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Here are the most common 'bait and switch' Airbnb scams, and how to avoid them

Here are the most common 'bait and switch' Airbnb scams, and how to avoid them
Airbnb guests say hosts have ruined their stays by switching properties or addresses at the last minute. Here are ways to avoid becoming a victim.hikesterson/Getty, Image Source/Getty, Tyler Le/Insider
  • In a "bait and switch" Airbnb scam, a host changes addresses or units at the last minute.
  • Scammed guests have ended up in properties that are of worse quality or not what they paid for.

Anticipating a busy summer in Orange County, California, Jack Bouroudjian booked a two-bedroom condo on Airbnb months in advance. But when the day of the trip arrived, the host informed Bouroudjian that the condo was no longer available — the air conditioning was broken.

Anticipating a busy summer in Orange County, California, Jack Bouroudjian booked a two-bedroom condo on Airbnb months in advance. But when the day of the trip arrived, the host informed Bouroudjian that the condo was no longer available — the air conditioning was broken.
A road in Orange County, California.      Stephanie Starr/EyeEm/Getty Images

Luckily, the host happened to have another unit at the ready.

"We really didn't have a choice," Bouroudjian told Insider. "I would've gone to a hotel, but it was a holiday weekend."

So he accepted the new property — which was farther from the family he was visiting and a lot smaller.

Instead of the two bedrooms Bouroudjian had booked for himself, his wife, and his daughter, the Airbnb had only one bedroom and a loft with a pull-out couch. Instead of two bathrooms, there was just one.

"Sometimes you end up with a bad trade, and you take a hit," Bouroudjian, who has worked as a trader on the New York Stock Exchange, said.

But it wasn't just a bad trade. Following his stay, Bouroudjian read through the host's reviews on Airbnb, where other users shared stories of the host changing their stay at the last minute.

Bouroudjian and his family appeared caught in a "bait and switch."

Bouroudjian and his family appeared caught in a "bait and switch."
Airbnb on a phone.      RightFramePhotoVideo/Shutterstock

The move is simple. An Airbnb user books a listing with clear photos and an address, only to be told at the last minute that something has gone wrong: The host sent the incorrect address, the property was accidentally double-booked, or the Airbnb has a serious issue that's made it unavailable.

After being directed to the "correct" property, or to another property, the guest discovers it's worse than what they booked — in terms of location, size, amenities, or all three.

In a statement, Airbnb said it prohibited bait-and-switch tactics and investigated all related allegations, providing support to guests and removing bad actors from its platform.

All the Airbnb users interviewed by Insider said they were able to get some or all their money back from the company. But they all added that they were shocked that they, as experienced users, had been tricked. And in all cases, it ruined their stays, they said.

Scammers will tell guests last minute that a property has been trashed or that they've "double-booked."

Scammers will tell guests last minute that a property has been trashed or that they
Jill and Isaac Parkinson faced issues in Montenegro in 2019.      Jill and Isaac Parkinson

Airbnb hosts use all kinds of explanations as to why a property is suddenly no longer available. Bouroudjian was given the excuse of a broken air conditioner; a 2020 Vice article said scammers had also blamed unavailable properties on plumbing issues or on previous guests trashing the space.

Another popular method is a false "double-booking," which Jill and Isaac Parkinson said they experienced in October 2019. The couple were planning to fly out of Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, when they learned that the airline they'd booked with had gone bankrupt. They needed a last-minute place to stay until they could get an alternative flight, so they booked an Airbnb.

As the couple started walking to the address, the host contacted them to tell them that their Airbnb had accidentally been double-booked. Luckily, the host said, they had a much bigger and better Airbnb the pair could stay in instead.

The Parkinsons were initially thrilled to hear that an Airbnb host had another — bigger — property available. Then they saw it.

The Parkinsons were initially thrilled to hear that an Airbnb host had another — bigger — property available. Then they saw it.
The entrance to the Parkinsons' Airbnb in Montenegro.      Jill and Isaac Parkinson

Excited to get a bigger place, the Parkinsons accepted the host's offer, switched walking directions, and headed to the new address. But while the new Airbnb was much more spacious, it was nowhere near as nice as the place they had originally booked.

There was only one light in the entire space, Jill said, and not a single outlet worked. Instead of the full kitchen they'd booked, there was only a hot plate and a coffee machine.

"It didn't feel like anyone should be living there," Jill said. The couple decided to leave in search of a nearby hotel.

As the pair carried their luggage down the stairs of the Airbnb, Jill said they overheard other guests in the building questioning whether they were going to get their money back from the company. That confirmed to her that it was a scam, she said.

The couple reached out to Airbnb, which refunded their stay, offered them credit toward a future stay, and mailed them a branded apron.

Hosts will sometimes advertise a desirable address, then switch last minute to a less-desirable one.

Hosts will sometimes advertise a desirable address, then switch last minute to a less-desirable one.
Conversations between Jasmine Alvarez and her Airbnb host.      Airbnb screenshots courtesy of Jasmine Alvarez

Another common, upsetting situation is when an Airbnb host advertises a property at a desirable address, only to switch the location to a less-attractive spot at the last minute.

That's what happened to Jasmine Alvarez on Halloween. She had booked a four-bedroom townhouse in West Hollywood, California, for herself and 11 friends within walking distance of the area's bars and Halloween festivities.

