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I had a panic attack while boarding a plane. The pilot refused to let me fly, but I've learned a lot about managing travel anxiety.

Kelly Burch   

I had a panic attack while boarding a plane. The pilot refused to let me fly, but I've learned a lot about managing travel anxiety.
  • Quincy Kadin, 17, had a panic attack while boarding a flight home from South Africa last summer.
  • She left the airport and caught another flight a few days later.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Quincy Kadin. It has been edited for length and clarity.

Last summer, I traveled to Johannesburg with my mom. The trip was an amazing chance to see other cultures up close. But being away from my home in Los Angeles also spiked my anxiety, a condition that I've struggled with throughout my life.

That all came to a head when my mom and I went to the airport, preparing to fly from Johannesburg to London, where we'd catch another flight to LA. My mom and I both have anticipatory flight anxiety. We're fine once we're in the air, but getting there can be really difficult.

In the airport, my anxiety was worse than ever. As I got ready to board the plane, I started having a full panic attack, shaking and even throwing up. Once I was on the aircraft, the flight attendants had no idea what to do. The pilot came over. I tried to explain that this was anxiety, but they thought I was sick with a virus or other physical illness, and they made me get off the plane.

It was frustrating because I knew I'd soon be fine

Being forced off the plane was incredibly frustrating. I know my body and my mind. I was at the peak of my panic attack — it wasn't going to get worse. I tried to explain that, and tell the flight crew how my anxiety manifested with physical symptoms, but they simply didn't understand.

Fifteen minutes later, my mom and I were back at the airport, and I was fine. The attack had passed. But suddenly, we had a bigger issue: we had now missed our flight home and were stranded on the other side of the world.

Luckily, we were able to get a hotel room and book a new flight a few days later. Walking into the airport for the second time, I was very nervous that the airline wouldn't let me fly. However, I was able to use slow, rhythmic breathing to keep myself centered until I was in the air.

I was diagnosed with anxiety in fifth grade

As a kid, I had trouble going to play dates or even after-school activities. It was very isolating. I just thought I was nervous. But in fifth grade, I started seeing a therapist, who diagnosed me with anxiety. Learning the term for what I was facing was empowering. I knew that my reactions weren't caused by something that was wrong with me; they were the result of this condition that had a name.

And yet, in South Africa, I realized that there's still so much people don't understand about anxiety. Many people have no idea anxiety can cause physical symptoms. They don't even have the language to talk about things like panic attacks.

Being asked to leave the plane was the biggest impact anxiety has had in my life, and it inspired me to change the conversation around anxiety. When I got home, I started to write a children's book, Frankie's Fishy Feelings. It helps other kids and families put a name to what they're experiencing and use three key coping strategies when anxiety hits: deep breathing, counting, and grounding themselves by feeling their feet in their shoes.

I'm still coping with flying anxiety, but it's not keeping me grounded

Back in LA, I was in no rush to go to an airport again. Yet I knew I wanted to travel in life, and I couldn't let anxiety stand in my way. So, I planned a trip to Oregon to visit my grandparents.

Before the flight, I planned for everything that could happen. If I had a panic attack, I knew safe spaces in the airport where I could wait for it to pass. If I wasn't able to get on the plane, I knew there was a flight the next day. Understanding there were solutions helped me overcome my nerves.

Everyone's experiences with anxiety are unique. Although my mom and I both have the condition and some of the same triggers, we didn't always have the words we needed to discuss it. Now, after writing the book, we have a shared vocabulary that we can use to support each other.
