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  4. I drained my savings and spent $1,440 to go on the field at a Yankees spring training game in Florida. It was a huge disappointment.

I drained my savings and spent $1,440 to go on the field at a Yankees spring training game in Florida. It was a huge disappointment.

Lucia Bailey   

I drained my savings and spent $1,440 to go on the field at a Yankees spring training game in Florida. It was a huge disappointment.
The author paid $1,440 to attend the Yankees Inside Experience spring training game in Tampa, Florida.Lucia Bailey
  • My family and I visited Tampa, Florida, for the New York Yankees Inside Experience spring training.
  • I paid $1,440 to meet former and current players, watch practice, and attend a pre-season game.

In March, my family and I visited Steinbrenner Field in Tampa, Florida, for the New York Yankees Inside Experience program, where guests meet players, take a guided stadium tour, and watch a spring training game at field-level.

In March, my family and I visited Steinbrenner Field in Tampa, Florida, for the New York Yankees Inside Experience program, where guests meet players, take a guided stadium tour, and watch a spring training game at field-level.
Steinbrenner Field in Tampa, Florida.      Lucia Bailey

My family and I are from Manhattan and are lifelong New York Yankees fans. We've been to many games, but this March, we decided to splurge on the Yankees' Inside Experience, a special spring training game with a VIP twist.

We'd have the chance to meet a current and former player and have items signed, take a guided stadium tour, be treated to breakfast or lunch, receive a gift bag, unlimited photo downloads, watch batting practice, and receive a ticket to watch a spring training game at field-level.

It would be a day of learning more about the inner workings of the Yankees, followed by a pre-season game against the Pittsburgh Pirates. For a Yankees fan like myself, it sounded like the ultimate day.

It seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and came with a price tag to match: $1,440 per person. But it was a much-needed activity that we hoped would be worth it.

It seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and came with a price tag to match: $1,440 per person. But it was a much-needed activity that we hoped would be worth it.
The Inside Experience package includes a meet and greet with former and current players.      Lucia Bailey

For our VIP experience, we ended up paying $1,440 per person.

The event cost $425 with a $15 convenience fee, and we opted for an upgrade option of $1,000 to watch on-field practice.

It was a lot of money and I was weary at first, but felt like it was worth it — and needed.

After months of strenuous failed rounds of IVF, my sister wanted to do it to surprise her long-time Yankees fan husband to bring some light back into their life.

My parents decided it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and joined as well. I tagged along, too, still hurting from a recent breakup, but justified the dip into my savings in the hopes that this would also lift my spirits.

When the day of the event arrived, I was convinced that with the amount of money spent, it would be incredible. I was so disappointed to be wrong.

When the day of the event arrived, I was convinced that with the amount of money spent, it would be incredible. I was so disappointed to be wrong.
The author paid $1,000 to watch an on-field practice.      Lucia Bailey

We were all so excited as we entered Steinbrenner Field.

I thought we would be able to speak to the players and learn more about their sport, and my brother-in-law even shipped a bat to Florida just to be able to bring it to the game in the hopes that during on-field batting practice, Aaron Judge would sign it for him.

But unfortunately, things got off to a bad start and seemed to only go downhill. Here's what it was like, and why we decided the motto, "never meet your heroes," is one we'll follow from now on.

Upon entering the stadium, we went through security before going into a room overlooking the practice field, where we each got a gift bag.

Upon entering the stadium, we went through security before going into a room overlooking the practice field, where we each got a gift bag.
Each bag came with a magazine, jersey, baseball hat, and cup.      Lucia Bailey

Upon entering the stadium, we had to go through security, which took a bit longer than expected as my brother-in-law's bat needed extra vetting.

From there, we found a large group of about 70 people all sporting Yankee gear waiting outside the merch shop.

I walked around until a woman holding a clipboard had me sign a liability form, after which, we had to go through security a second time.

After another 15 minutes of standing, we were brought into an air-conditioned room where my family and I staked out a table and opened our gift bags. Each one included a magazine, shirt, hat, and cup.

Next, we were allowed onto the field to take pictures.

Next, we were allowed onto the field to take pictures.
The author on the field with a family member.      Lucia Bailey

Once we were all in the room, it was time for our first event of the day, the on-field experience.

From there, we were ushered onto the field where we all had about 10 minutes to walk around the field and take photographs.

It was a beautiful day and I thought it was incredible to stand on the same field where the Yankees play each year in preparation for a full season of games.

Then, it was time to eat our included meal.

Then, it was time to eat our included meal.
The author's event badge.      Lucia Bailey

Food was thankfully included in the high price tag of the event.

We were served lunch and had the choice of a salad, macaroni, chicken, or a veggie burger. For drinks there was soda and water, and dessert was a plate of cookies.

I opted for the veggie burger first but didn't like it, and ended up eating the chicken instead.

A little while later, I rose to get water and saw a line of 10 people still waiting for food because they ran out. I watched as they continued to wait for another 15 minutes before more was served. I did not hear any reason given as to why, and I chalked it up to not expecting the food to go as fast as it did.

After lunch was the meet and greet with a former and current Yankee.

After lunch was the meet and greet with a former and current Yankee.
The meet and greet included former player Nick Swisher and current player Harrison Bader.      Lucia Bailey

Part of the package advertised a meet and greet with former and current players. On our printed itinerary, I read that the players who participate would be picked by the event team.

For our event, Nick Swisher was the former Yankee in attendance, and Harrison Bader was the current player present.

Before the meet and greet, Meredith Marakovits, the sports reporter for the Yankees Yes! Network since 2012, interviewed each player for a half hour. She asked Harrison Bader about his recent injury, and Nick Swisher about some of his favorite moments as a Yankee.

At the end, she gave the audience a chance to ask the players questions as well.

