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I grew up in the US and my partner grew up in Argentina. Here are the 8 most surprising cultural differences between us.

Jordan Mautner   

I grew up in the US and my partner grew up in Argentina. Here are the 8 most surprising cultural differences between us.
The writer said she was surprised her boyfriend drinks yerba mate instead of coffee in the morning.Getty Images; Jordan Mautner
  • I'm an American who's in a relationship with an Argentine, and we come from very different cultures.
  • Even though I speak Spanish, I sometimes struggle to understand Argentinian slang.

I'm a Los Angeles native who started dating an Argentine shortly after moving to Barcelona.

My partner moved to Barcelona around the same time that I did.      Jordan Mautner

I grew up in sunny Los Angeles, California. Although I love my hometown — and all the beaches, hiking, live music, family, and friends that come with it — I've always had an itch to live abroad.

Secretly, I also hoped to find love out there in a sea of different countries and cultures.

After years of living in Mexico and France, I finally settled down in Barcelona, Spain. As luck may have it, a certain Argentine had just moved into the gorgeous Spanish city as well. We fell head over heels for each other and have been together ever since.

Though we knew we'd have to overcome a bit of a language barrier, neither of us could've imagined how many other cultural differences there would be between us. Here are some of the most surprising ones.

I get a dose of caffeine from my morning cup of coffee, whereas my partner sips on yerba mate throughout the day.

I get a dose of caffeine from my morning cup of coffee, whereas my partner sips on yerba mate throughout the day.
I prefer to start my days with coffee, but my partner sips mate from morning to night.      Jordan Mautner

I always start my day with a warm cup of coffee and add a splash of oat milk. It gives me the perfect amount of pep in my step as I get my day going.

Growing up n the US, I thought of coffee as a morning staple. Starbucks stores were on every block, and nearly every household I visited had some type of coffee maker tucked away in the kitchen.

So the first time my partner slept at my house, I offered him a cup of coffee the next morning. To my surprise, he declined and instead pulled out the yerba-mate kit he'd packed beside the toothbrush and clean clothes in his overnight bag.

Yerba mate, more commonly referred to as "mate" among Argentines, is an herbal tea that's rich in caffeine. Drinking mate is a morning ritual for Argentines, and it can last through the whole day and even into the night.

To drink mate in an authentic way, you need the right equipment. My boyfriend uses a circular mate cup; a bombilla, which is a metal straw with a filter at the end to keep tea leaves from getting in; and a thermos to hold hot water that you continuously pour into your cup.

There's also a very specific method used to make mate, and every Argentine may have their own unique way of preparing it. Whenever my boyfriend asks me to make him mate, I feel very intimidated and concerned that I might miss a critical step.

My American-style barbecues look very different than his traditional Argentinian asados.

My American-style barbecues look very different than his traditional Argentinian asados.
I can still find plenty to eat at my boyfriend's asados.      Jordan Mautner

Even though I've been a vegetarian for 20 years, I still love the idea of getting together for a barbecue with friends and family. I can slap a veggie burger on the grill, make some side salads, pop open a beer, and enjoy the afternoon with loved ones.

When my boyfriend first invited me to an asado, a traditional Argentinian barbecue, with his friends, I was thrilled. But it wasn't until I arrived that I realized how different our barbecues were.

The asado didn't quite look like a typical American cookout with burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, pickles, and various condiments.

Instead, there was an array of grilled meats, from pork and chicken to beef and sausage. It was a meat lover's paradise, and I've since learned that, in general, Argentines really love their meat.

Luckily, there were some excellent vegetable-based sides as well. They grilled whole potatoes and asparagus and stuffed bell peppers and mushrooms with eggs and cheese. They even grilled provolone cheese in a small clay pot.

The chimichurri sauce more than made up for the lack of ketchup and mustard. At most asados, this sauce — made of olive oil, finely chopped parsley, garlic, and oregano — is the only one you'll find, and it's outrageously delicious.

Drenching my grilled vegetables and provolone cheese with this divine sauce made the asado a vegetarian's paradise as well. Even if it wasn't exactly the barbecue I had in mind, I still ate like a queen.

I'm a confident Spanish speaker, but I still have trouble understanding some Argentinian slang.

For as many differences as there are between our cultures, there are plenty of similarities as well.      Jordan Mautner

My Spanish has gotten good. After all, I lived in Mexico for five years before moving to Barcelona.

So when I first met my boyfriend, I felt confident that I could speak to him in his native tongue to help with any potential language barriers. However, his Argentinian accent, slang, and vocabulary were very different than the Spanish I'd learned.

He thought my Spanish was good, so he was very surprised when I couldn't understand many of the things he said. He patiently taught me some of the words and phrases he uses, and I began to catch on.

If you ever hear the word "che," which roughly translates to "dude" or "bro," it's a tell-tale sign that you may be in the presence of an Argentine.

I also noticed that my boyfriend pronounces Spanish words with "sha" or "sho" instead of making "y" sounds. Some examples are "plasha" instead of "playa," or "posho" instead of "pollo." My personal favorite is "shoga" instead of "yoga."

Even though I live in Spain, my Spanish is starting to sound a lot more like an Argentine's than a Spaniard's. Sometimes, people in Barcelona hear me speak and get confused about where I'm from.

