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I drive 10 hours to shop at the nearest grocery store and only go every 2 months. Here are my 7 best tips for making groceries last.

Hilary Messer-Barrow   

I drive 10 hours to shop at the nearest grocery store and only go every 2 months. Here are my 7 best tips for making groceries last.
  • I moved from a city to a community of 90 residents and only get groceries every two months.
  • I've learned tricks for stretching groceries as long as possible while eating nutritious meals.

Four years ago, my husband and I went from city life in Vancouver, Canada, to remote living in a Yukon community.

The move marked the beginning of a completely different way of life, especially when it came to groceries and meal planning.

In Beaver Creek, which has approximately 90 residents, we're about 300 miles and a 10-hour round trip from the small city of Whitehorse where we grocery shop. We went from regularly buying groceries to only doing so every two months.

Now that we rely on big hauls and cooking at home, I've mastered a thing or two when it comes to stretching our dollar and our food a little bit further.

Here are a few things I do to make our groceries last as long as possible.

Thorough planning and organizing helps us buy exactly what we need

Before a grocery trip, I examine our inventory by going through the pantry and freezer to note what we have and what we need. I also plan for special meals, like birthdays or holidays, that will take place in the next two-month period.

Because this step leads to more intentional shopping, it also helps us cut down on food waste and save money.

After shopping, we track each item and its expiration date

Because we buy groceries so infrequently, preserving and tracking our food is critical. This includes stocking the refrigerator in a methodical manner so no items get hidden and end up going bad.

Plus when we know something is close to expiring, we can change how it's stored (freezing or canning) or utilize it in a recipe.

Batch cooking means we'll have meals for weeks

When we first return from our grocery trip, we make the most of our ample haul of fresh ingredients by starting to cook meals in batches.

I don't meal plan on a day-by-day basis but I always have an idea of what I plan to make. We usually do a mix of regular dishes, like lentil soup and roasted-vegetable bowls, and some special ones, like risotto or quiche. I find that a rough plan leaves room for spontaneity, leftovers, impromptu dinners with friends, and so on.

I find that freezing soups, stews, and casseroles is a super helpful way to stretch our groceries and save time in the future.

Stocking our freezer and having a good stash of pantry goods goes a long way

A freezer and pantry that are well-stocked with essentials are critical to ensuring we have enough food for two months. This also gives us wiggle room — sometimes I just feel like making an impromptu cake or hearty soup.

Our freezer is meticulously organized and, in addition to batch meals, contains basics like meat, fish, fruit, and veggies. I also keep extra dairy products, like milk and butter, in the freezer.

Our pantry is similarly full and stays well-stocked with basics as we near the end of a two-month grocery cycle. In it, I keep large amounts of preserved vegetables, dry goods (lentils, beans, spices, pasta, oils), and baking essentials (flour, sugar).

The staples are especially handy because we don't buy baked goods or sweets — whatever we're craving has to be made from scratch at home.

We find ways to use everything up, even if we need to get creative

We buy as much fresh produce as we can consume before it spoils. When we first return from Whitehorse, we eat tons of salads and batch cook meals focused on fresh vegetables.

Once we run out of fresh vegetables, our meals shift to include frozen ones. By the end of our grocery stock, we eat lots of soups, stews, and sauteed vegetables made using frozen produce.

If we don't get to fresh fruits like apples, pears, plums, or berries quickly enough, we make them into sauces, compotes, or crumbles. Vegetables that are starting to wilt are used in soups, which can also be frozen.

We've also learned the best ways to store produce to keep it fresh as long as possible

We don't have a root cellar, so we keep our sweet potatoes and potatoes in a cool, dark storage space with plenty of circulation. Onions and garlic are stored in a cool, dry cupboard area away from the potatoes.

When we don't have enough space in our fridge, which is almost always the case when we get home from a grocery trip, we store carrots, beets, and cabbage somewhere cool with their leafy tops removed (like near a window during the winter). Once we have available space in our fridge, we pop them in there.

We've also found chives and asparagus keep well in the fridge covered in a plastic bag and sitting in a glass with about an inch of water.

Making and growing stuff on our own has also been delicious and cost-effective

After our move, I realized that many of the grocery items I used to purchase premade (bread, granola, kombucha), could be easily prepared at home for cheaper.

Plus, by doing so, I can also reduce waste by making what I need when I need it.

We also have a garden, which means we can buy less produce — especially during the long summer days. We also have a water-based hydroponic system, which means we can grow fresh greens during the winter months, too.

When we grow a lot, we preserve. Kale and spinach are chopped and frozen. Root vegetables, like beets, are canned.

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