Following the interviews, we lined up to meet the players and take pictures — but were not permitted to take photos on our own phone.

Following the interviews, we lined up to meet the players and take pictures — but were not permitted to take photos on our own phone.
The author was given a baseball signed by Harrison Bader.      Lucia Bailey

I took my phone out as I waited for my turn in line.

But I didn't realize that we weren't allowed to take our own photos.

One of the employees told me to put my phone away, and that only an official photographer would be allowed to take the photos for us. And in addition to this rule, I'd have to pay an extra $8 to purchase any photo.

I thought this was confusing, not only given the $1,440 price tag I paid for the day's activities, but also because the event website advertised unlimited photo downloads.

I felt like I was left with two disappointing options: spend more money, or leave without my highly-anticipated photo with a Yankee player.

We were, however, given pre-signed baseballs by Harrison Bader, and a photograph signed by Nick Swisher.

I was hoping we would then return outside to watch batting practice, but instead, we had to sit through another interview.

I was hoping we would then return outside to watch batting practice, but instead, we had to sit through another interview.
The author taking a selfie during the interviews.      Lucia Bailey

The day's itinerary mentioned guest appearances, and I suppose that's what happened next.

Brian Cashman then arrived to give an interview in front of the group. Brian Cashman has been the Yankees' General Manager since 1998, and has guided the team to 14 division titles, six American League championships and four World Series titles.

To say he is an intelligent and inspiring man is an understatement, however, I found the talk to be lengthy, and I didn't think his answers revealed anything I didn't already know about the team. I was anxious to get outside and watch the practice and game, which is what we were really there to see.

Finally, it was time to watch batting practice. But a lack of direction on where exactly we were supposed to go made it feel confusing to me.

Finally, it was time to watch batting practice. But a lack of direction on where exactly we were supposed to go made it feel confusing to me.
The author got to watch batting practice.      Lucia Bailey

I was on the first level of the stadium when I asked someone in the group if they knew where we should go.

"No idea," he commented with a shrug, "No one said anything, but I think this is as close as we can get?"

A crowd of us picked the closest seats to the practice, and I happily put my feet up, excited to watch.

But after about five minutes, a woman came over to kick us out of these seats, stating we couldn't sit there, but did not tell us where to go instead before she rushed off.

We eventually found our spot on the field beside home plate and watched practice for an hour. I loved seeing the players of my beloved team work on their sport. However, it quickly became underwhelming.

We eventually found our spot on the field beside home plate and watched practice for an hour. I loved seeing the players of my beloved team work on their sport. However, it quickly became underwhelming.
The author stood near home plate.      Lucia Bailey

While I was excited to watch the New York Yankees at batting practice, it fell short of my expectations.

I watched for a while, and glanced at the people around me. I noticed that they held baseballs, markers, hats, and other things that they hoped to have signed by players.

But in my opinion, the players seemed to ignore us standing there.

Surely, I thought, the players would come over and at least talk to the children around me. I assumed they were waiting until they finished and the Pirates started practiced, when perhaps they would have more time.

Only one player came over for signatures.

Only one player came over for signatures.
The author was surprised that the players mostly ignored visitors.      Lucia Bailey

While player interactions at this point were not guaranteed as part of the event, I was still surprised that more Yankees did not come over for signatures or photos.

The only active Yankee player who came over and signed autographs was the shortstop, Oswaldo Cabrera, which was nice to see. I watched as he went over to half of the people in the closed-off area and signed what he was able to.

I thought other players would come say hello to the Inside Experience guests still waiting, but no one came.

I even saw a child ask a player for his baseball to be signed, and noticed that the player heard him, turned, and walked away while on his phone.

I understand not wishing to be bothered, but knowing that this child's parents paid a large sum and choosing not to participate blew my mind.

At that point, I left to get food, but my sister and brother-in-law waited two more hours on the field in the hopes that someone would sign their bat.

At that point, I left to get food, but my sister and brother-in-law waited two more hours on the field in the hopes that someone would sign their bat.
The author and a family member.      Lucia Bailey

When the Yankees finished batting practice, I left to go find food.

My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew, however, stayed on the field to watch the Pirates practice as well, hoping they still might see Aaron Judge and have him sign the bat.

It didn't happen. But some of the Pirates players did walk over and take pictures with my nephew and signed baseballs, which I thought was very nice.

I reached out to the New York Yankees for comment in response to my criticisms of the event.

I reached out to the New York Yankees for comment in response to my criticisms of the event.
A man and child on the field for spring training.      Lucia Bailey

A representative for the team told me that while many people come and enjoy their time at the Yankee Inside Experience, the players are tight on time with schedules and it's hard to know who can be there and for how long, and that each day is different.

The rep also clarified that there is an unlimited photo download option online, but attendees must pay for physical copies of photographs.

Finally, they told me they want their customers to feel valued and explained it could have been a bad day, and hoped my family might come back again next year.

Ultimately, there were nice moments throughout the day, but as a whole, I regret paying $1,440.

Ultimately, there were nice moments throughout the day, but as a whole, I regret paying $1,440.
The author was disappointed with the experience.      Lucia Bailey

Had I known how the day would have gone, I never would have paid so much for this experience.

However, I also cherished seeing my nephew's smiling face, watching the actual baseball game that night, and appreciated the kind Pirates players who came to talk to my family even though they knew they were Yankees fans.

But I still can't help but feel disappointed, especially as I watched my sister and brother-in-law stand there for hours.

This was not an easy expense, and one that was supposed to help lift our spirits as a family. The Yankees are a staple in our family and I've long looked up to the players.

But after the event, I can't help but view them, and the franchise, differently.

I'm still a Yankees fan, but I'll be sticking to regular tickets from now on.

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