foreign countries.

To calm transportation nerves, research exactly how a city's public transportation works, including costs, how they accept fares, customs, and safety. On my solo trip to London, I found a breakdown of transportation to and from the airport, as well as around London.

I also watched YouTube videos to see what the process of traveling on the Underground looked like. When I got off my flight, I knew exactly where to go and how long it would take. London happens to have simple public transportation, but in other cities, it can be more confusing with different rails, local vs. express trains, and so on. Fully understanding public transportation will reduce the risk of getting lost and ending up in a dangerous area.

4. Trust your gut when something doesn't feel right

That man in Florence seemed friendly at first, and my young, inexperienced self didn't see the red flags, but as time went on, I instinctively felt the urge to get away from him. Whether you are at your hotel, in a car, or exploring town, the second you get that feeling in your stomach, it's time to go. Don't worry about appearing rude or insulting, just leave as fast as you can.

Also, whether speaking to an Uber driver, bartender, hotel staff, or anyone else you meet, never tell them you are traveling alone. In these instances, I might say that my friends are on their way to meet me, or that my husband is right across the street.

Safety is always top of mind for solo travelers, especially for the more vulnerable populations.

When traveling on my own, I always remain alert, but taking some time ahead of a trip to prepare a safety plan calms my nerves a bit so I can fully enjoy exploring a new area.

Jesse Collier is the creator of The Road Jess Traveled and helps people save, plan, and book their dream vacations.

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