Leading up to the trip, Alvarez received a message from the host. He told her the property's address was actually on North Oxford Avenue in Los Angeles — 2.7 miles away from the listed address and technically in a different city.

It was "miles away from everything that we wanted to do," Alvarez told Insider. But with the short notice, Alvarez's group wasn't able to find a similarly sized Airbnb for the holiday weekend. They were stuck staying at the other property and had to rely on ride-hailing instead of walking.

A spokesperson for Airbnb said that the company's policies stated that hosts should not provide inaccurate location information and that they couldn't substitute listings without a guest's agreement.

After the trip, Alvarez filed a complaint with Airbnb. They gave her a $315 refund on the $1,492 stay, which she said wasn't enough to cover the roughly $400 they spent on Uber rides over the course of the weekend.

Brian Thomas experienced an address switch in 2020 when he traveled from Tennessee to Houston to ring in the new year with his significant other.

Brian Thomas experienced an address switch in 2020 when he traveled from Tennessee to Houston to ring in the new year with his significant other.
A sign on a wall points to an Airbnb accommodation. (Brian Thomas' Airbnb not pictured.)      David Bokuchava/Shutterstock

Thomas had chosen an Airbnb over a hotel so he could cook dinner and have space for his at-home workouts.

But when he entered a code provided by his host for the complex's parking lot, the gate didn't open. He tried again, failed again, and messaged the Airbnb host.

The host told Thomas that he was at the wrong apartment. The address on Airbnb was incorrect; the actual listing was about a 10-minute drive away.

He went to the other address and, "immediately, we realized the quality of the apartment was not what they had advertised," Thomas said, adding: "I was furious."

The furniture was old, the kitchen lacked cooking utensils, and the entire space was more outdated than the listing pictures showed, Thomas said.

"It was not what was advertised," he said.

So Thomas and his partner packed up their bags and headed to a hotel.

Thomas said he immediately asked for a refund from the Airbnb host, who denied the request. He then filed a complaint with Airbnb support, receiving partial credit for the $600 Airbnb stay.

"We lost a lot of money, especially since it was New Year's," Thomas said.

Bait and switches "are one of the common scams I receive," said Michelle Couch-Friedman, a consumer advocate and the founder of Consumer Rescue, a group that mediates problems between consumers and companies.

Bait and switches "are one of the common scams I receive," said Michelle Couch-Friedman, a consumer advocate and the founder of Consumer Rescue, a group that mediates problems between consumers and companies.
Reviews mentioning an inaccurate location on an Airbnb listing.      Airbnb

After working with hundreds of consumers, Couch-Friedman said there were a handful of steps guests could take to avoid ending up in a bait and switch.

First and foremost, she said, users need to understand that Airbnb is not a management company.

"Airbnb is just a listing site. It's like a dating service — they're the middleman," she said.

That means that, like a prospective date, it's up to the user to vet a host. She suggests booking only with Superhosts, a status hosts can earn from the company when their properties get consistently high ratings and when they are judged to be responsive to guests' inquiries.

Couch-Friedman also encourages travelers to book Airbnbs that have plenty of reviews — and to make sure they read those reviews beforehand.

"You want to see reviews, and you want to scroll through all those reviews," she said. "The worst reviews might be buried."

For example, Hollywood Home, the Airbnb host Alvarez used, had a four-star rating at the time she booked the property. Seeing that rating might convince an Airbnb user that the host is great. But reading the reviews tells a different story. Insider found that across 365 reviews of the host's 28 listings, more than 40 mentioned the host switching the address.

Finally, Couch-Friedman said, Airbnb users can avoid these situations by having a conversation with the host before the scheduled stay.

"Get a feel for that person," she said. "Most scammers don't have time for that. They don't want to interact with anybody."

Even with those precautions, a bait and switch can still happen.

Even with those precautions, a bait and switch can still happen.
Two travelers leave a vacation rental.      Hero Images Inc/Getty Images

"Unfortunately, a lot of times a bait and switch doesn't reveal itself until the renter shows up at the property or they find out 24 hours beforehand," Couch-Friedman said.

If you find yourself in a bait-and-switch situation, Couch-Friedman said the best way to get a full refund was to immediately reach out to the host through Airbnb's resolution center, the online portal the company uses for settling issues that arise during a stay. If you stay in the Airbnb without notifying the company, it could be more challenging to get a full refund.

Airbnb doesn't send a host their payment until 24 hours after a guest checks in, Couch-Friedman added, so you should file a complaint within that 24-hour period. Airbnb's AirCover policy allows guests to report any issues within three days, but the longer you stay at a property, the more challenging it can be to get a full refund, she said.

While you wait for a resolution, document everything, Couch-Friedman said. Take screenshots of the original listing, as well as pictures of the new property.

And be sure to keep any conversations with a host within the Airbnb app. Scammers, Couch-Friedman said, often try to switch to phone calls or other messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp, so there's no paper trail.

Finally, Couch-Friedman said, guests should not cancel the listing themselves. Sometimes hosts will urge travelers to do so, but "as soon as you press cancel, that releases the money from Airbnb to the host," she said, adding: "As far as Airbnb is concerned, that's the end of the contract."

As for Bouroudjian, he reached out to Airbnb about his case, and the company offered him a voucher for a future stay, which he said he declined.

He has a trip to Italy on the horizon, but he doesn't plan on using Airbnb again.

"I'm going straight to the hotels and booking," he said.

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