The US and Argentina experience opposite seasons during the year, so we have very different associations with summer and winter.

The US and Argentina experience opposite seasons during the year, so we have very different associations with summer and winter.
Our home countries have opposite seasons since they're on different hemispheres.      Jordan Mautner

Argentina and the US are in different hemispheres, meaning the countries simultaneously experience opposite seasons.

Even though we knew this going into our relationship, it's still made for some interesting conversations about how my partner and I view our winter and summer holidays.

When I was growing up in the US, the holiday season was a cold, cozy time of year that I spent sitting around the fireplace with a warm cup of cocoa. My boyfriend thinks those childhood memories are pretty wild because he associates the holiday season with summer vacation, long beach days, and asados.

Even though we grew up with different ideas of summer and winter, it's fun to visit each other's home countries and see our favorite seasons at different times of the year.

My partner didn't know much about Thanksgiving, but now we've made our own traditions surrounding the holiday.

My partner didn
We managed to create some Thanksgiving traditions of our own in Barcelona.      Jordan Mautner

In my family, Thanksgiving is an even bigger celebration than Christmas.

My mom used to start cooking the turkey at 6 a.m. and throw huge dinner parties. The smell of pumpkin pie baking in the oven and the sound of the gravy bubbling away on the stove are fundamental childhood memories.

Every fourth Thursday of November, I try to recreate these memories, no matter where I am in the world.

A few months after I'd started dating my partner, the holiday was approaching. I was a little dumbfounded that he wasn't as excited as I was to start planning the menu and start inviting friends to the dinner.

But of course, he didn't grow up celebrating the American holiday and had only seen and heard about it in movies. After I shared the importance of this tradition with him and explained my long list of memories from this special day, he jumped on board and helped me plan.

The only drawback is that ingredients for Thanksgiving foods aren't the easiest to come by in Spain. Thankfully, my partner found a cooked turkey with sides of stuffing, cranberry sauce, and gravy at a specialty shop called Taste of America.

On our first Thanksgiving, he carved the turkey, just like my dad did when I was a little girl. Now, my boyfriend loves Thanksgiving, and we've been celebrating it every year since.

I've also learned about holidays he celebrated in Argentina.

I've learned so much about other cultures through my partner.      Jordan Mautner

Another holiday that was completely new to me was Día del Amigo, a day celebrating friendship in countries including Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and Brazil.

Every July 20, my boyfriend calls or sends messages to all of his friends and spends time with the ones that live close to him. The US has a national friendship day, but it's not nearly as widely celebrated.

Argentines also seem to have a day to celebrate pretty much everything, from the national flag to secretaries. These days are all recognized and celebrated throughout the country.

There is some overlap between our countries' holidays. For example, we both celebrate Mother's Day, but it falls on a different date in Argentina and the US.

It can get confusing when one of us reminds the other to send a message to their mother. Moments later, we realize it's not Mother's Day in both of our countries.

Soccer isn't the most popular sport in the US, but it's a way of life in Argentina.

Soccer isn
My partner standing in front of a Diego Maradona mural.      Jordan Mautner

I'm not a huge sports fan, but I love Super Bowl Sundays, final games in the World Series, and NBA championships — mostly because of the big parties and celebrations surrounding the games.

When I began dating an Argentine, it became clear that basketball, football, and baseball — the popular sports I watched growing up in the US — weren't of any interest to him. He couldn't care less who won the Super Bowl.

For him, it was all about soccer, or fútbol, as the sport is called in Argentina and many other countries.

Soccer isn't the most popular sport in the US, but many people treat it like a religion in Argentina. Fans' passion for their teams and country runs deep.

On numerous occasions, my partner has recounted the thrilling tale of how Diego Maradona, a legendary soccer star, led the Argentinian national team to become the 1986 World Cup champions. My boyfriend was a newborn when this happened, but he tells this story with such intensity that you'd think he watched these matches with his own eyes.

His charisma and passion for this sport are contagious. To both of our surprise, I, a person who never really cared for sports, have turned into a proud soccer fan.

Some of our favorite movies have completely different titles in Spanish and English.

Some of our favorite movies have completely different titles in Spanish and English.
My Spanish is always improving with the help of my partner.      Jordan Mautner

One of my favorite things to do with my partner is to snuggle up on the couch and watch a good movie. As we've looked through lists of movies to watch, we've found that some of our favorite flicks have very different titles in Spanish and English.

Around the holidays, he suggested watching "Mi Pobre Angelito," which translates in English to "My Poor Little Angel." I hadn't heard of a movie by that name, so I had no idea what he was talking about.

I asked him to describe the film, and he acted out the "Home Alone" scene where Macaulay Caulkin slaps his face with aftershave. Then, I realized this "poor little angel" must be Kevin McCallister in the film.

My boyfriend knew it as "Mi Pobre Angelito," but it was "Home Alone" to me.

Overall, we view our cultural differences as a positive thing.

Overall, we view our cultural differences as a positive thing.
Learning about each other's countries and cultures makes our relationship unique and fun.      Jordan Mautner

There are many cultural differences between us, but it keeps our relationship exciting.

We're constantly learning about each other's cultures and finding ways to incorporate both our traditions into our home. I wouldn't want it any other way.

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